Haaretz: There’s Nothing Progressive About Jews and Arabs Kissing

The average Arab IQ is about 80. The average Ashkenazi IQ is between 105-120. These groups have little in common.

All groups that want to survive and thrive police their borders. I understand Jews and Arabs who have a visceral reaction against mixing with the enemy. Different groups have different interests. Jews want a Jewish state. Arab citizens of Israel do not want a Jewish state. This is a fight to the death.

Is Israel strengthened by diversity? Is Israel stronger for having millions of Arabs in its midst who hate it? Of course not. America is not stronger for having millions of citizens who hate it.

And I write this as a bloke who marched with Martin Luther King in Selma, Alabama, so negros could have the right to vote. I also manned the barricades at Stonewall. Nobody has done more for integration than me.

From Haaretz:

There’s Nothing Progressive About Jews and Arabs Kissing

The fuss generated by a video featuring Jews and Arabs kissing is actually evidence of the disconnect between the two communities.

I am amazed at the shock then expressed among those who view the term coexistence as something to be highly esteemed. What’s the surprise? A survey published by Haaretz over Rosh Hashanah revealed that more than 70 percent of Israeli Jews polled said they would be against a son of theirs marrying an Arab woman. Among Arab society, the situation is no better and the battle is still being waged over romantic ties between Christians and Muslims. There is a long road ahead before such ties with Jews are seen as permissible.
The Time Out video was ultimately posted on the Internet, and on YouTube alone it had attracted nearly 350,000 views by Wednesday afternoon, as well as favorable coverage in the international press.
But the huge fuss created over an Arab woman kissing a Jewish man, or vice versa, actually reflects the major disconnect between the two populations. It puts mixed couples in the spotlight, actually placing the emphasis on the difference in the participants’ national backgrounds. But as a counterbalance, it further minimizes the importance of joint existence and turns the phenomenon of mixed couples into something that is unnatural.
From my standpoint, as an Arab woman, falling in love with a Jewish man is a reasonable situation because we both live in the same place and are interested in similar things (although that’s not to say that such a relationship would be simple under the current circumstances). Contrary to what is shown in the video, a relationship between a Jewish man and an Arab woman doesn’t need to be a political statement. No man has to go out with me to stick it to the political right wing.




Unbenannte Anlage 00245

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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