Left Losing Control Of The Megaphone

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The tears of liberals are so sweet. The question of demographic composition is not crazy. Islam doesn’t follow the definition of religion which is applied when we think of Christian religions, Islam is much more, so recognizing that Islam needs to be analyzed independent of the Christian model of what constitutes religion is not crazy.

* If no one really trusts Donald Trump than why is he leading the polls in the Republican field? Why is he not down there at zero percent like Lindsey Graham?

* Trump is the most high profile person espousing the views of a large portion of this nation. Because of his personal wealth and popularity he seems immune from the social and professional shunning that relegates the likes of Pat Buchanan to publishing his opinions in blog columns. Trump might not be perfect. He is no George Washington. But he is the first guy in a long time to express views contrary to the narrative and live to tell about it.

* The more they try to shame all Republicans and conservatives as racists and extremists, the more they make radicalization not just possible but inevitable.

They’re turning people into Trumps with their divisive rhetoric!

* Trump has no constituency among the bicoastal elite, as far as I know the only fellow billionaire endorsing him is Carl Ichann.

So when they say “no one really trusts” its the same as when they said they didn’t know anyone who voted for Nixon.

For far too many of our elite, the space in between NY/DC and SF/LA practically doesn’t exist except for an island called Vail, Colorado.

* When is [Mark] Zuckerberg going to stand up to the attacks on the traditional American majority? With the ethnic cleansing by immigration, and Black Lives Matter attacks, I think it’s fair to say we are worthy of his standards.

Unless he has double standards.

* Marxists are fond of calling it “controlling the discourse.”

Because discourse is what Marxists (and Moslems) fear and hate and spite – and because discourse is what Donald Trump has liberated.

Marxists (and Moslems) don’t have discourse. They have sterile childish slogans (and the Koran). This is why Marxists (and Moslems) wage war on and against free speech – and it’s why they’ve attacked language itself, and have thereby attacked reason. Of course this is also why neither Marxists (nor Moslems) can take a joke.

I feel as Winston Churchill felt when England had stood alone against Hitler’s colossal savagery, and he knew that Britain’s survival depended entirely on the United States coming into the war, so that Churchill prayed for a casus belli that would bring the United States into the war. Well, with sincere thanks to Donald Trump, at last the people of the United States have entered today’s war. I’m on Mr. Trump’s side fighting the Globalist-Multicultural-Marxist-Moslem Axis.

And Donald Trump did not wait for a casus belli, he just saw straight and came out SHOOTING!

Gotta love that kind of AMERICAN Man.

Donald Trump is the George Patton of politics. Excerpt from the Patton character’s speech in the eponymous 1970 biopic:

“Now there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get any messages saying that ‘we are holding our position.’ We’re not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We’re going to hold onto him by the nose and we’re going to kick him in the ass. We’re going to kick the hell out of him all the time and we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose!”

Tell me that’s not Donald Trump, and I’ll say, “Shame on you.”

* Trump still hasn’t bashed the Jews and homos.

He goes for easy targets: Muslims, Mexicans, Mandarins.

* “Buchanan told me once the key is, before there’s any kind of controversy out there, create the controversy no matter how bad it may make you look, because you control the solution, everyone’s talking about you, you can guide it, but if somehow from the outside someone [else] creates the controversy, you have no control over it.”

* DailyMail went into anti-Trump overdrive yesterday with one article after another featuring various people bashing him from one angle or another. It seemed like it was all about him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them do something like this before. The alarm bells have really been going off. They’re actually scared that things he’s been saying might catch on with the average American. Only they are allowed to hold the megaphone and determine the framework of the discussion.

* “It’ll be interesting to see what Silicon Valley liberals threaten to do if Trump wins.”

Trump should rub their rhetoric back in their faces by demanding that they hire x number of American-born black and Hispanic programmers. When they can’t, he should fine them a huge sum for each day that they don’t meet that goal. It seems to me that the best way to destroy the left is to humiliate them: ship huge numbers of immigrants to their rich neighborhoods (and watch them flee as a result), open section 8 housing in upscale Blue State areas, require Hollywood studios to hire unmarketable minorities in order to meet a quota, and destroy Silicon Valley through hiring quotas. Why should Mark Zuckerberg get to preach diversity but not practice it? Beat the left by giving them what they preach and humiliate them when they can’t deliver.

* When complaining about a pot of boiling water, one should blame he who lit the fire beneath the pot rather than he who lifted the lid.

