How Donald Trump Stole Hanukkah

Rabbi Aaron Panken writes for HuffPo: “With Donald Trump’s suggestion of banning all Muslims from entering the United States, people of good conscience must raise the alarm. This was not some insignificant hate-monger speaking to a limited band of fanatics — as presidential candidates speak, they define the essential boundaries of what is reasonable discourse in America. The dangerous and irresponsible speech we now hear coming from Mr. Trump has the potential to foster hatred, ignite violence and cause irreparable harm to individuals and our nation at large. When a candidate’s speech veers into such unconstitutional, un-American territory as proposing a religious litmus test for entering our country, the core values of America are in jeopardy.”

I don’t recall many of America’s founding fathers talking about the importance of having lots of Muslims in the country.

The rabbi is scared that Donald Trump is expanding the Overton Window and making it possible for Americans to discuss publicly things the rabbi wants forbidden, such as noticing that different groups tend on average to behave in different ways.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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