Ben Shapiro on Free Speech, College Campuses, and The Regressive Left

Ben Shapiro says we must destroy the careers of racists:

From a Twitter thread:

* “We should find real racists and destroy their careers.”

* He agrees we should destroy the lives of “Racists” – he just wants to make sure he’s the Destroyer, not the Destroyed.

* He’s not a cuck, he’s just Jewish, it’s in his own interests.

* Israel’s widespread racism is their most endearing trait.

* Reminds me of one con (I think it was Dennis Prager) talking up how he would ASSAULT anyone calling a black man “Boy.”

* These people in power would nuke countries for the offense of going against left morals and call it conservative.

* @benshapiro doesn’t care about free speech. He wants the same as the left. To be the authority in charge to define what racism is.

* His loyalties were never with the American people, but with Israel and the tribe. Thus he did not cuck. He’s a Jew.

* This is the same kid who filed a police report because a tranny put his hand on his shoulder and said some mean words.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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