* Have you seen the new FriendsWhoLikeTrump thing on Facebook? You can now easily bring up a list of any Facebook friends that have ever “liked” Trump. The point is not political solidarity, of course. The point is so you can purge them.

The Left has gone full on Commie now, with accusations and purges of friends. It won’t be long before they want to start throwing Trump supporters in jail.

* More like there has always been an agreement between the MSM and liberals to never allow the majority of people who think like this to get air time. Unfortunately for them, they are not able to keep Trump off the airwaves.

* Damn, NBC management hates Trump so much they brought Tom Brokaw out of retirement. With rhetoric worthy of Shakespeare. I especially like how Tom shrills on about paranoia and accuses Trump of fear-mongering while he himself conjures up images of Nazis. The irony is so deep in this thing, it has to be method acting. I wonder if he used the same NBC producers that doctored the George Zimmerman 9-1-1 call. It’s a real tight piece of work.

* “A drunken man says what the sober man thinks.”

* He-he, reminds me of this stunt that some conservative Israeli politicians pulled. They offered to pay African illegals’ admission to a public swimming pool in the nice part of Tel Aviv. Hilarity ensues. No one’s bold enough to object to the Africans per se, so instead they yell at the organizers of this stunt, calling them provocateurs.
It would be swell to pull one of these in an upscale American area like the ones you suggest. Except that, unlike Israelis, Americans have already had fifty years to make adjustments to forced integration and a swimming pool like that would thus be a private club on private property in America.

* Media is having a full nervous breakdown. It assumes power to shout down opposition, turn genuine dissidents into pariahs, and set tenets of our sacred national religion – Ostrichism Or Ostracism. Now that’s dying. Media can’t turn a poll around or force to the wall Trump, Coulter, or whoever. Once it thundered. Now it screeches in very highest C ranges. Its flailing desperation is hilarious. How the mighty have fallen.

* Defining those who disagree with as crazy and therefore not entitled to free speech was an invention of the Frankfurt School, a bunch of commies who fled Hitler, found sanctuary in various US universities and immediately began to subvert American society to the extent they could. Although not in direct descent from the Marxist heretic, Tonio Gramsci, who argued that communism was so repugnant to the masses that society’s institutions — family, religion, law, education, constitutional government — must be destroyed to demoralize the population and pave the way for an eventual communist takeover; the Frankfurt School and their intellectual heirs have pretty much adopted the Gramscian strategy. You’ve got to give the Frankfurt School credit though; Gramsci never floated this particular method of demonizing one’s opponents. THe Soviets adopted it immediately, imprisoning thousands of dissidents in mental hospitals where they were dosed with various poisons in an attempt to return them to “sanity”.

* I derive amusement from watching MSM megaphones desperately elide talking about Trump’s reasons for surging in the polls, e.g., at least mouthing support for real immigration reform and border control, while pretending to provide deep analyses of the reasons for his popularity and why he poses such a threat to this country’s puppet masters.

* The alt-right pro-Trump crowd tend to be very anti-Semitic. Check out their sites and Twitter feeds.

If so, it is because an anti-immigrationist will naturally attract anti-Semites. Why are they antisemitic? I suggest that antisemitism was down to background levels in the Anglosphere as far back as the mid 1990s. It has increased with the immigration, PC, multicult push from the MSM and Hollywood.

It would be interesting to try and graph antisemitism in different countries over time. I wonder how it might be measured. Pogroms only measure the extreme expression thereof.

* They’re anti-Semitic like Joey Ramone was anti-Soft-Rock.

What they’re for is more interesting.

* Trump could further turn the tables by announcing that he will issue an executive order as president requiring the executive branch to give preference to non-Ivy league job applicants until those schools verifiably end their racist anti-Asian admissions practices. He could also announce an amnesty program for illegals so long as those illegals first relocated Silicon Valley, Beverly Hills, etc. (with government assistance through section 8 housing, of course). The point is, there’s LOTS that can be done with this humiliation tactic…and I think it could produce significant results (i.e. discredit the opposition while also emboldening supporters to go on offense). The left really isn’t used to being called on their BS social posturing because the opposition has been too afraid to even mention the topic of race. I’m surprised that the right hasn’t thought of this before.

* Why do you think Facebook wants people to use their real names? Right from the start that was a useful way of keeping track of anyone who looked like straying off the reservation, and punishing them through public shaming if they did.

Why do you think many newspapers now ban commenting on articles about “controversial” issues. Some have eliminated comments sections altogether.

They’re already aware of the problem and they will act to ban it. They’ve just decided to do it gradually.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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