Steve Sailer: We Won’t Have ¡Jeb¡ to Kick Around Anymore

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* We might not have ¡Jeb! to kick around anymore, but this site has steadily lost track of Rubio, the open borders establishment’s pick for several months now. Time to kick it into high gear!

* Bush’s spiritual son, Rubio, appears ready to continue this race.

* Steve, when ¡George P! runs for president, can you get those exclamation marks right? It’s one up, one down. Or perhaps it’s a calculated microaggression on your part.

* Part of Rubio’s success is that the MSM, including Fox, does not dwell on his support of amnesty. One would think the ‘gang of 8′ affair would make him persona non grata to the GOP base. If the MSM focused on this issue, Rubio would be toast.

Trump really went after Bush, even when Bush was beyond out of it. It was probably tactical at first last summer, but then became personal as Bush used all that pac money to run ads against him.

Trump needs to turn against Rubio now and make sure all voters are aware of Senator Amnesty.

* It’s really nice to see Bush Jr’s legacy be publicly repudiated like this. I know that’s only part of what went into Jeb’s loss but still. Having Trump whip Jeb on his brother’s legacy like he did in the last debate, having Dubya show up in person in SC after that and then this loss … it just feels right and good.

* The Bush Family – has effectively committed suicide by giving too much away to the neofeudalist and neocon/pro-Israel wing while giving the middle finger to middle class Republicans. War in Afghanistan, war in Iraq, the failure to regulate Wall Street, the housing bubble, and the utter implosion of much of white middle class America.

Forget the defeat of the GOP establishment. The defeat of Jeb Bush implies there is a real price to be paid for betraying your voting base.

* The 22% voting for Cruz are probably the low-information Evangelicals who cannot be persuaded that he isn’t the second coming of James Dobson. But who are the 22% voting for Rubio?

I’m guessing they are the last rump of the SWPL, upper middle class, liberal leaning, reflexively anti-Russian and pro-immigrant, tax cutting Republicans represented by FOX News, Jonah Goldberg, George Will, and David Brooks. I didn’t think there were that many of them left, though.

These people will never vote for Trump. That in its own way is encouraging, for now we know that the decidedly anti-Trump vote is no more than 1/5th of the Republican electorate even in heavily favored South Carolina. When Cruz throws his support to Trump (and he will), Trump will have over half the vote locked up in every contest going forward, and will be unstoppable.

The worry is in the general election. The SWPL Republicans might very well vote Hill or Bernie. Trump will need to pick up enough crossover votes from the disaffected blocs on the Democratic side to make up the difference. This will be easier for him to do if Hillary is the nominee.

* George P. Bush is Texas Land Commissioner and likely has connections to real estate interests. The Bush Family will still probably try to push P. for Texas Governor in 2022. A Trump victory in 2016 & ’20 might push that back to 2026 or even further. Either way, P. needs to be kept away from the Texas Governor’s mansion or the US Senate for that matter.

* This was the first time I saw him with his midget wife by his side. He even made some stomach turning reference to sleeping with her at the end of his statement. Yuck!

I thought it was weird the other day when Jeb was on stage with Dubya and Laura with only little Lindsay Graham to keep him company. I guess Laura makes his mestizo wife feel uncomfortable.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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