Steve Sailer: Schumer vs. Rubio: Which One Looks Smarter?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* But he’s also the uncle of Amy Schumer, who the POZ establishment has lately been working overtime to convince us is the next hot, appealing “it” girl, and if you don’t agree (and here’s a penile plethysmograph to gauge your sincerity) you’ll be exiled to work the Dakota oil fields with no other entertainment during your off-time than these GIRLS re-runs (specially edited to contain only Lena Dunham’s nude scenes).

* Chuck Schumer is a smart guy who has been in the game a long time. He laid a trap hoping the GOP would jump into it as they so often do. This is a good example of a political gambit that has no downside to the person deploying it. Ted Cruz is a smart guy and figured out that it was a trap fairly early and largely stayed away from it. He filed some amendments that were never going anywhere so he could later say he tried to stop it if the thing ever got passed.

Rubio is Ms. South Carolina with a penis so he did not see the trap. Instead, he thought he would be hailed as a hero for making a deal that his party elders thought was wonderful. I think what makes Rubio even dumber is that he had an easy way out of this mess back in the summer. He could simply have said he learned a valuable lesson about trusting the Democrats. That would have let him switch sides on immigration. Instead, he made it worse.

The shame of it with Rubio is he is a helluva a pitchman. If he was on our side, pitching our issues, we would be talking about him as a great leader. The trouble is he is too dumb to be reliable.

* Rubio may look like he paid a price for betraying the American people with cheap-labor open-borders immigration, but the donor class loves him. He will be showered with publicity and support and cash and opportunities. He will be allowed to make gaffes that would sink a non-annointed politician. etc. If the donor class coalesces behind him to stop Trump, he may yet be our next president. And if not, he will do very well for himself in the meantime, and there’s always next time.

Ditto with Schumer. If you have the big donors pushing for you and helping push your program, it’s easy to look like you are a tactical political genius. And if you are in a sailboat race, and the wind is at your back, and it’s blowing against your opponent, it’s pretty hard to lose too.

Look at how McCain came out of nowhere to win the Republican nomination for president, ditto Bill Clinton. That wasn’t political skills. That was big money and the establishment press in action.

* Monroe got mixed up with a shrink-monster (like Brian Wilson later-but he survived: she didn’t), Nancy Sinatra had Daddy’s money and pull, Debbie Harry was a hippie under the glam and didn’t care about real success. Madonna isn’t necessarily smarter than any of them, but she sure was determined and disciplined.

I get a chuckle out of people who call her a has-been. When you have a billion dollars you earned yourself, you really don’t care. In fact, a Madonna show will still fill pretty sizable venues, both overseas and here. I’d venture to say she could still pack a venue in any place in America as well as Taylor Swift. For a 57 year old female that’s not too shabby.

* I recall Schumer’s first Congressional run in Brooklyn. He would day after day stand on the Kings Highway elevated subway platform obnoxiously gladhanding people and quite mindlessly yelling to morning commuters as they were getting upstairs onto the platform if an express or local train was coming. Anyone with eyeballs could look down the tracks and very quickly see for themselves, so such ravings were pointless. Struck me then that American politics was a crazy business, and nothing has changed my mind since. And that Schumer so debasing himself was a deeply disturbed person. He looked craven, deranged, unhinged. For all his book smarts, would not trust him with a coffee order.

As it happens I took the Kaplan SAT prep class at their main office at that time, which was about 2 blocks from that station. Never had any class taught by Schumer, but do remember that the teachers were uniformly badly dressed, socially-inept housebound weirdos, mostly orthodox or conservative Jews.They all bragged about high SAT scores they had attained, and perhaps that job paid very well. But they also looked and behaved so odd no law firm, engineering company, bank nor investment brokerage would ever hire any of them. Later took their LSAT prep class too. Was helpful only because it showed how the questions of those tests were asked rather than giving any specific insight into the questions themselves.Which sounds just like Schumer, playing the game instead of doing anything substantive. In fact, this is the first time I have ever heard he held any paying job at all except political office.

* I passed on the opportunity to vote for Senor Rubio when he ran for the Senate in 2010. He ran on basically two major issues, no amnesty for illegal aliens and a very aggressive, neoconnish foreign policy. As Senator, Rubio quickly broke his first pledge but has remained very faithful to his second pledge, which tells you a lot of where his true priorities lie.

* Why does Rubio obviously look like a dummy? Not arguing with you, but we’re talking about looks here. Are his eyes too close together? Forehead not high enough? Isn’t this really a case of postjudice? I.e. hardly anyone’s ever met a dumb Jew.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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