National Security Profiling (Of Ethnicity, Nationality And Religion) Is a No-Brainer

Michelle Malkin writes:

Calm down and think, America.

While everyone’s undies are in a bunch over Donald Trump’s proposal for a Muslim immigration moratorium, it is undeniable in a time of “heightened alert“—when violent jihadists have no problem targeting their enemies here and around the world—that national security profiling is imperative to our survival.

Yes, that means taking politically incorrect criteria such as ethnicity, nationality and religion into account when battling radical Islamist throat-slitters, suicide bombers and hijackers who incinerate children on airplanes traveling to Disneyland, plant bombs in their shoes, underwear, soda bottles and belts, and shoot up concert halls, restaurants, malls, Army bases and social services centers.

Yes, that means unapologetic government tracking of Arab and Muslim foreign students, high-risk Muslim refugees, Muslim chaplains serving in the military and in prisons, and Arab and Muslim pilots and flight students.

Yes, that means taking immigration status into account to apply increased, common-sense scrutiny of temporary visa holders from jihadist breeding grounds.

All temporary visa-holders—foreign students, tourists, businesspeople and guest workers—are here by privilege, not by right. Their visas can and should be revoked whenever necessary to protect national security.

It is not “un-American” to bar any new religious visas for dangerous Muslim clerics or to freeze visas issued to travelers from official state sponsors of terrorism.

It is not contrary to our “values” to prioritize the immediate removal of all illegal visa overstayers and deportation fugitives from terror-sponsoring and terror-supporting nations.

Should we have a special registration system for visa holders from jihadist strongholds? Hell, yes. After 9/11, the feds put in place a National Security Entry-Exit Registration System that required higher scrutiny and common-sense registration requirements for individuals from jihad-friendly countries including Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, as well as other at-risk countries.

The basic components included a more rigorous application process in light of the shoddy visa questionnaires and undetected overstays of the 9/11 hijackers; 30 extra minutes of interviewing at ports of entry; a digital fingerprint check and in-person registration after they arrived in the interior of the country; and verification of departure once they exited.

The targeted registration of certain foreign nationals already in the country (temporary visa holders including students, tourists and businesspeople) resulted in the detection and apprehension of at least 330 known foreign criminals and three known terrorists who had attempted to come into the country at official ports of entry—including suspected al-Qaida operatives who were caught trying to enter the U.S. after their fingerprints matched ones lifted by our military officials from papers found in Afghanistan caves.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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