Rush Limbaugh Channels VDARE

From a letter to VDARE:

It is such a pleasure to listen to Rush channel Pat Buchanan more and more everyday. [Nationalism Trumps Conservatism Says Limbaugh, WND, January 20, 2016] He has been on fire lately. Only a couple of years ago he talked about cigars and football half of the time. I can remember weeks going by without a single reference to immigration. In 2013, I actually believed Rush had gone to the other side as he would mention we should keep the illegals—just not give them the vote. Now, since about the time Eric Cantor got torpedoed by Dave Brat, Rush has been talking about immigration more and more every day. I think he reads you and the other writers on VDARE every day. I know I do.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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