WP: Donald Trump is pushing journalists to their professional — and personal — limits

Comments posted at WP:

* Callum Borchers “forgot” to mention a couple of innocent facts.
He forgot to mention that 95 percent of journalists vote for Dem. party. He forgot to mention that future journalists are conditioned in colleges by leftist professors to lie. He forgot to mention that those journalists who pretend to be independent or even conservative, in reality represent the two-faced Janus of one party system of Remocrats, those whom a normal American disdainfully calls “MSM.” He forgot to mention that there are no journalists in the US MSM who really reflect populism, a political movement of common sense for common people, represented by Trump (and if populism means the very saving of the American middle class from disappearing – then populism is not a bad word for me). Callum Borchers forgot to mention that in tens of Trump rallies, the cameras of most TV stations were fixed on his face, in order not to show the enormous crowds at the rallies, and thus to diminish their significance and refused to be panned, even when Trump and crowds demanded it. His comments were mostly triggered by that dishonesty, but journalists’ dishonesty towards Trump is not limited to this offensively open form of censorship during the broadcasting. During these six months the MSM’s hatred and lying about Trump reached Goebbels’ proportions. Why? Because he is quickly destroying the one party system, where the remocratic establishment of two so-called partis, NYT, WP, ABC, FOXnews, NBC, CNN and tutti quanti managed to bring the country to the threshold of ruin. Callum Borchers forgot to mention that the American Journalism is dead…. exactly like American Dream. And people are switching to YouTube and Twitter.
It is not Trump, it is the American people who don’t trust you, despise you and hate you. By “you,” I mean everything you represent. Your journalism, like your one party system, masquerading as GOP and Dems., will be marginalized pretty soon, and the new populist journalism will dominate soon.

* Comparing journalists to attorneys or accountants in this regard seems like a real stretch. There are actual life-altering consequences to getting that stuff wrong as an attorney, doctor, accountant, etc. But as a “journalist”? Come on – what’s there to fear for being slanted, a mean tweet? And come on, don’t tell me that it isn’t part of the game as a writer to see how cleverly you can weave in persuasion. Of course it is. You guys can’t resist.

* Donald Trump is pushing the ideologically driven, hateful, obsessed, lying liberal media… to the limits.

* It must come as a complete shock that the Media has lost control of their minions. That you purport to be objective and on the border of injecting personal belief, shows how far adrift you are.

Everyone knows the media is in the tank on a specific agenda. What is amazing is that there is someone with enough cred to call the media out for their biased nature.

* We know the media has no limits when it comes to unabashed promotion of Trump hate resulting in widespread threats of violence and assassination directed toward him.

Journalists would do well to start considering if there are limits to how much of this irresponsible tripe the readers will put up with.

You reap what you sow.

* Muslims blame Trump for damaging relations, when it’s radical jihadists and the relative silence of the greater Muslim community that have done the damage. That’s like smoking a pack a day for 20 years, then blaming the doctor who points out you have lung cancer.
The RNC establishment blames Trump for ruining the party, when they’ve been doing that to themselves for years with their ineptitude, inaction and dedication to special interest over the base. That’s like smoking a pack a day for 20 years, then blaming the doctor who points out you have lung cancer.
Now, the poor media are blaming Trump for making them look bad. I have undergrad and grad degrees in journalism and I’m embarrassed by our media. So biased, so dishonest. Objectivity is sneered at; activism is where they live. We don’t need establishment politicians or the MSM to make up our minds for us, and lying to do so. The media blaming Trump for the public’s disdain of the media is like smoking a pack a day for 20 years, then blaming the doctor who points out you have lung cancer.
Trump 2016

* Professional journalists, as a class, richly deserve every bit of scorn that is being heaped upon them. It’s hard to think of a single profession that has abandoned its most basic duties more thoroughly than the press, who somewhere along the way discovered that it was far easier and more profitable to serve the agendas of our political and financial elites than to tell uncomfortable truths about them.

Can’t tell you how much it pleases me to hear Trump tell you in plain words what you are.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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