Paying The Price For Love

Daily Mail:

Illegal immigrant ‘screamed “you have treated me like a dog” before punching and strangling American artist’ when she told him to leave after sex

Senegalese male is accused of aggravated murder of Ashley Olsen
Man is reportedly known to police as a drug dealer and is understood to have been seen with her on CCTV outside her apartment
Artist was found dead in Florence apartment by her boyfriend on Saturday
Prosecutors say she suffered two fractures to her skull
Police found a used condom and cigarette in the victim’s toilet which helped identify the suspect
Autopsy results show she had engaged in ‘consensual, erotic sex game’ before dying when she was strangled with a USB wire or cord

The Senegalese illegal immigrant arrested over the ‘kinky sex game’ death of American socialite artist Ashley Olsen had only been in Italy for two months, police said today.
Cheik Tidiane Diaw, 25, is being held in Italy on suspicion of strangling Olsen after leaving a sex club with her in Florence on Friday.
Olsen, 35, was strangled with a USB wire or cord after taking part in a ‘consensual, erotic sex game’, an autopsy has found.
She also had two fractures in her skull, the chief prosecutor said today.
Olsen and her alleged killer were seen together at the Montecarla club, notorious for sex and drugs, and left together at 5.30am, when they went to her apartment.
The victim did not leave the club alone, as previously thought.
Olsen’s body was found on Saturday.
At a press conference today in Florence, the chief prosecutor Giuseppe Creazzo said: ‘We think sexual relations occurred before the homicide, not during it.
‘We do not know whether they took drugs together before she was killed but we are awaiting the results of analysis,’ he added.
Police found a used condom and cigarette in the victim’s toilet which helped identify the suspect.
The killer had attempted to flush the condom and cigarette down the lavatory, investigators said, but the flush had failed and the objects were recovered by the forensic team.
Diaw is also alleged to have taken her phone from the scene of the crime and placed his own SIM card inside it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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