Bye Bye Jeb!

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Jeb Bush never becoming president of The United States works out quite well for his wife Columba, because if she is the First Lady than she will have to do a lot more media interviews in English, a language she is not comfortable with.

In Miami she can get away with participating in Spanish only interviews because Miami is not really part of The United States in a cultural and language sense, but she can not get away with only doing Spanish interviews in Washington DC where the vast majority of the population is Non Hispanic.

Donald Trump putting his hat into the presidential race is really a blessing in disguise for Columba. She just dodged a bullet and can now continue to remain in her Hispanic bubble in Miami.

I remember reading that Columba was uncomfortable living in Tallahassee because it is too culturally Southern and not culturally Latin American enough for her. Tallahassee shares more cultural similarities with Alabama than it does to Miami.

* My candidate is Kevin Sutherland, the Democrat DC staffer who was butchered to death by one Jasper Spires in a DC metro train car.
Sutherland was knifed so hard by Spires that his liver literally fell out and hit the floor of the train car.

There’s a moral there – surely – for all those who think.

* That one went down the memory hole instantly, even on local news. My favorite part is there were thirty or so other passengers on the car, and not only did nothing to help, afterwards handed over their wallets and watches to the murderer. Almost makes me believe that a couple of guys with razor knives could actually hijack four planes. Almost.

* The big news is that Donald Trump said nice things about Putin, and ¡Jeb! said Trump was evil for not condemning Putin. That Putin kills journalists and political opponents, while the US President just kills terrorists. As if Russia could or would do any better than Putin. What, a drunk kleptocrat like Yeltsin or an aging one like Brezhnev? As far as I am concerned if Putin wants to fight ISIS, Turkey, the Gulf Cooperation Council, let him.”

Never having a girlfriend drove Enrique Marquez to convert to radical Islam because he was told by other Muslim men that 72 female virgins will F his brains out once he dies and goes to heaven. Back in the real world, Enrique could not afford an escort in the Los Angeles metropolitan area or travel to Thailand on his Walmart salary.

Mexican guys don’t usually have a problem getting laid because of their Latin lover reputation, but Enrique Marquez is not your average Mexican.

* The majority of 20 something, male Wal-Mart employees live empty lives of involuntary celibacy and functional nihilism. Say what you like about radical Islam, but at least it’s an ethos. Americas’s young, male demographic is a sucking, dark, spriritual void waiting to be filled. ISIS could turn an army from the minions of the Walton family overnight with a halfway credible promise of getting them laid and giving them some meaning or purpose beyond World of Warcraft.

* I’m thinking Marquez is just some combination of dim-witted and emotionally stunted. But the motivation of Jihadists makes them punch above their weight in terror. One, or maybe the central, reason we’re always flogged with the “white mass murderer” cliche it’s because the perception white guys are just so much better at it.
And Muslims are seen, as happens with every ethnic group the more familiar they become, as falling on a continuum of intelligence and capability, in their case, fairly or not, as somewhat below the average white dude and above most NAMs. We can be heartened by the obvious weakness of any inherent political skill–Muslims will only be as good as whoever’s running the Narrative is willing and capable of making them. Of course clock boy Ahmed and the abundance of silly pc responses to San Bernardino demonstrate, there’s an enduring willingness to prop them up. It started in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and hasn’t really stopped, the reflexive decision to make Muslims the next Minority Group.

I’ve tried to find this old MTV PSA that–I want to confirm if my memory’s correct about the timing–aired just days, maybe a week, after 9/11. It’s an attractive young woman who we are to take for a Muslim American, complaining about stereotyping; people are supposedly asking her if she’s “related to any of the terrorists”; maybe I’m naive, but how many people are stupid enough to ask you that? One, I might believe. Still, the Muslim myth the Left spins for us has gotten bigger, but no better than that stupid, slick piece on MTV.

Anyway, the impulse to normalize Muslims within the still optimistic conventional view of US history was habitual. These people have no idea what they’re foisting on the US. The Muslim problem goes so far beyond the HBD heresies of group differences in IQ and aggressiveness, which are nonetheless real and negative in consequence here, but to a profoundly opposed religious worldview. No group contributing significantly to the history and demographics of the nation have been this foreign to it, and none by such a long-held, continuing, and as powerful a tradition, as Islam. What in the world are people thinking? Was it something we said, powers-that-be?

* What in polite circles is now called intellectual disability is not the same thing as mental illness. I suppose you are going to scold us that it is also “sick” to mock anyone on the left side of the Bell Curve?

But how “limited” can this man be, and how Muslim can he be, after he found out about the consequences of his actions that he 1) went on a drinking binge, 2) started crying with the 9-1-1 operator, and 3) “spilled his guts” to the FBI?

This guy’s level of terrorism doesn’t even rise to the level of the “free as a bird, guilty as sin” university professor pal of the President. I think he was harboring the adolescent fantasy of “wouldn’t it be cool to blow stuff up” much as he was fantasizing about “making it with a girl” without regarding that either of those events would ever take place.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would say “I accepting money to harbor a Russian here illegally, and I am sharing my guns with these two Middle Easterners”, but then that would be “profiling”, now wouldn’t it, and our betters have been trying to educate us to harbor such prejudice

That he engaged in his cathartic confession to the FBI suggests, again, that he is not very bright but that he at least has a moral compass. In this day and age of “what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”, tough-on-crime prosecutors, and the neutering of Constitutional jury nullification, no attempt will be made to make a wise decision of just what is the appropriate level of punishment for this guy.

* The one thing that can keep Americans of so many different backgrounds united is Christianity. Even the unbelieving can go along nodding their heads and being polite. Islam, however, doesn’t play that game. They will use our politeness and Golden Rule against us until they get whatever they want.

Two thoughts: No more Muslims. Atheists and agnostics, stop trying to stamp out Christianity; You need us more than you realize.

* So, successful and connected Hispanics like Rubio take orders from Jews, and unsuccessful and disconnected Hispanics like Marquez take orders from Muslims.

Rubio: make me president and I’ll supply Pentagon with all the arms it needs to smash Russia and Iran.

Marquez: be my friend and get me a Russian bride(even if only as make-believe), and I’ll buy some assault rifles for you.

* There’s a fun passage in singer Linda Lewis’s memoirs where the young Elton is distraught that he will never have children. Linda, a close friend from their poor-struggling-artist days, bravely offered to bear his child for him. And if the process made him uncomfortable, then she was quite willing to do it with a bottle.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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