NYT: The Faces Of American Power Are Mostly White

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* What percentage of the NYT list about who “controls” Hollywood and music are of Jewish origin?

If people shared that NYT article and pointed out that 40%-80 percent of those industries were controlled by a group that comprises 2% of the population, the NYT would think twice about running another “old white men” *cough cough* article.

* More tedious anti-White stuff, by conspicuous status signalers on how well-off they are, they don’t have to worry about a tidal wave of the Third World coming in.

What this signals to the ordinary White man is that the door is closing, forever, to any ambition they might have to even a middle class life. Its like a Trump election ad, given that an anti-White jihad will get up every White person’s back that is not extremely secure, meaning Hollywood big shots who made their pile and a few other corporate types.

Lets be honest about what this really is — slavery justification shaming. Most of the “prosperity” since the 1970s consists of semi-slave labor of illegal aliens working dangerous jobs with low pay and making the labor costs of elites and those who aspire to be elite but remain stuck in the chattering classes just dirt cheap.

All those “fabulous” ethnic restaurants? Or hipster trendy ones? Built on slave illegal labor. Same with the kitchen and bath remodels, the coke supplied to people like Matty Yglesias, who thought Evelyn Waugh was a woman, and the hookers supplied to the various media/corporate types. [The Secret Service penchant for Latina hookers is likely something just picked up by the examples of the people they protect and serve under — in other words Washington’s upper management.]

* I’m very concerned that someone is going to take these graphics and highlight the Jewish Americans among them and then post it on Twitter. And this will give the very unfair impression that the horrible trope that Jews have power in America is actually true.

* The key strategy of Cultural Marxism is to enlist sexual minorities as vanguards of the “revolution” AKA “What is good for Jews?”.

LGBTers may make up 2-5% of the population but they make up 30-40% of the NYT editorial board and an even higher percentage of its non Jewish membership.

The “intersectionality” of non-white and/or LGBT and/or Jewish accounts for much of the ferocity of the “Anti-White” hatred in the Cultural Marxist Media.

This extends to the Neoconservative movement as well where there is an active enlistment of various stooges who are closet cases, like Lindsey Graham, Rubio, Richard Lugar????….

The question remains that while Rubio is obviously gayer than a 3 dollar bill and therefore a blackmailed Neocon lackey, what really qualifies Ted Cruz as a true minority and a “friend” to Jews???

Ted Cruz true “minority status” is that he is an ultra fringe Christian Dispensationalist/Zionist who believes that Israel is entitle to lands as far north and east as the Euphrates and west to the Nile.

The problem with Trump and his supporters are that they are overwhelmingly cisgendered Christian whites who are not Dispensationalists.

* The power in Challahwood is “mostly white”?

Oy vey, I’m cancelling my subs to two dozen Jewish newspapers and magazines that have assured me otherwise all these years!



See the piece on the Thalberg Award at the bottom of the second piece. Oscar? Who cares? The real winners get an Irving.

* How terrifying that the founding demographic of a country be so prominent in the country’s political leadership and institutions. More hand wringing is required to fix this problem. I bet the staff who write for the NYT are a near representation of the USA as a whole, after all I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be called out on their hypocrisy.

* Just another complaint that Blacks don’t pull their weight in American society. It is rather repetitive, don’t you find?

* It’s obviously stupid to say that Menendez, Rubio and (especially) Cruz aren’t white, but there would be some logic in it if one was engaging in some sort of pro-white advocacy. For instance, a radical white supremacist who couldn’t stand seeing a single nonwhite in the Senate might say “look, there are six nonwhites in the Senate! This is outrageous!” As long as no one challenged the premise that Menendez, Cruz and Rubio aren’t white and the premise that having more than three nonwhites in the Senate is bad, the white supremacist would have a very solid case.

What I really don’t understand is why these SJWs cry about too many white people in power (or as Oscar nominations) while simultaneously counting white people as non-white. Here we see this with Cruz, Menendez and Rubio and I’ve also seen it done with white Mexicans counted as non-white in an article about how the #OscarsSoWhite. I mean obviously SJWs are stupid but one would think that, at least at the purportedly elite level of the NYT, they could find SJWs that have enough sense to not sabotage their very own arguments. I guess there’s not a single SJW with a triple digit IQ.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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