The Globo-Homo Elite

From the Chateau:

The Freelance COTW winner is “Anon” (of course) from S. Sailer, ridiculing the “nation of immigrants” platitude and describing the emerging entity I like to call the “Globo-Homo Elite”:

The problem.

If the premise is ‘America is a nation of immigrants’, then America is no longer America unless it keeps taking in more immigrants. And it means immigrants are ‘more American’ than those with deep roots here. So, native-born Americans must reverse-assimilate to the world filled with potential immigrants.

It’s like if man is defined as a consumer, he must keep buying (even stuff he doesn’t need or can’t afford) to be a man. US, as currently defined, must keep consuming immigrants.

The elites prefer immigrants cuz the immigrants have no roots, claim, and memory in America that boost goy nationalism. Instead, the immigrants are merely grateful to the sector of America
(the globo-elites) that facilitated their easy entry.

Also, the immigrants’ children, being raised on PC, are useful as agents who spread America-style ‘culture and values’ back to their home countries. A kind of neo-imperialism.

Look at Mexico. Its ‘values’ are becoming more globo-Americanized with stuff like ‘gay marriage’ in urban areas.

In a way, the ‘anti-American’ and pro-minority aspects of PC fool the children of immigrants into believing that the New American culture and ‘values’ are on their side and empowers them against ‘racist’ whites. After all, ‘leftist’ Obama is president, a development that suddenly made so many nations pro-American even though Obama is merely a servant of Jewish-homo oligarchs who seek to weaken the national sovereignty of every nation but Israel.

In truth, PC is really designed to aid globo-minoritarian-elitism in every nation but Israel.
What does American-style PC do in Russia, Iran, Mexico, Vietnam, etc?

It promotes homos allied with the globo-US empire.

America is a nation of colonists, to which immigrants were later added, often at great social and fiscal costs. And never more costly than now, when the bulk of the immigrants are as far from the White European gene/culture norms as is possible.


There were more freelance comments around the alt-web worth showcasing. This one by Curle (at LOTB’s) is pretty funny. He recaps president Butt Naked’s recent State of the Banana Republic address.

Here’s a recap: blah, blah, blah

Diversity is our strength . . . blah, blah, blah

Did I mention that diversity is our strength? . . . blah, blah, blah

You know, few people remember that diversity got us to the moon . . . blah, blah, blah

We could go to the moon again if we were only more diverse . . . blah, blah, blah

If we become really, really, really diverse we might even make it to Mars . . . blah, blah, blah

Some people [dog whistle Donald Trump] don’t value diversity enough which you know, is our strength . . .

blah, blah, blah

INNER VOICE: Boy, the lighting in this place makes Michelle look pretty weird, especially when she’s clapping overly hard and has that frantic look on her face . . . blah, blah, blah

Some day I won’t be President . . . [INNER VOICE: Nooooooooo!!!!!]

“Diversity is our strength” is the Prime Lie of our age. Which should make it ripe for incessant, unrelenting, merciless mockery, if our comedians had any balls and weren’t just shills for the shitlib Narrative.


The Anti-Gnostic makes an astute observation about the ruling class putsch to overthrow America’s native White stock and turn the country into a soulless market bazaar.

In the space for “about me,” she wrote, “I [live] in the usa,

USA as flophouse/shopping mall. Ask a native white or black American in my home state where they live and they tell you, “Atlanta,” or “Dahlonega” or “Brunswick.” Americans are apt to express regional pride: the South, the Appalachians, out West.

But to immigrants it’s all one undifferentiated, AMERICA!, and they gravitate to wherever their patronage networks are or the green card-spouse, etc. and drift around from there. Never really settling in, adopting a consumerist, shallow, secular lifestyle. The perfect citizens for an all-grasping federal government and its mega-corp sponsors.

The math is quite simple. The more Diversity in America, the less America in the Diversity. But math class is hard, for Dems and GOPe alike.


Finally, a Very Special FCOTW goes to SOBL1 (you can follow his Twatter feed @SOBL1) for one of the pithiest and truest descriptions of the current US political parties.

The Blank Slate Left = The Boot Straps Right

The ignorance on the cucked Right about race and genes nearly equals that found on the Left. Race Creationism schmaltz top to bottom.


* Vaclav Havel wrote the following in 1979. Was he writing about Communism or about 2016 America?


“The post-totalitarian system touches people at every step, but it does so with its ideological gloves on. This is why life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies: government by bureaucracy is called popular government; the working class is enslaved in the name of the working class; the complete degradation of the individual is presented as his ultimate liberation; depriving people of information is called making it available; the use of power to manipulate is called the public control of power, and the arbitrary abuse of power is called observing the legal code; the repression of culture is called its development; the expansion of imperial influence is presented as support for the oppressed; the lack of free expression becomes the highest form of freedom; farcical elections become the highest form of democracy; banning independent thought becomes the most scientific of world views; military occupation becomes fraternal assistance. Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to persecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.”

