Steve Sailer: Should NYT Renounce Carlos Slim for Exploiting Poor Mexicans? Should Slim Dynasty Renounce Their Fascist Relatives?

Steve Sailer writes:

But this notion that Hispanics are a race tied together by blood who are the hereditary victims of racism by the white race, present and past, raises peculiarly delicate questions for the New York Times. If the sins of non-Hispanics ancestors are on the table for a full airing, what about dynasty that is the largest shareholder in the New York Times itself?

It would be especially interesting to discuss why the six heirs of the New York Times’ financial savior, Carlos Slim, would qualify for affirmative action as Hispanics if they moved to America, considering that they are pure Lebanese Maronite by descent, with a great-grandfather, Pierre Gemayel, who founded the fascist Phalangist paramilitary of Lebanon and a great uncle who was the most notorious rightwing warlord in modern Lebanese history. When Slim’s wife’s uncle was famously assassinated in 1982 during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, setting off the Sabra and Shatila massacres perpetrated by his followers, the NYT obituary featured the great headline: “Bashir Gemayel Lived by the Sword.”

It’s also likely although less certain that Slim’s mother, Linda Helú Atta, was related to another founder of the Phalange, Charles Helou, later President of Lebanon. The Mexican government forced Arab immigrants to Hispanicize the spelling of their last names — e.g., Salim to Slim — so it’s likely that Helu and Helou are the same name, although how close they are genealogically remains uninvestigated.

We do know that Carlos Slim’s maternal grandfather brought a printing press to Mexico with him from the Levant and started an Arabic newspaper in Mexico, so the Helus and Helous sound sociologically quite similar. Indeed, Carlos’s Mexican-born cousin Alfredo Harp Helu is also a billionaire.

If so, the Slim heirs aren’t products of random romantic attraction, but of dynastic marriages among the leading far right Lebanese clans. This helps explain the Slim family’s career choices in Mexico, such as Carlos’ older brother’s Julian’s career with a Mexican government secret police force accused of torturing and disappearing leftists.

All this is a topic that the NYT has shown extremely little interest in reporting during the years in which Slim has been the leading stockholder in the newspaper…

Perhaps Donald Trump should ask the New York Times to renounce Carlos Slim as a monopolist exploiter of poor Mexicans?

Perhaps the New York Times should ask the Slim family to renounce their Fascist relatives?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Yeah but Trump is blond. So he’s naturally a Blond Bad Guy.

* Seriously… does the KKK have any power or influence in America?


1. Who starved and killed 500,000 Iraqi women and children in the 90s? Clinton and Madeline Albright or the KKK?

2. Who are all the perpetrators of all those rapes and robberies on college campuses? Black athletes or the KKK?

3. Who pulled off a coup in Ukraine that had led to economic implosion and deaths of 1,000? Neoccons like Kagan and Nuland or the KKK?

4. Who bombed the hell out of Gaza and killed scores of women and children? IDF or KKK? And who continues to occupy West Bank and oppress Palestinians? Israel or KKK?

5. Whose idea was to cook up lies to invade and destroy Iraq and turn it into a haven for terrorists? Bush, Cheney, and Neocons or the KKK?

6. Who sells drugs all across America that destroy lives? Black/Hispanic gangs or the KKK?

7. Who makes and sells ugly demented pro-murder and pro-thug Rap music? Jews and blacks in the music industry or the KKK?

8. Who destroys businesses of decent bakeries after pushing the abomination of ‘gay marriage’ on all of us? Wall Street/Hollywood/Harvard or the KKK?

9. Who cooked up lies to destroy Libya and turn into a yet another haven of terrorists? Obama and Zionists or the KKK?

10. Who used Wall Street as a casino and robbed all of us blind? Global financiers or the KKK?

11. Who runs Las Vegas to spread sleaze and steal gazillions from Americans addicted to mindless hedonism and trash culture? The likes of Adelson or the KKK?

12. Who turns white girls into the likes of Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga in our pornifed culture? Pop Culture Industry or the KKK?

13. Who encouraged urban unrest and mayhem in the streets with bogus BLM riots?
George Soros or KKK?

14. Who is encouraging the violation of national borders in both US and EU while native populations are shamed for wanting to defend their own nations? NYT or the KKK?

15. Who are raping all those white women and black women? Black rapists or the KKK?

16. Who rob and loot stores? Blacks or KKK?

17. Who play knockout games and punch out old folks? ‘Youths’ and ‘teens’ or the KKK?

And we can go on and on.

In reality, the KKK has less power than the Girl Scouts.

It’s just a bogeyman kept ‘alive’ for push-button triggerings.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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