Is Israel The Only Country Where The Tide Is Moving Against Muslims?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* We have an interest in protecting Europe and Israel from Muslim takeover. Every year white Christiandom retreats a little bit more to Islam. Europe and America get a little more Muslim, and the remaining Christians are murdered and expelled from their scattered enclaves in the Middle East, the remnants of the days when white Christian Romans and Greeks ruled all of the middle east/north africa from Casablanca to Kuwait.

Israel is the only place in the entire world where the tide is moving against Muslims, where they are in a geographic, political, and demographic decline. We need to support them both as allies and as examples.

* The neocons aren’t the Jewish establishment (which is moderately left-wing), the neocons are a bunch of intellectuals who moved right when the USSR turned on Israel and are now drifting back because they see the Trumpists as sort of like the American equivalent of Polish peasants with pitchforks.

Being only a halfie I can see both sides–I get that everyone’s afraid of Weimar 1933, but that country had only a few decades of democracy and a whole third of the country that wanted to go back to monarchy. The DNVP didn’t have a rabbi opening their convention in the 1930s.

* 1. Left-wing Jews feel a need to identify with the oppressed (they are leftwingers after all), and Trump’s racism (such as it is) reminds them of old antisemitic statements. A lot of it is Ellis Island worship, more or less, as well as ‘They came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist…’ The idea is that because of their history of persecution, they have a duty to speak up for other persecuted groups.

2. Neocons are scared s***less of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. I think the Israel issue is secondary here; everyone gets fed endless Holocaust stories (yes, I agree it happened, the point is they’re constantly reminded about it in childhood) and a lot of them see Nazis under every table.

I’d like to see Trump force the Israelis to the negotiating table; this settlement thing isn’t sustainable over the long-term. They’re overplaying their hand, and it won’t end well for them.

* I actually think Nuland is acting in her capacity as an agent of the American empire, not as a Jew. They want to weaken Russia as a rival power, so they support Ukrainian separatism.

For my part, I want to see America strong, but I don’t think extending a rival alliance to Putin’s borders is such a hot idea.

* Yeah, they’re all massively triggered – not rational at all. Even the pundits I didn’t know were Jewish are uncontrollably outing themselves in frenzy. It would be quite comical if this sort of thing didn’t have a habit of ending in tears.

* Jewish voters and congressmen strongly opposed the Iraq War, more than any other group except black congressmen.

* The people who opposed the Iraq invasion were (1) White “racists”, (2) Lew Rockwell libertarians, (3) Justin Raimondo, and (4) miscellaneous alt-righters. Remember, disagreeing with something and opposing something are not the same thing.

* Once the genie is out of the bottle the worry is what comes next? And is what comes next controllable by Jewish elites? However, the problem with this line of thinking is that the typical paranoia of Jews assumes that what comes next is gong to be anti -Semitic whereas there is no reason it has to be.

I mean Reagan was was for free markets (and people were very scared of him IIRC), but thirty years later are we living in a libertarian wet dream? No. Just because there is drift toward nationalism, to correct thirty years of not giving a fuck about the working poor and middle class (uncontrolled immigration and terrible trade deals that only benefit the 1%) who are primarily White does not mean we will have the rise of Nazism. For Crying out loud, Donald has Orthodox Jewish grandchildren!

Given the quite horrible way starting with Clinton that two parties have conspired to screw the American public for the benefit of Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce, do they really expect that there would no reaction? Are they that insane and deluded? Trump is just a mild but energetic expression of these pressures.

Whites in particular are undergoing a “soft genocide” (TM) (i.e.,unlimited immigration, outsourcing, in sourcing, and affirmative action, and demonizing being White in the press and media) as is evidenced by the much talked about change in White longevity in the USA. Do people think Whites will do nothing in response to these pressures? So far White despair has been inner directed in suicide by drug and alcohol abuse etc…, but is inevitable that it will become outer directed if the suffering is not ameliorated. Why, because not all Whites are inner directed who tend to self-harm under these circumstances. Most are not.

De Tocqueville observed that most revolutions start when rising expectations are dashed.

I wonder that if Donald Trump is unsuccessful in ameliorating the suffering of the White lower and middle classes, and uniting people of all races, we will than get a real firebrand …someone more along the lines of a real Hitler?

I wouldn’t be surprised if this were to happen. I think that is the greater danger IMO, because it will entail a lot of suffering by everyone Whites included.

* Israel has a high birthrate and immigration rate, and it is quickly filling up the good parts of the West Bank with settlements. My problem with their policy is that it is too influenced by religion rather than plain nationalism. The perfect example of this is Hebron. It once had a large Jewish community and religious significance to them (supposedly the burial site of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob), but was ethnically cleansed by Muslims a long time ago. Right now out of a population of 200,000, about 500 are Jews. Keeping them safe requires a lot of resources and it is just stupid for them to be there. There are no important resources, and it antagonizes the Arabs to no good end.

