The Unending Influence of O.J. Simpson’s White Bronco Chase

Steve Sailer writes:

Being a Los Angeles helicopter pilot traffic reporter, such as Chopper Tim above, is one of the more marginal forms of celebrity, ranking down there with being a 1970s Olympic hero. Perhaps it’s not surprising that veteran L.A. attention-seekers now seem driven to ever more desperate gambits. But this harmonic convergence around the most famous (if least thrilling) car chase of all time is still pretty funny:

Two rival male TV helicopter pilots who covered O.J. Simpson chase now are transgender women

New York Daily News

Once fierce rivals, Dirk Vahle is now Dana Vahle, while Bob Tur * is now Zoey Tur. The two were the first to broadcast above O.J. Simpson’s white Bronco in Los Angeles on June 17, 1994.

O.J.’s white Bronco ride began, of course, at the home of his lawyer, the late Robert Kardashian, the father of Kim Kardashian and ex-husband of Kris Jenner, the now ex-wife of Bruce Jenner.

O.J., whose father was a transvestite, is eligible to get out of the pen in 2017. He’s vowed to the other cons that he will then push Kanye aside and make Kimmie his bride. So we can only hope that this central epic of contemporary pop culture will then come full circle with O.J. transitioning to O.J.J. and gay-marrying Kim Kardashian on national TV.


* Tur called himself “Chopper Bob,” but is now Zoey. Whether he/she is Chopped Zoey is not something I really want to know. Tur recently threatened to send pundit Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance” for pointing out that Jenner hasn’t had a chromosomectomy (which, by the way, isn’t a thing).


* Two rival male TV helicopter pilots who covered O.J. Simpson chase now are severely mentally ill psychotics who are pretending to be women.

* But will Dana and Zoey make a lesbian sex tape?

* Since transsexuals are mostly high-T men and since they seem to be becoming more common in America, I have to ask: what is it about this culture that is causing some of its manly men to go in this direction? (Then again, maybe it’s just biological and only appears to be becoming more common due to media hype. And of course the advance of technology has made “transitioning” easier than ever.)

* Endocrine disruptors. There are byproducts of plastic production that look chemically similar to estrogens.

We know this is causing changes in frogs and fish, and more and more boys are being born with genital anomalies. If they estrogenize the brain…

I’m afraid this is one of these weird cases where the left doesn’t want to admit transgender is wrong and the right doesn’t want to admit industrial pollution is important, so it gets hushed up. But someone needs to speak out about it–whatever the left wants to say, being born with a ‘feminized’ brain if you are a man leads only to misery either way. It’s a medical condition, like diabetes or arthritis, and our bizarre attitudes about it don’t make it any less painful.

If you can use your outlaw-megaphone to start awareness in the general public, this could be a chance to make some real change, and if they, say, ban these chemicals, a lot of kids could be spared some very painful identity problems.

* “For guys like Jenner (and, from what I’ve seen, Vahle and Tur) it has nothing to do with having a “feminized” brain.It’s just autogynephilia. They are sexually aroused by the idea of looking (vaguely) like a woman, and cross-dressing just won’t do the trick any longer.”

Do you think they are having sex with
a) women?
b) men?
c) others like themselves?
d) none of the above?
e) robots?

* So when are they completing the border fence that McCain promised us?

* McCain has changed his view since his last primary challenge–now only “crazies” want border control. I have enjoyed Trump’s eruption of Elderly Tourette’s (TM iSteve) on immigration, but I love it even more when he goes after McCain. McCain is a sacred cow among the neocons and he really needs to be taken down a few notches.

* For guys like Jenner (and, from what I’ve seen, Vahle and Tur) it has nothing to do with having a “feminized” brain. It’s just autogynephilia. They are sexually aroused by the idea of looking (vaguely) like a woman, and cross-dressing just won’t do the trick any longer.

* McCain like all incumbents benefits from slinging the pork around, big time, thus getting big endorsements from various groups, and by name recognition, and by political patronage otherwise known as Machine Politics. This is how Teddy Kennedy held onto his seat, despite plenty of Black/Brown challengers.

EVENTUALLY incumbents either die in office (Kennedy, Robert Byrd) or get too old and out of touch to maintain the pillars of general pork, political patronage, name recognition, etc. to fend off challengers. This can take decades however.

McCain was endorsed by all the “leading” Conservative organizations and publications, no surprise as he offers a lot of patronage to both by hiring off the organizations and publications. It takes a huge amount of publicity, money, and long time public exposure (so that incumbents and media allies cannot define challengers as “kooks”) to fight machine politics. This is why Trump is so threatening — his decades in public life have given him sky high name recognition and his character is already well defined. The Media can’t suddenly define Trump as a kook when he was just a few years ago part of a jokey Golden Oreos commercial with the Manning Brothers. And had a long run on NBC with his reality show.

* I have another theory about “Caitlyn” Jenner and her remarkable transubstantiation as a “woman” at age 66. Most men I know older than 55 have problems with prostate enlargement. The standard medical treatment is Finasteride (or an equivalent), which slowly feminizes men. Most start growing breasts, which range from breast buds to something a teenage girl would envy. If you doubt, take the standard philosophical maxim regarding truth … “look and see”, paying careful attention to men in polo shirts or the more adventurous who will shed their shirts at the beach or the swimming pool.

