White Dutch Men Storm Site Of Planned Asylum Center

“Deputy justice minister Klaas Dijkhoff responsible for managing Holland’s intake of refugees, called the protestors ‘un-Netherlanderish’.”

Comment: The elites are at war with their own nations yet still presume to define the national identity.

Comment: “Riot in Netherlands. 2,500 rioters in a town of 27,000. Do old grandmas riot? How about young babies? To get 2,500 adult men to riot in a town of 27,000 likely means that 40% of the able-bodied men (WAG) were rioting.

I find this reassuring, that people from all walks of life will go and revolt against the ruling class who is intent on destroying their society. I usually model people’s behavior as though the cost of rebellion is too high and so they buckle under to live lives of quiet desperation. Evidently not everyone does. Fantastic.”

REPORT: Police had to fire warning shots into the air when thousands of Dutch protestors stormed the site of a planned asylum centre, shortly to open for 1,500 refugees.
The demonstrators went on the rampage in the small town of Geldermalsen last night in the worst riot of its kind in the Netherlands since the refugee crisis began.
A planned discussion about the imminent arrival of the migrants, staged by the town council, was abandoned in the chaos as the mob outside tried to storm the building. Councillors were forced to flee out of rear exits into police vans.
Fences around the planned asylum camp were smashed down or cut through in the rioting. Police were pelted with bottles and fireworks before they drew their firearms and fired warning shots into the air.
The crowd shouted ‘no n****** here!’ and ‘foreign scum keep away!’ and left the town hall looking like a ‘battlefield’ with broken windows and chipped brickwork.
Running skirmishes between youths and the police went on until the early hours of Thursday morning.
The mayoress, Miranda de Vries, said she was shocked at the violence caused by an estimated 2,500 people in the town of 27,000 that lies near the city of Utrecht.
It was by far the biggest and the most violent outbreak of anti-immigrant sentiment in the country.
Deputy justice minister Klaas Dijkhoff responsible for managing Holland’s intake of refugees, called the protestors ‘un-Netherlanderish’.
There were 14 arrests and several police officers were slightly hurt in the melees. A Dutch bomb squad had to be called in on Thursday morning to deal with a potentially lethal ‘heavy’ fireworks lodged in the town hall facade.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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