What Kind Of America Do You Want?

From a thread at Steve Sailer:

* A question I’ve often wanted to ask is what kind of US Constitution would people here write if given the chance to do so, assuming the country to be as it is today, e.g. same ethnic composition of the population, etc.

I’d say a provision for each race to be entitled only to the wealth it creates (however it may be redistributed among themselves) would be vital, along with complete freedom of association. Also, immigration (if any) to be decided by plebiscite.

* I’ve given your idea some thought, since it is obvious that we are no longer genuinely governed by the Constitution of 1787 as amended, but by some version of the British constitution: a mixture of documents, judicial decisions and traditions. I find myself in reluctant agreement with Ruth Bader Ginsburg; the present U.S. Constitution is probably not a good model anyway. It was fine for a nation of 3 million racially homogeneous persons (not counting blacks and Indians) where voting was by white male landowners. But it is increasingly obvious that it is unworkable; the farce of “shutting down the government” in cases of Presidential-Congressinal impasse is an obvious example. The larger question is whether the United States is itself sustainable as a nation of fifty states and numerous racial groups and sub-groups? I don’t think so, so what other models are there?

George Kennan had an idea (in Around the Cragged Hill) for a dissolution of the present Union and its reconstitution into about eight mostly autonomous republics, each of which would be strong enough for self-defense, but none of which would be powerful enough to interfere outside its borders. In light of the increasing racial diversity of the U.S. since Kennan published his idea, I’ve thought more in terms of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Holy Roman Empire; largely self-governing ethnic nationalities with an overall loyalty to an elected or hereditary sovereign. Drawing the borders of the ethnic nationalities is, of course, tricky, as it was especially for the Hapsburgs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Had it survived World War I, it would probably have become the Austro-Hungarian-Slavic Triple Monarchy. The United States would divide less neatly, with large enclaves in the “wrong” racial nation–always a recipe for trouble.

I admit that all my ideas run into trouble when one considers the division of nuclear weapons (not a problem for the Holy Roman or Austro-Hungarian Empires)–not only who gets them, but how is the capability to maintain them and their delivery systems controlled. Perhaps that could be one of the function of the elected imperial sovereign.

* It’s International Women’s Day!

Here’s to strong independent women leaving everyone the fuck alone by being so independent and strong that they don’t need a UN holiday to proclaim it and give out scholarships and cash prizes based solely on owning a vagina which is so difficult to achieve that only 51% of mankind has ever done it!

* Man, noticing patterns can get really depressing sometimes…

I read this whole story with interest…

A Plagiarism Scandal Is Unfolding In The Crossword World

USA Today’s Embattled Crossword Puzzle Editor Is Stepping Back, For Now

Only when I Googled the plagiarist involved did I discover that he was black. Worst suspicions, confirmed!

* A German water park has decided that the best way to deal with sex attacks by Muslim migrants is to make itself more like the Muslim countries the migrants came from in the first place. Because Afghanistan is such a great place to be a woman.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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