Steve Sailer: A New Boxing Day Tradition for America: The Annual Day After Christmas Mall Brawl


* No. Not an American tradition. An African-American tradition.

* Here in Flint, the main mall was forced to implement a curfew policy on weekends due to feral youths. Not a bad policy overall but I found it very irritating a few years ago when, as a not-especially-young looking 27 year old, I was asked by a short, fat Mexican rent-a-swine to brandish my ID in order to prove that I wasn’t some rowdy yoof looking for trouble on that warm summer Saturday afternoon. I just kept walking and he radioed ahead to his comrades whom I walked right past, presumably because I didn’t look that young to them. Oh well.

* Articles about the Kentucky incident frequently used the word, “teens”, to describe the perps, a term which has often been commented on before at places like this. The term, despite it’s frequent euphemistic use, can still be accurate in a technical sense, but how could the media know what percentage of the people in the crowd were actually in their teens in this case? With 2000 people, it would be impossible to tell. Many may have been 20, 21 or older… nobody can be sure by looking at the photos.

What you can be sure of, however, is how many of the perps were black youths – you can tell just by looking – and it looks like all of them were. Any non-blacks would be fairly conspicuous. So, “black youth,” is a far more accurate term than, “teens,” in this case, but the media isn’t willing to use the term that is obviously more accurate and specific.

* Season’s Beatings at the Boxing Day Maul at the Mall!

* With the internet, why do shopping malls still exist? Given your measurements, a computer program can model clothing on your frame. You can search and sort for the things you need/want much more quickly with Bing or Google. There is no point in stockpiling large amounts of merchandise in one place. The book store and record store are dead. Time to finish off the rest of bricks and mortar retail and leave no more targets for undocumented shoppers.

Maine Street America has now become a global village filled with thieves.

* I bet they’re all kicking themselves now. If they’d just waited a couple of days, they could have said it was for Tamir Rice.

* There’s a custom among unmarried black mothers that a lot of whites aren’t familiar with. A lot of these single mothers don’t buy their kids presents for Christmas because:

1) They know teenagers are fussy about what they receive and will complain if it isn’t what they want.

2) They’re too lazy to pick out the presents themselves. It’s too much of a mental strain on a limited IQ to actually ponder what another person wants, and it eats up too much of their ‘for themselves’ time, and selfish people hate spending too much time laboring over an altruistic act.

Instead, these mothers give their kids cash for Christmas and then drop their kids off at the mall the day after the holiday–when the sales are running–so that the cash will go farther (this is something all mothers know). This is why you’re ending up with thousands of black teens running amok at the malls.

* Kwanzaa was sort of a black fad for a few years, but it quickly fell off the radar in the black mainstream, and now, the only people who do it are fringe militant radical obsessive blacks, and pandering white leftists.

One fairly fashionable theory to why Kwanzaa came and went like a shooting star is that most blacks are Christians. However, that theory doesn’t hold water, because there is nothing contradictory between Kwanzaa and Christianity, even the watered down version of Christianity that most blacks adhere to.

I think the real reason Kwanzaa was a flop accidentally came to me several years ago. I overheard a black girl say that the Christmas that just concluded was horrible for her, and that next year, she wants to switch to Kwanzaa, because, “since it has more days, maybe I’ll get more gifts.” What this means is that blacks who did Kwanzaa at first thought they would get seven days worth of gifts instead of just one, and when it didn’t work out that way, they just forgot about the whole thing. Plain words, Kwanzaa didn’t well serve their sense of gibs.

* As damning as the visual images are of blacks fighting and rioting is, the audio is 10 times worse. There is something particularly ugly about the sound of two (or more) black women fighting each other.

* Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to a certain principle. Shouldn’t Kwanzaabe extended to eight days and the last one dedicated to Smash ‘n’ Grab?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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