WaPo: “Germany Springs to Action Over Hate Speech Against Migrants”

Steve Sailer writes:

Germany does have a problem with violence by thugs who are anti-immigrant: cases of arson, and the poor mayoress of Cologne got stabbed by a rightwinger last fall. The co-founder of the PEGIDA protests is a nightclub promoter with a long criminal record from his younger days.

But I wonder if the sleaziness of some of the public opponents of immigration in Germany is an effect more than a cause of the legal and social restraints on freedom of speech on this crucial topic?


* Yes, please keep suppressing legal dissent to the current lawless Merkel regime. That will bring no problems whatsoever. It’s not like Germans have a ready made role model for how to deal with criminal minorities. When have the Germans ever been good at organized violence?

* Discourse which is socially unacceptable gets pushed to the fringes, and only those who have nothing to lose (ie have independent income or have no status to begin with) can engage in it openly.

* Most prominent subreddits deleted posts about the attacks and banned their posters even if they were articles from liberal sources like the NYT and the BBC. This is censorship on Reddit, an american website.
Ostensibly the censorship is done by moderators, who are also users, but it is well known that moderators of big subs are being coordinated by employees on speech policies, especially since several openly racist subs were banned and the new CEO (who replaced Ellen Pao) made it clear that some content is off limits.
Facebook, Google, and Twitter are allowing ISIS propaganda, but they censor this.

* You can’t have a democratic society where the citizens are told they aren’t allowed to know certain facts or say certain things, because the right to know those facts and speak them freely is critical to making informed decisions. Ergo, German officials have conspired to make Germany an undemocratic society, and treat Germans as far less than citizens.

That is the truth which logically follows from the behavior of the German government and press.

* There was an assassination attempt on Nigel Farage but Merkel is still safe? There seems to be a disconnect between the scaremongering about the Nationalists, who don’t do much, and the Globalists who are portrayed as peaceful and yet they’re the instigators of turmoil and assassination attempts on those who reject the Globalist destruction of societies.

Frankly, I’m surprised that no present-day Claus von Stauffenberg taken action. As was noted upthread, those with too much to lose simply submit to oppression and those with nothing to lose are free to speak and act, but those with nothing to lose have little ability to change the course of events.

* – It is the AntiFa “refugees welcome” crowd that are more violent than the so-called far-Right. It will not surprise me, in the wake of the sexual assaults in Germany, if they torch some refugee centers themselves and blame it on the Right.
– There is a hilarious video on YouTube where some AntiFa members giddily try to join a gathering of Muslims in Rosengard, Sweden, expecting to be warmly received as friends; and are beaten and driven off.

* There’s still too much to lose and nothing to gain. Middle class people with jobs are not going to duke it out with riot police nor engage in street fights with Arabs and North Africans at this point. But there are only two eventual outcomes: surrender or brutal violence. Western immigration policy is completely irresponsible, i.e., treasonous.

* I hesitate to say this since I am only 11 years old and don’t know what all the legal ramifications are, “But, Frau Merkel isn’t wearing anything at all.” There, I’ve said it. I wonder if unz.com will block my “hate speech.”

* Steve, you refreshingly clarified issues that the average German does not even dream of.

I had not thought of the issue that the German media forces social media to repress non-violent free speech against refugees, but is unconcerned about twitter and facebook use to foment riots and terror.

German Main Stream Media censorship is even more efficient than in the US. The German Pressecodex 12.1 is similar to the US Associated Press Stylebook [2], demanding that race, religion, national origin of minority criminals be hidden.

Due to Nazi past knee jerk fears, and lack of first amendment rights, German censorship is a lot more efficient. Germans are totally deprived of knowledge that can be found on alternative English language sites.

Bold language, like Ann Coulter’s could lead to fines and prison terms in Germany.

* They condemn ‘racism’ along with ‘sexism’.

But isn’t it ‘racist’ to deny interracial passion? Besides, if Germans say it’s okay for aliens to violate and trespass into German territory, why are they complaining about aliens violating the bodies of German women? If it is ‘racist’ to deny forced entry into your land by foreign men, it must also be ‘racist’ to deny them forced entry into your body. Not only your land but your body must be ‘welcoming’ and ‘inclusive’ and never discriminate.

Nationalism is said to be ‘racist’ for denying trespass into your land by foreigners. Then, it follows that women’s rights are also ‘racist’ for giving women the choice of who gets in and who stays out.
Shouldn’t they be welcoming to any man who seeks refuge from sexual frustration?

Help the sexual refugees. Poor lads, all of them.

* The other day, Steve posted a item about forecasting and the lack of efficacy thereof, as it is commonly practiced.
Well on that note, two lions of the mid 20th century, who more or less got the present state of affairs bang to rights – in contrast to a whole host of other rather overrated and over lauded pundits, happen to be two Englishmen, of that peculiar school of middle-class English ‘practical men’ who eschew over-intellectualizing snobbery, and when would never but never use that pompous French affectation of ‘public intellectual’ and all the affectations which go with it, but rather have the perscipacity for seeing the world as it is, and the honesty of calling it out as it is.

I am speaking, of course, of George Orwell and Enoch Powell.

* Laws against “hate speech” are already here in the United States camouflaged as anti-bullying laws:

New Jersey high schooler accused of violating New Jersey anti-bullying laws for making anti-Israel tweets.

“A social media storm erupted after administrators at a New Jersey high school accused a student of bullying because of anti-Israel comments that she posted on Twitter. They say that the tweets may have violated the state’s broad anti-bullying laws. Bethany Koval, a 16-year-old Israeli Jew, said on Wednesday that she was called to the principal’s office at Fair Lawn High School and reprimanded for making tweets criticizing Israel and mentioning that a pro-Israel classmate had unfollowed her on Twitter.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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