Can’t Stump The Trump

From the Chateau:

Johnny Redux explains, “Trump has so much game, and the general public (and especially libtards) have not seen great game in a White male public figure (especially a politician) in such a long time (maybe a generation), that they really have no clue on how to deal with him. CH, you could probably make a fortune as a hired contractor to advise Hillary, or Jeb!, on how to counter The Donald. If you do, of course, we will be obliged to hunt you down.”


Getting back to the original point, I seriously can’t recall any White politician who has, or had, as much alpha male gravitas and tight Game as Trump has at this moment in time. The Rick Wilson clown car is at DEFCUCK 1 and the teeming masses of psychologically and physically disfigured leftoids are shitting their panties because none of them have been opposed by a man like Trump who so expertly wields the soulkilling Shiv, and who so masterfully understands and executes fundamental Game principles.

Besides presenting the best chance to make America great again, Trump is a frequently featured guest at the Chateau because he is the embodiment of a high level seducer, proving on a daily basis the effectiveness of the entire oeuvre of CH Game techniques. Shitlibs can’t stump the Trump because shitlibs have never seen this combination of




in one man. Zero Fucks Given means a million libcucks driven over the edge. Let’s hope it’s a long fall.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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