* The internet has created the opportunity for a nationalism without borders. Globalism is here to stay. Blood and soil is over. We must adopt the nomadic, endogenous strategy of the heebs.

* Nonsense. This is our land. I’m starting to pick out the houses and property (and women) of the local shitlibs that I plan to appropriate, come the Nationalist Revolution.

* We white goys are the new Jews — tarred with the ineradicable blood guilt, greedy hoarders of ill-gotten resources, not permitted a homeland, restricted access to higher education and the professions, not permitted to defend ourselves during the periodic pogroms.

* We were the only people in the entire history of the species whose consciences were haunted by the conditions of their underclasses and their serfs and their slaves. And now they’re laughing at us for having been such hopelessly naive & foolhardy marks.

* As a young boy, I was very impressed by the American space program of the past. There wasn’t any diversity on the original nasa engineering teams. All the astronauts were almost the same too. Not that only Americans could make it to space, but I think they all had a very similar way of thinking about things which aided them immensely.

* When broads try to do that thousand-yard stare, it just looks like the thousand-cock stare.


* This is why I pray that no Western country makes it to Mars under present social arrangements. I don’t begrudge the Chinaman or even a Congolese making it to there on his own merits. But at this juncture a US or France space program is sure to give the honor of of first human on Mars to a darkie or a female.

* The best way to defeat POZ is to give it a good shove in the direction it’s already heading. a guaranteed-to-fail womens’ mission to Mars would be a glorious fitting end to the absurdity.

* How do you counter a pretentious girl who refers to you as “child” and “little one” when talking?

* Agree and amplify. Call her mommy. Ask her “Will mommy please illuminate?” or “Will mommy be okay if she is gang-raped by Muslims? Will she still be the same mommy?”

You could also be sure to hit on other women when you are out with her and let her know she really is not all that meaningful in the first place.

* In addition to “Auntie” & “Mom” [even “Grandma”], relentless ribbing about her cats [or dogs – whichever she has]. How she’s getting her degree in Cat Lady Studies and she better change that cat litter and she really needs to get a blood test for Toxolasma gondii & ringworms & hookworms & whatnot. Also tease her about her student loan debt: “Now that you’ve got $250,000 in student loan debt, you’re gonna do what with that Summa Cum Laude in Cat Lady Studies – ride the pole down at Guido’s t!tty bar?”

* Laugh and walk away, saying “Goodbye, little girl. Call me when you’ve grown up.”

She’s clearly projecting her own insecurity about her own maturity. So use that. Keep calling her “little girl” and “silly immature brat” if she persists. But disengage and ignore.

* If you know how to read between the lines, AMC channel is very Sh!tlord. Also the reality programming on places like the Discovery Channel – Alaskan Bush People is addictive, and the Alaskan Trains/Railroad thingamabob is pretty good [albeit with too many nogs]. And of course Survivorman [although Les Stroud’s son is a pozzed out little punk & Stroud oughtta smack the sh!t outta him – I’d pay to watch an episode like that].

* Every war that has ever been fought has been between people who are diverse. They have never been fought by people over their similarities, never by people for being too much the same, but always and always only over their differences. Over people being to different. EVERY SINGLE WAR. Yet somehow diversity, with the very cognate word ‘divide’ in it, is somehow strengthening to you? No, Unity is strength, not diversity, not division. Unity.

* The 17th Century English Civil War was fought between people who resembled each other pretty closely. I suppose you could expand your diversity criteria to include religion. To my mind, the lesson here is that it’s hard enough to maintain peaceable order between people who resemble each other–importing people who are quite different makes a hard task even more difficult.

* Australia has been very selective in who is allowed to come in and are extremely good at catching illegal immigrants. The result is great wages. Wish we had that in the US.

* People of Middle Eastern race, be they Muslims, Jews or Christian (Gypsies, Lebanese like Carlos Slim), have conclusively and repeatedly proved that they are far too ethnocentric too live amongst people of European race in a mutually beneficial manner.

Frankly, Jews have done far more harm in Western lands than Muslims have, even if their support for immigration and multiculturalism is discounted. Their influence in entertainment, academia, media and entertainment caused the sexual revolution, the decline of nationalism and ethnic self respect on the part of European peoples, the removal of Christianity from the public sphere, and the demonization of anyone who objects to these developments. Their control of finance has consisted of series of mass thefts on a scale not seen since Joseph corned the market on food. Their influence on politicians has resulted in wars and foreign policy entanglements which benefit only Jewish interests.

Good fences make good neighbors, and the Mediterranean Sea is an excellent fence. People of Middle Eastern race should move back to their own side of the fence, unless they are willing to utterly assimilate and abandon their own ethnic identity for the ethnic identity of the land in which they reside – something which [Lawrence] Auster, for instance, never did.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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