Much better to just divide up the area into as few pieces as possible.

* I’m an unabashedly philosemitic Christian. I like and respect Jews. I like and respect Israel. All I want is a Likud-like nationalism for the U.S.

I’m like Matt Damon’s character in “The Good Shepherd.” The Catholics have their church. The Jews have their traditions. Us Protestants? We’ve got the United States of America. That’s our Pope and our Israel. Why is that so bad? We don’t want to put anybody in ovens. We kind of like people who forcefully stand up for themselves. Why aren’t we allowed to do that?

* “The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendent quality.” – Ben Wattenberg. He also noted that “melting pot” Zangwill was a Zionist, which in a definition of the time was “a Jew who tries to persuade a second Jew to convince a third Jew to emigrate to Palestine”.

The members of the Lobby don’t live in Israel, so its survival as a Jewish state is not their true priority. They are primarily interested in how they can be important people in the US. Arguing for Israel to do what it needs to do in order to survive as a Jewish state, which happens to be something only President Trump might accept, would damage their personal prestige.

Wattenberg is quite representative of influential Jews, inasmuch he rehashes the greatest hit (condemning white gentiles as perpetually teetering over a slippery slope to a Fourth Reich) while ignoring or hand waving about Israel’s situation. He is patted on the head for that, as a good little boy, and gets to feel important.

* Haaretz is a left wing rag representative of virtually no one in Israel but the far left. This is like quoting the Nation as “the view from America”. It has the lowest circulation of any “major” newspaper in Israel but for some reason it is always quoted by the foreign press. The paper is Netanyahu deranged.

Most Israelis do not understand or care about US domestic politics. But Trump’s platform of a strong borders, protection of domestic industry and protection of the native demographic is the accepted norm in Israel and would be considered utterly unremarkable – except by Haaretz. (It is also why left wing US Jews are increasingly disenchanted with Israel.) Except for one thing, Trump himself would do well as a politician in Israel. That one thing is lack of military service.

Israel and the West, especially Europe, will increasingly diverge. First because the West becomes more Muslim and less nationalist while Israel becomes less Muslim and more nationalist. We will see which way America goes. Like the host, I am hoping we imitate Israel and not Europe.

* Speaking from personal experience, views about Trump in Israel are much more positive than in Britain. Trump, like it or not, fairly or not, is loathed across most of the White world. I saw a hilarious article in The Telegraph (Britain’s allegedly right wing broadsheet) about how Trump is a sexist pig because his wife says they don’t argue or something. Conversely 80%+ Israelis think he would be an improvement on Obama.

* Of course, in the long run, Trump has no chance since the Zionist powers-that-be are aligned against him. But he has stirred up something, and it might not go away for some time.

Obviously, the main issue is Jews vs Trump. Trump isn’t anti-Jewish but he is not solely Jew-centric, and this upsets Jews. Jewish Neocons think GOP exists to serve Jewish and Zionist interests first and foremost.

We hear all these Jews complaining about how Trump is all about the Authoritarian Personality and Paranoid Style in American Politics, but this is rather amusing coming from Jews, the most authoritarian (even totalitarian) and paranoid people in the world. Jews see Hitler everywhere. Every time there is someone in the world they don’t like, he is the ‘new hitler’ and US military must get ready to squash him. Or US must economically sanction and destroy that nation.

Trump’s business associates are Jewish. His daughter is married to a Jew and even converted to Jewishness and raised kid as Jew. But he is ‘hitler’ because he won’t give Jews 100% on everything. If Jews say Russia must be destroyed, it must be destroyed. The fact that Trump wants good relations with Russia makes him Hitler. This is rather amusing since Neocon Jews and Obama(tool of Liberal Zionist Jews) worked with Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to topple the government. And US’s invocation of human rights is so hollow since it is such close allies with Saudi Arabia, which still practices Medievialism, and with Israel, a nation founded on European Imperialism and ethnic cleansing of indigenous people. Afrikaners imposed separateness but didn’t throw blacks out of black lands. If anything, more blacks were attracted to white-ruled South Africa. In contrast, so-called Israel Democracy was made possible only because Jews secured majority status by expelling 800,000 people from Palestine. And West Bank is still under occupation and Israel used horrible violence to crush enemies in Gaza and Lebanon. (US imperialism cynically uses ‘democracy’ to invade and control other peoples. So, Zionist destruction of Palestinians was justified because… uh… Israel is a democracy and has ‘gay parades’. US does this all over the world. Economically or militarily destroys other nations in the name of spreading democracy and ‘western values’, which now amounts to planting homo flags and flooding the airwaves of other nations with Miley Cyrus concerts. If US wants to wreck another nation, we know how it will play out. US will say it was for ‘human rights’ and to spread ‘democracy’. Yeah, like in Iraq and Libya. And to support ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria when, in fact, they are just Alqaeda with a new name. But then, US is is the nation that once supported Osama Bin Laden as ‘freedom fighter’.)

