Steve Sailer Contest: Name the Proposed Anti-Trump 3rd Party Being Considered by GOP Donors

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* It would be a great idea to come up with some prospective names for a 3rd party representing these folks. The AEI party? The Cuba Libre party? The WSJ Editorial Page Party? The Vail Party? Likud-USA? The Act of Love Party? The 4 More Wars Party?

* Or maybe The We Hate You Party …

National Association for the Advancement of Conquistador People …

National Association for the Advancement of Billionaire People …

* Foam Party?

Inner Party?

Metrosexual-Boot-Stomping-on-an-American-Face-Forever Party?

* Goy Division

* Fair Play for Cuba Committee

* This just shows how bad the mainstream Republicans are. Of course, they still brag about helping to get the Civil Rights Act passed.

They want to destroy the US just like the Dems. Oh, but they’ll keep taxes down on the rich. That’s something I should really care about, not.

* People’s Front of Judea
The Whining Wrath
Bourgeois Globalist League
The NeoConservative NeoLiberals
The Establishment Front
Cheap Labor League
Corporate Struggle

* The Donner Party (cannibalizing White America)

* Future Of American Millenials–The FOAM Party!

* The Whining Wrath is really good.

* Or the “Burn This Bitch Down Party”. That would be REALLY diverse!

* Maybe it should be like other shady groups and have no name at all? It can just be referred to as “our thing”, “our friends in Florida”, “some important people” or, like in Point Blank, “The Organization”.

* The Anti-Semite Silencing (ASS) party.

And we do not control the media!

* I spent 100 million and all I got was this guac bowl party.

* La Cosa Nueva

* This guy is going real-time analysis on the characteristics of pro and anti Trump voters.

The strongest correlation of Pro-Trump voters – percent of county living in poverty.
Next strongest, percent of county which is biracial. Followed by percent of county which is black, followed by percent of county which is Hispanic, followed by percent of county which is foreign born.

Hmm. Anyone notice a pattern developing?

Then the anti-Trump voters tend towards:

Percent of county with higher than HS grad.
Followed by percent of county which is white and non-Hispanic, followed closely by percent of county which is white alone, followed by a number of income metrics.

What jumps out to me is that exposure to diversity strengthens the appeal of Trump and isolation from diversity predicts people scratching their head and wondering why the Trump phenomenon is taking place.

* Likud, the American chapter.

Jewish Billionaires Party.

Neocon Party.

NeoLiberal Party.

Globalist Party.

The Chosen Party.

The Israel First Party.

The Judeo-American Empire Party.

The Zionist Party.

* Bernie Sanders is fighting a similar fight with the Democratic Party but their ‘Establishment’ has already won that battle. In spite of the fact that Liberals like to think of themselves as more open minded and tolerant than conservatives, Sanders campaign is entirely limited to taking money from the 1% (white people) and transferring it to the more vibrant among us. Discussing immigration, crime, education, labor, public infrastructure, or anything else outside of the lens of “diversity” is strictly verboten. Instead of a boot stomping on his face, BLM publicly humiliates and paper trains him like a bad puppy.

* It’s not minorities that are voting for Trump, it’s whites who are forced to live around a lot of minorities, that is, they get to experience the joy of diversity for real while the anti-Trump voters, more isolated from minorities, get to experience diversity as a dream-state, and so they idealize it.

* Perhaps the most important people in the world at that point would be the commanders of submarines with sea-launched ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads. Once at sea they are basically unfindable even by their own navies, and captains are in complete control of the information available to the crew. Imagine a captain willing to back a faction in a civil war with even one nuclear attack–and Ohio class submarines carry 24 missiles. (I am aware that it takes three people to launch a missile, but finding three like-minded people on a submarine might not be that difficult.) I know nuclear submarine crews are carefully screened, but I wonder how one screens for those kind of attitudes.

* The Republican party has a winner in Trump and yet they don’t want him? One might think they’d be overjoyed at having a hot property and yet here they are trying to undercut him. Seems strange but this exposes how the alleged two party system is just a rigged insider’s club. Don’t be surprised if they’d prefer Hilary becoming president to that of one from their own party.

* What will happen if Trump wins the nomination and wins the general? Will these hack Republicans admit they were wrong about everything and that Trump helped their party expand more than their policy papers admitted?

It is amazing how Rush Limbaugh is sounding a lot like Sailer when it comes to demographics and voting patterns–he laid out how the Republicans are retarded for thinking hispanics will ever vote for Republicans in a big way. Even Krugman is surprised by the Republican establishment don’t understand that voters don’t give a damn about cutting Social Security and Medicare. With Trump’s campaign I’m seeing Sailer’s strategy to victory in play against the media, and against the “conservative media” that exists in Washington DC and New York.

* This presidential race is starting to sound like a Houellebecq novel. This is a two-party version of the political maneuvering that transpired in Submission. The Neo-Cons teaming up with the left to defeat the populist right.

* “Netanyahu personally attacked Trump’s immigration proposals.”

And that was after Trump made a TV spot for Israeli TV endorsing Netanyahu too. That’s some real loyalty there.

* Netanyahu was under pressure from Leftist and Arab MKs (links available on demand) to ban Trump from visiting. He didn’t want another headache or the risk that his coalition (which includes a number of lefty douches) would fall apart, nor did he want to get in further trouble with Europe (where Trump is almost universally loathed) so he issued a weaselly statement about how Israel is a democracy that respects all religions and his reception of Trump should not be treated as an endorsement of his policies. Of course this was a pathetic wimpy thing to do, and dumb as well, in retrospect, but that’s Netanyahu all over, an unprincipled man with no vision perennially thinking about how to ride out the next week.

* Can you name one pundit or hack ever admitting to being wrong on something? Punditry is the best job in America bar none. You never get fired for being wrong. You just show up. Performance doesn’t count.

* Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Davos

* You’ll Get Nothing And Like It Party
Marco Roboto Party
The Third Party
Nationalism for Me, Not for Thee Party
The Walls Are For Israel Party

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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