Over 10,000 Jews Sign Registry Saying ‘Never Again’ To Donald Trump

Blog: Nazi comparisons in politics should not be thrown around lightly, but as one Jewish website noted; when a politician suggests following the actual path of the Nazis, it is time to be bold. It is for that reason, that over 10,000 American Jews have signed a “registry” to fight back.

The rhetoric from GOP front-runner Donald Trump has been growing increasingly more alarming and dangerous each day. From calling for a “registry” to track Muslims to proposing an outright ban on Muslim immigrants — the former reality television star appears to have actually crossed the line into total fascist demagoguery and hate speech.

In response, website vs Goliath — an initiative of Bend the Arc — has called on their readers to sign their names condemning the discrimination against the Muslim people. They wrote:

“The idea that any group of American citizens should be singled out, profiled and discriminated against isn’t only profoundly un-American. It’s against everything that we stand for as American Jews.

That’s why we’re creating our own ‘registry’ to fight back. We need thousands of American Jews to be courageous and stand up against Trump’s terrifying plan. By acting quickly and acting together we can get the attention of national media and force Trump to be held responsible.

When we say ‘never again’ we mean it.”
The letter to Trump calls on him to retract his statements and apologize immediately.

“Dear Donald Trump,

When we say ‘never again’ it’s not just about Jews, it’s about everyone.

As an American Jew, I’m adding my name to our own ‘registry’ in solidarity with my Muslim neighbors.

There’s no place for your rhetoric in American politics in the 21st century. Retract your statements and apologize immediately.”
Upon reaching 8,000 signatures, the letter/”registry” was delivered to the Trump campaign, and they say they will deliver it once again when it reaches 20,000. As of Thursday evening, 10,426 people had added their names.

The website also linked to an interfaith letter, for people of any faith to sign in solidarity. The interfaith letter in support of the Muslim community currently has over 13,000 signatures as well.

This is far from the first showing of support and solidarity from the Jewish community to their Muslim neighbors.

The Anti-Defamation League, one of the largest and most well-respected Jewish organizations in the country has been extremely vocal in denouncing the hate speech seeping from the republican leaders and pundits.

“In the Jewish community, we know all too well what can happen when a particular religious group is singled out for stereotyping and scapegoating,” Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO said in a statement. “We also know that this country must not give into fear by turning its back on its fundamental values, even at a time of great crisis.”
The American Jewish Committee’s director, David Harris, has also released a statement in solidarity with the Muslim community.

“As Jews who are now observing Hanukkah, a holiday that celebrates a small religious minority’s right to live unmolested, we are deeply disturbed by the nativist racism inherent in the candidate’s latest remarks,” Harris said. “You don’t need to go back to the Hanukkah story to see the horrific results of religious persecution; religious stereotyping of this sort has been tried often, inevitably with disastrous results.”
Other groups such as J Street, the National Jewish Democratic Council and JAC, have also spoken out against the hateful rhetoric, to name a few.

While Trump’s passionate hate and fear mongering is most certainly bringing out the worst in many Americans, it is undeniably also bringing out the best in others, and love will always defeat hate.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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