US cooked up bogus claims against Gaddafi to crush him and destroy Libya but allows Israel to amass 300 illegal nukes and go on occupying and stealing Palestinian land. US thinks it is morally superior and has the right to push the world around because… uh.. lessee… it has ‘gay marriage’. Imagine that. So, Russia is Eeeeeeeeeevil because it doesn’t have ‘gay marriage’ and doesn’t permit homo paraders to desecrate Red Square that commemorates the sacrifice of 20 million Russians in WWII.

We know that the homo agenda is the proxy of Jewish globalist imperialism. It is funded by Wall Street, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Silicon Valley, Harvard, Yale, and etc. dominated by Jewish interests. It is to undermine national cultures and make them easier for globalist penetration. In the US, you will now be destroyed professionally if you express disdain for homosexual lifestyle. That is called ‘freedom’ and ‘tolerance’. Jews are very clever. They gain AUTHORITARIAN control over us but then call it ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’. We live in a nation where someone cracking a joke about Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner can end up in hot water. And millennials raised by PC helicopter parents no longer value free speech. 70% of millennial freshmen want free speech suppressed if it offends certain favored groups, esp Jews, blacks, and homos. As for Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Muslims, and etc, they can still be bashed since Jews hate them. Look how Jewish Neocons are using Poles against Russia, Japanese against China, and the vile Saudis against Iran. The Saudi case shows that the Jewish-Homo campaign is a cynical ploy. If it is so important, why push it on Russia and Japan but not on Saudi Arabia? Because Saudis are close allies of the US. It comes under NO human rights scrutiny. Obama and Hillary, both shills of Jews, call Putin the ‘new hitler’ even though homosexuality is legal in Russia, but shake hands with Saudi royals who preside over a nation where homos and others can be beheaded for the slightest infraction.

Anyway, just look how Jewish Power and AIPAC pressures all US politicians to pledge to Israel. What do Mitt Romney and Bernie Sanders have in common? They both cheered the mass killing of women and children in Gaza. Even though Jews occupy Palestinian lands, we must make believe Jews are under attack by ‘nazi’ Palestinians.

Jews are only 2% of population but control so much. But Jews see no problem with that. Jews bitch about how ‘white privilege’ is unfair and that certain groups are under-represented, but that’s all just smoke-and-mirrors to hide the fact that it is Jewish privilege, not white gentile privilege, that is totally out of control. Indeed, white gentile representation in elite colleges is way below the national share of the population. But Jews hide Jewish privilege behind ‘white privilege’ and then blame white gentiles, indeed as if Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and etc are dominated by Southern hillbillies and Texan cowboys.

And look at the Fed. It’s been Jewish controlled for as long as I can remember. This Yellen is yet another Jew, and she got some guy named Fischer, an Israeli to boot, to work alongside her. Now, if someone noticed that there are ‘too many Jews’, Jews would scream antisemitic. But these Jews always bitch about ‘too many whites’. The Hypocritical Style of Jewish Politics is incredible. And it is Ethno-Authoritarian, predicated on the notion that the 2% should rule over the 98%. Jewish attitude toward Americans is like British attitude toward Indians during imperialism. The small minority should rule over the rest. Yet, Jews bitch about Authoritarian Personality. Talk about projection!

Neocons are a small percentage of the Republican Party, but they insist that GOP serve Zionism and Jewish centrism above all. Talk about authoritarian, or even totalitarian, personality.

Hillary is supposed to be a ‘progressive’, but she turns her nose up at Palestinians who still live under occupation because she takes money from Goldman Sachs. And so-called ‘progressive’ Jews find nothing wrong with Jews getting special favors from Hillary and other whore politicians.

But if you notice Jewish power, you end up like Rick Sanchez or Helen Thomas (whose great sin was having said that European Zionist imperialists should go back to Europe. Why is that offensive? Why Gandhi wrong when he said Brits should go home? Was Ho Chi Minh wrong when he said Americans should go home? Were the Algerians wrong when they said French imperialists should go home?) Jews bitch about authoritarian McCarthy, but McCarthy was around for just few yrs. Jewish authoritarianism that destroys careers and silences voices never goes away.