This is a tradeoff. A friend of mine with prostate problems noticed he was growing breasts. He stopped his treatments. He was later diagnosed with prostate cancer. In prior eras, men with enlarged prostates eventually died from uric poisoning if cancer did not get them first. Again, feminization of aging males to extend life is a tradeoff.

Add this to the virtual sea of estrogenic compounds found in pesticides, plastics, and the female hormones used to tenderize meat and the male of the species in Western industrial culture is being slowly “trannied” and feminized … or whatever you want to call it … from the womb.

This is not unique to men. After a bout with breast cancer (perhaps caused by the sea of estrogenic compounds in our environment … nothing else tracks), my wife has been put on a regime of “anti-estrogen” medication. Yes, it is changing her personality. She is more aggressive and makes furtive attempts at being in control and being rational, dispositions she had never expressed before. As other evidence of estrogen poisoning in our environment, we have only to look at the ages in which young girls start their periods today and become susceptible to impregnation … as early as 8 years old.

The root causes of all of this? Industrial pollution and a predatory capitalism that seeks to maximize profits regardless of the consequences.

Caitlyn, enjoy your new life. You will soon have lots of company.

* The vocation of traffic helicopter paparazzo is already a kind of outlandish, inane job… So maybe getting struck by the stray gnostic suggestion of belonging to the transformer elite appealed them. It’s like the ultimate rush.

ESPN 30 for 30 did a stream-of-consciousness documentary entitled “June 17th, 1994″ which assembled the various TV feeds from that day, including the off-air bits of blow-dry news personalities screaming abuse at each other. During the ending montage they used a live version of the Talking Heads’ “Heaven” to great effect, while showing the surrender in Brentwood & the multiple media streams blending incoherently.

* I missed the White Bronco Chase on TV: I was in Waterloo, Belgium on a business trip (oddly enough, on the anniversary of the Battle of …). I read about it, agog, in the Financial Times while flying to Heathrow. I was an OJ fan so I sure hoped he didn’t do it … but it was kind of hard to come up with a rationalization of his heading for the border. Funny how the crack L.A. district attorneys never brought up his run for the border during the trial.

* So, OJ’s famous ride started off at a guy’s house whose widow married a man who’s now a woman, and was filmed from a helicopter by two men who are also now women.


History and its connections, huh? How about that. James Burke would be proud.

* Was it a coincidence that ‘gay marriage’ became a huge issue just when the 1% was growing richer and more powerful?

* Such is the power of the black body that OJ’s fleeing black body in the white Bronco, escaping the white supremacist legal and police system who had framed him for the murder of two white bodies, turned three white men into transexuals, neutered white bodies, and the Kardashian sisters into coal burners, servile worshippers of the black body.
OJ’s black body is in jail now, to prevent further disruptions in white bodies. For the Black Body is powerful juju. White man’s fear of its powerful magic makes him take as many black bodies as possible away from white gazes.

* The peculiar nature of autogynephilia is that it tends to only afflict men who up till middle age were successful alpha status, sexually active, if not over sexed, males.

Name another infectious decease or environmental factor that is so very very selective on who affects???

Autogynephillia may certainly have a genetic component, but it seems to be primarily a narcissistic mental delusion. And Lord knows we have no shortage of delusions around that are most common to specific sub-populations and are culturally informed.

Science fiction geeks when under extreme mental duress believe they have been abducted by “Aliens” and been subjected to “anal probing”.

Under the pressure of life’s ups and downs, Christians believe they have seen Jesus. Muslims are told by Allah to go on Jihad.

Anxiety riddled Jews are certain that they seeing antisemitism everywhere.

Michael Shermer’s book “The Believing Brain” is really good on just how commonplace and yet specific mental delusions are.

Ultra masculine men, who have been use to being able to have access to just about any female they desire and being recognized as being at the top of their professions, are vulnerable to a specific delusion during the middle life crisis that all men go through that their diminishing alpha dog status is due the fact they are a woman trapped in a man’s body. Once they have undergone their transformation to a female however it will be once again clearly obvious just how amazing and attractive they truly are. And nobody, under the threat of abuse or worse if necessary, will be able to deny it!!!

Remember how painful being rejected by females was when you were a skinny teenager???

Now what if your whole life you have been rarely if ever rejected. Your career had been one greater achievement after another. You have been use to a life of bedding dozens of very very attractive and ever younger women. Suddenly, you find yourself, divorced, your ex-wives were sick of your infidelities, and that that younger women you so badly desire and are addicted to to sooth your emotional pain are now not only no longer enthralled with your alpha male status but see you as a just creepy old man their father’s age. Add on top of that the other signs of middle age, a bulging waistline, hair loss, wriggles, fatigue, loss of sexual desire and stamina….. you have the makings of a first class mental breakdown.

Is it not more likely that this sort of extreme midlife mental breakdown leads to the embracing of the delusion of autogynephillia????

* If Joe wakes up tomorrow believing that he is Napoleon, he will be placed on a powerful mix of drugs to make his delusions conform to reality.

If Joe wakes up tomorrow believing that he is Josephine, he will be placed on a powerful mix of drugs to make reality conform to his delusions.

* Marvin Gaye’s dad also liked ladies clothing. I believe he was wearing pantyhose when he shot Marvin. Were they riding up?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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