From 2013: Trump on immigration: Let in white Europeans

From on March 15, 2013:

Republicans are on a “suicide mission” if they back a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the United States, and should be encouraging immigration by white Europeans, real estate mogul Donald Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday morning.

Trump, briefly a 2012 Republican presidential hopeful, delivered the morning wakeup at CPAC, lecturing on immigration, then ridiculing the Republican “SuperPAC” masterminded by former Bush guru Karl Rove.

The undocumented workers already in the U.S. are to be feared as voters, said Trump. He argued:

“When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals even if given given the right to vote — you know, you’re gonna have to do what’s right — but the fact is, 11 million people are going to be voting Democratic. That’s the way it works, and you have to be very, very careful . . . You’re just not going to get those votes.

“Now I say to myself, why aren’t we letting people in from Europe? Nobody wants to say it, but I have many many friends from Europe, and they want to come in. Tremendous people, hard-working people. They can’t come in. I know people whose sons went to Harvard, top of their class, went to Wharton School of finance, great great students. They happen to be a citizen of a foreign country. They learn, they take all of their knowledge, and they can’t work in this country.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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