Merkel Won’t Wave The German Flag

From the Chateau:

Someone passed her a German flag to embarrass her at a party day event they hold every year, in order to see if she would wave it. It is something she should show patriotism at but she wants to show her preference for Europe and to indicate she thinks overt patriotism vulgar, as should all right thinking Europeans. The nod at the end was to say no to someone who was second guessing her decision not to wave the flag. Your analysis is spot on.

* The description reads:

“Look at the disgusted facial expression. Merkel can’t stand us german folk, neither can Schauble, erm… neither can the entire Bundestag. Why the hell don’t we chase these false knights out of our country!?”

* BTW, the Koch Brothers were whining the other day because they don’t seem to have any influence in the GOP primary erection campaign this year, but if they wanted to do something useful & productive & purposeful with their loot, then they could spend it on smuggling weapons & ammo into Deutschland for the Freedom Fighters.


Madeleine Korbel Albright grew up in Czechoslovakia & the UK; Angela Merkel grew up in East Germany DDR, and Lena Dunham grew up in NY, NY, USA. Kinda odd that all three of them, in such hugely disparate life circumstances, would choose to crop off their hair like that – it must be some form of Bolshevik signalling…


* Disdain for the flag of a nation is disdain for its people.

Importing over a million savage invaders as she did confirms it.

She is a traitor to her nation, a traitor to her people, a traitor to her race.

* Funny that Merkel and Obama both hate the nation they lead and that both were elected for the same stupid reason; the need for stupid people to be part of a “historic first”

Americans wanted to elect the first black President, and Germans wanted to elect the first woman to ever lead Germany…That makes as much sense as voting for a candidate because he would be the first stuttering albinos suffering from diabetes ever in charge of a nation.

Most humans are dumb. Most people should not be allowed to vote.

* In Germany, the further you go to the left of the political spectrum the more hatred for Germany you’ll encounter. Ironically coming from people who are entirely dependent on the state.

* The question is who Merkel even is. Whose creation is she? Who owns her? What do they have on her? Who else was bought and paid for long ago? McCain? Yeb? These people are all moles of a sort.

* As an American, having lived in Germany, they are quite squeamish about expressing patriotism in any way. There was quite a bit of discussion during the 2006 World Cup, when their soccer team was doing well about how appropriate it was to wave the German flag. When we talk about the “Red, White, and Blue,” there is unmistakable pride. They have mixed feelings about the “Schwartz, Rot, Gold.” Once I included these colors in a scientific graph, just because they provided good contrast, and everyone noticed. An individual German can be proud of his country and its achievements, and they are happy to talk about it to an American, who is assumed to be patriotic. However, in public, a German must express skepticism about his country and its motives in order to fit the dominant narrative. I sometimes used to use the words “Deutsches Volk”, “Lebensraum”, and “Endlösung” just to gauge their reactions.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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