Rubio Could’ve Been President

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The scary thing is that Rubio could probably have won the presidential nomination if he’d just kept his mouth shut. He was pretty pro-open borders while in the Florida legislature, and his patrons would have tolerated a term in the Senate pretending to be against amnesty, knowing that he was just biding his time.

With the end of Bush’s campaign, Rubio may now be almost tied with Trump. A Kasich exit may actually launch Rubio into the lead. All that remains is to see what happens with the Trump/Rubio/Carson side of the equation. If anti-establishment side never consolidates, Rubio could end up with a string of “wins” never having won more than 40% in a single state.

* Rubio is the proverbial airhead pol and he knows it. Without the protection of the RNC, CofC and FoxNews, he’d have been gutted a long time ago.

His main appeal is that he cleans up well and gives a great canned speech. He makes the comfortable class feel comforted. However as Chris Cristie proved the airhead falls apart in debates as he lacks the wits, he just stutters and sputters like a broken motor.

Still it should be interesting once Trump turns his attention to this Cuban water boy and immigration lobby meat puppet.

* Well, we have his word for it that he is an expert in the foreign policy area. We can cite his continued support for the Iraq War (unlike Jeb!!!, he hasn’t abandoned Jeb!!!’s brother, GWB), his support for the Libyan War (if only we had followed his advice and armed the “good rebels” earlier the overthrow of Qaddafi would have turned out well), and his advocacy of “no-fly zones” over Syria as evidence of his expertise in this area.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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