‘Black males raped mother at gunpoint in front of her children and husband’


REPORT: An Indianapolis man already serving time in prison has been sentenced to an additional 104 years.

21-year-old Ryan Clark was sentenced Wednesday for his involvement in a home invasion and assault of a family on Sept. 18, 2013.

Clark was previously sentenced to 40 years in the Indiana Department of Correction for his involvement in a murder of a gas station clerk and two robberies one week after the home invasion on Sept. 25, 2013.

Clark was convicted in December for 21 charges in the the home invasion case, including rape, criminal deviate conduct, robbery, criminal confinement, carjacking and robbery. In total, he was convicted of 19 felonies in the case.

Clark and his co-defendent Shayne Thompson entered a family’s home on Sept. 18, 2013 and robbed a family. The mother was sexually assaulted at gunpoint in front of her husband and three children.

“At the age of 19, Ryan Clark committed crimes that will in all likelihood result in his entire adult life spent in prison,” said Terry Curry, Marion County prosecutor. “This sentence is an appropriate reaction to a week of unimaginable violence perpetrated by Clark and Shayne Thompson, including the assault and robbery of a family in their own home followed just days later by the senseless killing of Evalide Ndyiae.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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