Trump Wins Nevada

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Remember Ezra Klein tweeting that The Donald’s entry into the race was the best thing that could happen to Jeb Bush’s candidacy? Yeah, The Donald has schlonged before, and will undoubtedly do so again.

How many of the well known, or sorta well known, national political commentariat has The Donald schlonged at this point? Sailer, Kaus, Coulter & Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) are the only unsullied ones I can think of off the top of my head, though there must be a few more out there. Really, it’s been quite a sight to see.

For the record, I don’t know if The Donald can be trusted to do half the things he says, or even if he will do any of the things he says. But given that everyone else he is running against basically all have agendas that I think are more of the same shit we’ve had for the last 20+ years, I don’t see the reason to vote for anyone else. And the one indisputable thing The Donald is doing is pissing off all the right people, really upsetting the apple carts.

If we can’t have an order that works for us, let’s have chaos instead.

* Another way Trump is like Napoleon is that both faced opponents who had grown soft, corrupt and complacent. Napoleon tore through the vast patchwork of Italian and German kingdoms, principalities and grand duchies by fighting like he meant it against armies that had grown used to not fighting battles at all or, if they did, fighting them in an almost ritualized way.

Trump is Napoleonic too for the way he’s welcomed by huge swaths of people sick of living under these stagnant and wormy little kingdoms. Trump blasts through the toll collecting robber barons and their little castles at our political choke-points the way Napoleon blasted through the original robber barons in their castles on the Rhine and Danube.

One of the titles of the God-Emperor Trump shall be the Grand Vermifuge, for the way he blasts through the parasitic media and political consultant class.

* One of the slimiest slurs in the liberal armoury of national destruction is deployed again at a time of liberal crisis: white gentiles = nazi.

The Frankfurt School intellectuals repaid the United States for sheltering them from Hitler by discovering that boring white-bread America was proto-fascist. Their absurd 1950 ‘study’ The Authoritarian Personality provided extremely important backing for those who proceeded to disassemble traditional America and replace it with a new people. Trump acts as if TAP had never been written and so obviously = nazi.

“Horkheimer and Adorno then attempt to explain the role of conformity in fascism. They argue that cohesive gentile group strategies are fundamentally based on a distortion of human nature—a central theme of The Authoritarian Personality.”


“The focus was mainly on the potentially fascist individuals whose personality structure is of such a kind that it makes them easily susceptible to anti-democratic propaganda…

“The goal was to identify individuals susceptible to prejudices as such individuals are more disposed to succumb to fascist ideology…”

* “If Trump is really smart he should create his own Conservative TV channel and magazine, blow the Neocon media out of the water.”

He should create his own conservative political party by renaming, reorganizing, and rebuilding the GOP.

The neocons are always itching for a regime change and they got one in the GOP. Now that Trumpzilla has smashed and destroyed the GOP establishment– he “burned that bitch down”– he should change the name of the GOP and rebuild it into a competely different and viable party. Put the Reagan bullshit to rest. Reagan was a dumb guy who financialized the economy, helped create globalism and Al Qaeda, turned our economy into a debt-based economy, et al. Stop the Reagan BS. Platitudinous people need not apply to this new Trump party.

* Wait, my friend! Wait until spring…and summer! If Morty Zuckerman’s bilious broadsheet will Photoshop a clown costume on him now and put it on their front page daily, can a brush mustache and heiling arm-salute be far behind?

Every day will bring fresh Hitler analogies, occasionally spruced up with Stalin/Napoleon/Saddam/Mephistopheles cautionary cameos. Believe me, you don’t know – none of us do – the meaning, or the depths, of desperation. But we will!

* “When political scientists use the term authoritarianism, we are not talking about dictatorships but about a worldview. People who score high on the authoritarian scale value conformity and order, protect social norms, and are wary of outsiders. And when authoritarians feel threatened, they support aggressive leaders and policies.”

Or you could simplify this and say that Trump voters are not globalists.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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