It should be obvious that Jews were never about free speech. They just invoked it to gain power. It was all about SPEECH CONTROL. When Wasps had speech control, Jews resented it because they wanted it for themselves. So, Jews invoked ‘free speech’ to weaken and undermine wasp power. But once Jews gained the power, they began to silence and destroy everyone they didn’t like.

This is classic Jewish Authoritarian Personality in action.
GOP welcomed Neocons into the party, but when Neocons took power, they purged everyone they didn’t like. They acted just like the Bolsheviks.

Yet, these Jews bitch about how OTHER people suffer from ‘authoritarian personalities’.

So, what Jews really wanted was not free speech for all but free speech as temporary weapon to gain power of speech control. Now that Jews got speech control, they wanna shut people down and push European-like laws where people can be fined and jailed for speaking truth to Jewish Power. Jews cleverly use terms like ‘hate speech’, but of course, they decide what is ‘hate speech’. Zionism, an ideology that called for massive ethnic cleansing, Jewish racial consciousness, Jewish nationalism, and ruthless violence against Palestinians is NOT hate speech according to Jews. But if you one notices the truth and says ‘Jews control US politicians like so many whores’, oh that is ‘antisemitic hate speech’. Very very clever.

Now, I think mindless anti-Jewishness is wrong because there are plenty of conscientious and decent Jews. But most Jewish people don’t have the power. We have to focus on Jewish Power, and it is evil, corrupt, dishonest, repressive, and exploitative. Just like there were many decent Germans in Nazi Germany but were ineffective against evil Nazi power, there seem to be many good Jews in the US but are ineffective against Jewish Elite Power that is hellbent on spreading wars all over, destroying lives who don’t celebrate homosexuality, silencing and purging all critics of Israel and Zionism, the hate ideology of Jewish supremacism against Palestinians.

The evil Powerful Jews in California and Florida are even passing laws banning BDS movement and forbidding anyone associated with it from doing business with the government. Imagine that! And there is total silence about this even in the Liberal Jewish community.

When Jewish power runs amok, it does things like this:

Given what happened to Russia due to globalist Jewish conniving, you would think at least the nice conscientious Jews would try to understand the Russian position and work toward mutual understanding.

Instead, Jews push pussy riot and homo agenda on Russia as part of globalist Zionist-US imperialism, and when Russia pushes it back, Jews cry ‘authoritarianism’ and ‘repression’.

Now, are Russians trying to force Russian Orthodox ideology or Russian nationalism on Americans? NO. Russians just wanna mind their own business. it is the Jewish-controlled US that uses its military and financial and cultural power to force the homo agenda on other nations. So, Jews are the aggressive cultural aggressors but cry ‘victim’ when other nations say, “No, we don’t want this garbage.”

While tolerance for homos is a good thing, why would any nation want to celebrate homsexuality? How would Americans like it IF, say, the Chinese were into incest and tried to push ‘incest marriage’ and ‘incest pride parades’ on the US and then accused US of being ‘new nazis’ for not allowing it?

But this is what Jewish globalist imperialists do with the homo agenda. It is a new form of imperialism masked as ‘spreading human rights’.

Of course, US is a paragon of human rights because Christian bakers who won’t bake cakes for ‘gay weddings’ are fined, economically destroyed, and sent to jail.

Imagine if incest-lobby forced ‘incest marriage’ on everyone and then used government to destroy businesses that won’t cater to ‘incest marriage’.

This homo stuff isn’t about equality. It is about homo supremacism promoted by Jews to institutionalize elite minority domination, an idea favored by Jews because Jews are elite minorities in US and EU.

Of course, what I’ve just written would be called ‘hate speech’ in so-called bastions of higher education that are supposed to encourage free debate and speaking to power. There is no way to rise up in academia or media unless one kisses the ass of Jewish supremacist power. No matter how respected your reputation, if you displease Jews, you are finished and will end up destroyed and lonely like Helen Thomas. No one came to her aid when she was destroyed for speaking up for her ethnic brethren.

American moral logic goes as follow:

If a Jew says “It was great for European Jews to drive out indigenous Palestinians and grab the land and force Palestinians to live under Jewish occupation”, he or she is showered with prizes and given a seat at Harvard, Goldman Sachs, and the Fed.

If an Arab-American says, “European Jews who stole land from Palestinians should return the land and go back to Europe”, he or she is destroyed on the spot, and no one come near him or her lest they be destroyed for ‘guilty by association’.

Yet, Jews bitch about how OTHER people suffer from ‘authoritarian personality’ disorder.

Steven Salaita in NYC: ‘It’s not just Israel and Palestine that get people in trouble – it’s challenging power’

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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