Black Underclass Runs Riot, Elects Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The black underclass has been allowed to run rampant across the nation, because police have all but stopped patrolling black underclass portions of American cities.

It’s only going to get worse as Obama and the Department of Justice start letting out MORE black criminals from the jail.

Remember: Freddie Gray had THREE pending heroin charges when he died, and had recently pleaded down a heroin charge to a mere 100 hours of community service.

My bet for 2016: at some point, all of the six officers indicted in the Freddie Gray murder trial will be acquitted, blacks will riot (with black elected leaders like Marilyn Mosby encouraging the mob violence) and Donald J. Trump will finally give the GET TOUGH ON CRIME speech most of the country has been dying to hear.

* Most of the increase in black homicides in 2015 over 2014, and most black homicides in general, are no good black thugs murdering other no good black thugs. That’s what officials say when they want to dog whistle to white people who are worried about (don’t say) black crime, though one can find plenty of examples of black on white homicides. So, if we’re to take this official story literally, why are we to care about the 15 over 14 delta increase, or the actual high number of black homicides at all?

The answer is that they want us not to care when our caring would hurt the economies and tax rolls of black heavy big cities. Meanwhile, they want us to care and to think it’s the world’s biggest crisis when our caring means they could channel our anger into political energy to get something they want, such as more gun control, more spending programs for big cities, and so on.

* When you see a spike in the black-on-black murder rate, it means black drug dealers are fighting over sales territory. If the territory is worth killing someone for, it means the drug trade is making more money these days. That means idiotic whites are using more drugs. See the rise in heroin/painkiller deaths, etc.

You can always trust blacks to be the sharks in the white population’s gene pool, feeding on the weak, stupid, and self-indulgent.

* Libs hate stop and frisk more than they hate high violent crime rates, or even gun crime.

It’s common sense that S&F is the best way to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals. Libs love to point the finger away from their own jurisdictions as an excuse for their local crime rates, and for their federal-level gun grabs. They say the next jurisdiction over having “lax” (AKA, Constitutional) gun laws obviates anything they try to do to restrict the proliferation of firearms in high-crime locales. S&F points them out as liars. S&F means they don’t have any excuses. With S&F, it doesn’t matter what the gun laws are nearby, or how much smuggling is going on, because cops are routinely stopping and frisking people and confiscating any illegal firearms they find. A functioning handgun is all but impossible to conceal from even a cursory search, and costs $100 and up. Violent crime prone demographic groups can’t afford to go dropping $100 and up to re-arm after every confiscation in a frequent S&F environment.

Libs probably hate S&F because it works. They don’t want to take handguns from blacks who are using them to bump one another off in epic numbers, they want to take black rifles from whites who are using them to put holes in paper.

* Managing demographics is key. This is how Rudy G. and successive NYC administrations (who were aggressive with career criminals) saved the Big Apple.

Unfortunately, the countless criminals who could no longer do business in NYC had to go somewhere. Thus, NJ municipalities such as Camden, Atlantic City, Asbury Park and Trenton have all declined precipitously in recent decades. Squeeze one side of a water balloon and the liquid magically expands elsewhere.

What NYC did was push countless Big Apple criminals across the river into already black-heavy cities and townships. Today, nearly a dozen once-prosperous New Jersey cities are 1) increasingly black, 2) losing (white) population, 3) black ruled and 4) overwhelmingly Democratic.

These demographic transitions are the hallmark of a predictable urban death spiral.

* “Unwanted party guests” is a significant cause of homicides.

* The entire state of Utah recorded 63 homicides last year.

The number is up from last year, but still small enough that the local press can catalog each one individually, including a synopsis of the circumstances and a photo of each victim:

The total population of Utah is about 2.9 million.

The total population of Chicago is about 2.7 million.

* People who move to DC are chasing power and influence. People who want power are risk-takers, and they get more of a thrill from dancing on the edge of danger than the average person does. This sort of person is also more likely to use recreational drugs. You’ve a got a bunch of overconfident, monied whites in DC who want their kicks. This means the local drug business thrives and makes a ton of cash the more the city gentrifies–if you’re the last black drug dealer left standing. A monopoly is worth fighting for, plus you get all those extra perks if you’re the head of the local cartel and you enjoy hanging out with politicos at all their expensive parties.

* In the past the media could censor the truth and make out that black people were always the victims but with the internet and camera phones – i’d say camera-phones in particular have been the clincher – the truth has managed to break through the media’s wall.

* You wouldn’t want to commit the ultimate sin of Willie Horton campaigning. Of course, 1988 was the last time a GOP Presidential candidate reached 51% of the vote or higher, but it’s better to lose than to run on a popular issue.

* I do think guns are more common among juvenile delinquents than a couple of generations ago. You don’t hear much anymore about knives, like in West Side Story, and you never hear about homemade zip guns, suggesting that quality guns are more affordable today.

* I think blacks are very big on not being “dis-respected” which can be a look, or a word put wrong, and is now dealt with by guns. This is anecdotal I know, but from what I have read, most white guys would just ignore this kind of a*****e behavior (I know I would) and move on. Blacks are ready to kill each other over it.

* Much is made about how camera phones have changed policing in the media. Not surprisingly little is made about how camera phones have open the eyes of many to the behavior of underclass blacks.

Worldstarhiphop has probably done more to fuel the backlash towards the MSM’s spin on race than any conservative media outlet, including Drudge.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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