Super Tuesday Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Paul Ryan announced today (or yesterday) that a Republican candidate must always renounce “bigotry”, no ifs and whens.

* I’m waiting for a GOP’er with balls to declare BLM a hate group.

* I’m waiting for Black Lives Matters to declare Trump supporters a hate group. In the pages of National Review.

* Super Tuesday, like most of the primary season, has largely turned on the issue of immigration. So far, only one major candidate has sounded constant and consistent on true reform (e.g. one that includes building a wall; securing the borders; a moratorium on Muslim immigration; etc).

Yesterday’s NYT’s article concerning the Gang of 8, Rubio, and how the donorist classes actively pursued FOX news/conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh, Levin, etc. to help promote or “sell” immigration/amnesty to conservative rank and file grass roots members is quite informative. That the powers that be felt the need to manipulate the entire issue and frame the debate into a “the yokels out on the hinterland have to be cowed into accepting what’s right for them”

I hope that Mr. Peter Brimelow of VDARE, a true honest patriot on the issue of immigration for well over twenty years will read this: Sir, as you’ve written yourself before in past articles regarding the recalcitrance of some Conservatives not to support patriotic reform, well, now we know why. As you yourself made mention that when you talked to Rush about the issue of immigration, he basically couldn’t be bothered. He couldn’t be bothered to lend his voice and take a public stand vs. a policy (amnesty) that would have dire far reaching consequences for decades to come.

Today we know why: Rush was AWOL and basically sold out the rank and file US voters who care deeply about the issue of immigration and the consequences that are coming. Rather than support a candidate who has made the immigration issue the centerpiece of his campaign, he chose to support Marco Rubio, handpicked by the Gang of 8 to publicly sell the ordinary GOP voters on the issue. When it came time to put principle above personal pride, Rush couldn’t be bothered and went AWOL on the immigration. I hope, sir, that you will make mention of this in a future article on; Rush isn’t on the right side of immigration and now we know why.

As Steve likes to say, “If you can’t trust Senator Schumer to save the GOP, who can you trust?” Well, guess we can’t trust so-called Conservative leaders who nothing more than shills for the donors and open borders lobbyists. It is sad but not entirely surprising that many of them now are backing away from their own words while still refusing to endorse the one candidate who has consistently sided with patriotic immigration reformers such as Peter Brimelow over at (among others).

* I would love to see Trump campaign here in CA and put it in play though and freak out the Democrats. He could pull it off. The thing the bribery class and elites compose only small segment of our population and the only reason the state is Blue is because of the police, prison and state workers unions. Numerically they’re small. Since Trump isn’t running on a union bashing platform he’d probably get a lot of their votes as well.

And yeah it’s also Blue because the CA GOP ran nothing but amnesty proponents which killed off voter interest, they also made sure their bench of candidates remained pathetic.

* As I remember the deceitful attempts to get the Gang of Eight bill through the House, this happened about the same time that Rush’s old contract was running out. He was supposedly negotiating a new one but I think he secretly had the plan all along to launch his EIB network and get a piece of the pie from everybody on the lineup.

I used to listen to him in the morning on my way to work on a house I bought and on the way home listen to Hannity. I do not recall him ever making much noise about amnesty or the attempts by Sessions to detail all the hidden stink that was in the bill. I remember one of Sessions speeches on the Senate floor when he said “If an American were to do this he would be in prison!”.

Rush never seemed to say much about it. My guess was that Rush was getting part of the advertising revenue from the EIB network and Zuckerberg’s deceitful PAC was advertising heavily on it. They did the standard trick of giving you half the story (are you for strong border control…) and never mention who they are or what they really stand for. Then they tell you to go to their web site or call their 800 number where you would be added to the list of people who support Zuckerberg’s position, thinking you have voiced your disapproval of amnesty but actually have been counted as a supporter of the Gang of Eight. This of course would be leaked out by the House to the media, all the support the bill has, and rammed through in the middle of the night based on the phony numbers.

* The only thing I remember about Rubio this week was his interest in Trump’s penis. #trump

* Overall Trump’s been doing roughly as expected, at worst only slightly underperforming. The best news for him is that while the race is clearly Trump vs. anti-Trump, all of the anti-Trumps are doing well in some places and poorly in others. Kasich is only relevant in New England, but all other anti-Trumps are flopping. Cruz won Texas and Oklahoma but is a nonentity in Virginia, and Rubio looks like he could fall short of 20% and get shut out in some places. This outcome will likely not be good enough for Trump to wrap things up, but it’s still good enough to show that no other candidate can outright beat him, and that could be enough for party regulars who may not like Trump but want to avoid a brokered convention to get on board.

* Donald Trump, speaking extemporaneously at his press conference, sounds incredibly lucid and presidential. He even used the word ‘bucolic,’ correctly I might add. He’s a very smart and perspicacious man.

* Trump’s Policy (the only one you care about, anyway) is actually long-term thinking at its finest. It’s the Globalists who don’t give a damn what happens to western civilization, or the people who should inherit it. “Anti-racist” whites are morons too stupid to think about the future in any substantive way. If they weren’t, they’d know they are making a losing bet (as things are going now: if anti-whites are right, we gain nothing, if they’re wrong we lose everything; if “racists” are right we lose everything, if they’re wrong we lose nothing).

* Trump during his press conference compared Rubio to a version of a no-talent Don Rickles. Trump has a talent for labeling events or opponents in a way which is very descriptive.

I like how Trump brings up the point about whether Clinton “will be allowed to run” due to her crimes and how people who committed lesser crimes than hers are serving long prison sentences. This stands out because no one else is talking about it, so his statements pack more of a punch.

* So Trump just gave a press conference rather than a victory speech and it was great. In my lifetime no one has sounded that presidential besides Pat Buchanan in 92. Trump is more Buchanan than Pat Buchanan. Could that be true?

* As he’s been saying, “I can act Presidentially.” Yes, he can. It was a press conference in FlA, not a rally celebrating his Super Tuesday totals. There was a line of American flags behind him…and Chris Christie, standing as VPs usually do.

He took many questions. Yes, this was the beginning of his, “I can talk policy and I can unify the party (with REAL people I represent) and I can now begin running for real against Hillary.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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