Steve Sailer: ‘I am Become Inanity, the Dumber-downer of Worlds’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Between the nationwide campaign against the police on behalf of black criminals to the tone deaf radicalism of the academic left, the GOP’s task of getting an extra three percent of the white vote looks easier and easier.

* Politically correct dumbing-down is already making it more difficult for the USA to maintain its technological dominance.

Imagine you work in a research lab, and your co-workers of color (East Asians excepted) are considered more meritorious than you are, simply because they are not white. After a while, you see no reason to work more than they do. But since they know that they can get away with an amount of laziness and inefficiency which wouldn’t be tolerated if they were white, they see no reason to work more than the most nonchalant whites.

The letter asks a rhetorical question: “Why does physics education routinely fail brilliant minority students?”

If they fail their physics classes, how can they be considered “brilliant”?

Basically, the question means “Minority students are brilliant because I like them. And white nerds are stupid because I find them boring.” The question could have been written by a not-too-bright black activist.

* The Germans were REALLY right weren’t they? The Germans were the ones pointing out the truth…there is no such thing as Science…all science is biased depending on who is doing the Science-Ing.

* Physics is to white men as bongo drumming is to blacks. Most whites are hopeless at advanced physics; most blacks don’t play bongo drums; but no whites, no physics; no blacks, no bongos.

* I’m very close to a physicist who runs a research lab at UCLA, and can confirm that he is under immense pressure to hire minorities and women. Nevermind that his lab has included Eastern Europeans, east and south Asians, students from “flyover” sort of backgrounds, and even a woman, which is fortuitous, because women rarely train or express interest in his sort of research. There is tacit concern that he has not hired any black and Latino students, and just one woman. From what I understand, it hasn’t quite reached the point where this physicist has been intimidated into hiring less qualified students to satisfy pressures for diversity. But the hard sciences in universities are palpably a new target for the power grab we’ve already witnessed in the humanities and social sciences, whereas until recently people in those departments were largely insulated from all that.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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