Inside Llewen Davis – A Goy Among The Yidden

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I was really struck by Inside Llewen Davis. The entire movie is about a goy desperately trying to make his way among Jews in the early 60′s New York folk scene, whether they are promoters, his few fans, or rival musicians, including a crypto-Jew (nice touch). It’s so blatant that it’s a joke that keeps running through the film. The Jewish characters try to help him and give him a break, but his relentless quest for some kind of warped purity as a musician keeps him shooting himself in the foot. The scene where he visits his father shows that he has an “authentic” folk background as a merchant marine, but he rejects that in favor of the Southern hillbilly style that everyone’s trying to emulate in the early 60′s. In the end he gets angry at having to “appropriate” Southern culture and gets his ass kicked literally for it, while the more subtle Bob Dylan literally makes his entrance, possessing all nuancing will make him rise to the top. One can live with paradox, the other can’t- so he fails.

I thought the scene where he has dinner with his Jewish friend who’s about to marry a Chinese girl and they start discussing how to have a multicultural name was another funny scene. Paging Amy Chua.

* …the public will never know that complaining about anti-black animus in the Oscar nominations, and boycotting the ceremony, as Lee very publically did has little to do with a non existent majority of generic whites in the Academy. The group being criticised (ie people who are mainly Jewish) knows it, and they are not without influence. Not a single gentile, including Lee, dared to mention that most of the those supposedly voting bigoted in the Oscar nomination are actually Jewish, because they will take you down if you cross them. He has learned to avoid Jews and concentrate on attacking a non existent white ascendancy. White people laud and reward Lee for attacking them.

* Anti Whitism was unthinkable in Jewish run Hollywood, back when Jews made Yankee Doodle Dandy and Holiday Inn and Miracle on 34th Street.

Jews in Hollywood were busily flooding the nation with depravity, anti-Christian sentiment and miscegenation. It only stopped when the Motion Picture Production Code was forced on them, largely by the political muscle of Catholics at the time. In fact, what Hollywood was busy putting out is made clear by things the Hays Code specifically called out as unacceptable. Among them:

– Pointed profanity – by either title or lip – this includes the words “God,” “Lord,” “Jesus,” “Christ” (unless they be used reverently in connection with proper religious ceremonies), “hell,” “damn,” “Gawd,” and every other profane and vulgar expression however it may be spelled;
– Any licentious or suggestive nudity – in fact or in silhouette; and any lecherous or licentious notice thereof by other characters in the picture;
– Any inference of sex perversion;
– White slavery;
– Miscegenation (sex relationships between the white and black races);
– Children’s sex organs;
– Ridicule of the clergy;
– Willful offense to any nation, race or creed;

Of course, the moment the Code was lifted, Hollywood went right back to doing what it had been doing in the first place, and those “shalt nots” in the code pretty much look like a list of “must haves” for current film and television.

* As to Jews, Bill Lee, his father, married a Jewish woman after Lee’s mother passed away. And got hooked on or reverted to abusing street drugs. Jump to your own conclusions.


Though Bill Lee scored his son’s first four movies, they had a falling out shortly after the arrest on drug charges.

“I don’t have anything to do with Spike now,” Lee told New York Newsday in 1994. “We haven’t talked for two years.”

Bill Lee has said their problems started with his son’s intolerance of his interracial second marriage. The family feud began in 1976, when Spike Lee’s mother Jacquelyn died of cancer and Susan Kaplan moved in with Bill. Spike has been quoted as saying, “my mother wasn’t even cold in her grave.”

Bad feelings intensified with Jungle Fever, Spike Lee’s film on White-Black romantic relationships.[6] “That’s directly talking about me and my wife in a negative way,” said Bill Lee, who has a son, Arnold Tone Kaplan Lee, by his present wife.[6] Mrs. Lee has said, “I’ve never been a Spike Lee fan.”[6] In 1992, when Bill Lee asked his son for a few thousand dollars to cover household expenses, Spike turned him down “and his attitude was very insulting,” said Bill Lee in 1994.[6]

Asked if he would give his side of the story, Spike Lee stated, “Hell No.Why should I dignify comments my father said, or play it out in a public forum?”

* Adult kids seldom feel warmly toward their father’s next wife.

* Just because he isn’t being very specific, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. For Lee, Jew is a subset of white. He attacks (more like indicts) whites because he’s not allowed to specify Jews.

It’s akin to the campus rape hysteria where males are indicted because women aren’t allowed to specify foreign/black males.

* I’ve got a great idea for a movie about a man who capitulates to the unreasonable demands of the ADL. It could be called Do The Wrong Thing.

* Is the freaky psychopath who’s the main character in Nightcrawler meant to be Jewish? It looks that way, given that his name is Lou Bloom and he’s played by the Jewish Jake Gyllenhaal.

* It’s allowable because it’s not emphasized. His surname is Bloom, but he exhibits no overtly Ashkenazi traits. And no one describes him as a Jew in the film. Hence, his surname is without dramatic significance.

* I was watching a C-SPAN lecture recently by Steve McWhitey Whiterton White-ingham Inskeep about his book Jacksonland.

Steve “Running Deer” Inskeep kept up a non stop dialogue of white man diseases and white man maps. It was an over the top case of signaling. Inskeep is one of the good ones, ya know. Inskeep also made a point of praising the first woman to ask him a question and demanding more. I mean, there are too many guys already, can’t they just go die or something, after they buy the book.

It did occur to me that many consider smallpox to be a white man’s disease, brewed by the Devil’s own, ignoring all the white victims of the disease and its Asian origins. Rather than see them as another example of how heartlessly cruel Nature or the Divine plan can be,trade-offs from Neolithic innovations, afflicting everyone regardless of individual worth, Old World diseases are recast as an important part in the Manichean tale of Colonialism and Empire. Leftist whites have a hard time dealing with the banal, stony indifference of the Universe.

A much better argument could be made that HIV counts as the black man’s disease. Will Tecumseh Inskeep go there?

I pray to gods above and below everyday that Soros’ eye turns on NPR and its overpaid old white dudes.

* “However, the brothers John and Nicholas Turturro play two white club owners.”

Tell it like it is, Steve: “two Jewish club owners.” As with Donald ‘Sterling’ Tokowitz, they’re only ‘white’ when it’s convenient.

* Speaking of which, is anyone watching Colony on USA Network? The main villain, played by the Der Sturmer cartoon looking Peter Jacobson (the diminutive plastic surgeon from House), is a collaborator, go-between, and all around tax farmer for, apparently, an alien race which has invaded the Earth/US/whatever. There was a scene in episode 1 in which Jacobson explains to the, um, Northern European looking John Holloway that he (Jacobson) is a collaborator because he is smarter than the goyishe kopf resistance. Did I mention Jacobson lives in the Hollywood Hills (I think, not so hot on LA geography, actually). The show’s producer/writer is a Latvian German Catholic Mexican guy named Carlton Cuse. All of which I thought was kind of interesting.

I assume the season 1 plot arc will have Jacobson’s character join the resistance or otherwise redeem himself, but episode 1 was pretty heavy handed.

* Anti-semitism is the one thing that will unite blacks and whites. It will bring the races together. It will heal. It will mend and repair all the hard feeling of the past. It is the one thing above all others, that would do the most good for blacks and whites and Spike Lee is against it.

* “Spike Lee – whose success is largely due to his efforts to break down racial stereotypes and prejudice . . . .” Funny, every Spike Lee movie I have ever seen has been filled with racial stereotypes and prejudice. I guess Mr. Lee’s “efforts” have come up just a bit short.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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