Theranos: The Elizabeth Holmes Reality Distortion Field

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I wondered once if this might be a government ploy to get genetic material on billions of people worldwide over the next twenty years. And then track their every move by analyzing sewage systems, like they did with bin laden. This chick might just be an actor playing a role. But the creators goofed up and made her too similar to Steve jobs.

* If you look carefully at Holmes’ business model and how she, throughout her life, seduces male professors and politicians and investors and nerds, she is a classic example of the “whiny, needy, and foxy” female. In short, she finds father figures, portrays herself as a vulnerable and deserving daughter figure, and begs them for protection and help. The vulnerable men comply … it’s in their DNA.

I’m reminded of a survey going back years to the point that most young people on their way to Europe for a post-high school trip were young girls on trips paid for by their fathers. However, to toughen them, they kept their sons at home, making sure that they understood they had to make it through life on their own.

I wonder how Holmes would fair in the society of women … somewhere she perhaps tries to avoid and where she doesn’t ply her wares. Would they quickly find her out? I think so.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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