“El Salvador Asks Women Not to Get Pregnant Until 2018”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Interesting, given that El Salvador has the strictest abortion law in the Western Hemisphere. All abortions are always illegal and they have imprisoned women for having miscarriages. I see no alternative but for men to be prohibited from having sex in El Salvador until this virus is cured.

* El Salvador has been a hopelessly over-populated land mass of limited self-sustainablity for quite some time, with only some moderate relief being supplied by a huge diaspora in the US and however many gangsters, guerillas, sympathizers and collateral damage victims the paramilitary death squads, gangs and guerillas have been able to eradicate.

If las Güanacas can manage to stay un-knocked up until 2018, why can’t they go a little more distance with that program? The place needs a major distancing from the influence in the government of the Roman Catholic Church. So sorry Pat Buchanan.

* The premise of Children of Men is pretty much the same as V for Vendetta– that Britain is the lone country to have avoided complete societal breakdown by imposing an authoritarian, nativist government…one that refugees from the rest of the world still want to flee to. Like a lot of lefty fantasies, it manages to be self-flattering and self-flagellating at the same time.

* I wonder how many public policy decisions have caused more deaths than the decision to ban DDT (rather than say, careful regulation of its use). Since a big part of Black Lives Matter is revising history, how come Rachel Carson is immune? Banning one of the most effective tools against the Anopheles mosquito after it’s been eradicated from N. America and Europe, but still virulent in Africa? Doesn’t that meet the definition of genocide for the BLM crowd?

* The Knick. The show is quite PC. A running sub-plot involves one of the characters becoming a pro-eugenics zealot.As you might expect, that character (Dr Everett Gallinger) is a blond WASP. There’s even a scene where he sterilizes an explicitly Jewish boy (Gallinger actually asks him if he is a “Yid” before commencing the procedure).

* ZPG: came out in 1972, the year before Soylent Green.

Silent Running: Also 1972.And a really stupid film (Bruce Dern’s character doesn’t know that plants need sunlight?)

Logan’s Run: That was about the perils of overpopulation?

Blade Runner: Well, LA certainly looked crowded in the film, but I don’t recall any overt references to overpopulation.

Demolition Man: That was about overpopulation?

Fortress: 1992, totally forgot about that one

In Time: Haven’t seen it. From the description, though, it doesn’t really sound like a film about overpopulation

Pandorum: That was about overpopulation?

District 9: A stealth perils of overpopulation movie. The lumpengentsia focused on the PC Apartheid allegory stuff but completely overlooked the hidden Malthusian message.

* Children of Men sort of glosses over the violence that the African immigrants commit against the native English. In contrast, today CNN had a pretty even handed article on the pogroms that Muslim immigrants are committing against Jews in France. Article says that a record number of Jews have been driven out of France by the pogroms.

I wonder if Trump made a direct appeal to orthodox Jews in the
US, perhaps campaigning with his orthodox Jewish grandchildren could he gain the endorsement of some prominent rabbis?

Such an endorsement could expand the overton window for Trump.

* Everybody wanted to immigrate to UK in the movie because racist fascist UK was the only place on Earth which still had some sort of social order. Most of the world was destroyed by wars, nuclear damage and anarchy – so it wasn’t only sterility but complete breakdown of civilization. “The World Has Collapsed, Only Britain Soldiers On” was the title of a short propaganda film within the movie which shows global cities in flames and ruin, and there were some other references about wars and global disorder during the movie. Of course, after they destroyed their own antifascist countries all those poor people had no other choice but to immigrate and live under racist fascist British government. Obviously, the movie tried to show that there are some good points about fascism.

* And naturally it is the African female immigrant and her White cuck orbiters who “saves” the day and ushers in the brave new fecund multicultural society.

Unintentional as it is Children of Men is an excellent metaphor for European population replacement.

* The rumours here in Brazil is that the Zika virus was introduced to the country by African tourists during the World Cup.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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