Donald Trump Will Be Our Next President

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Trump’s opponents all rushed into the trap tonight. I knew they were all mostly mediocre but even Cruz botched it.

ISIS is going to strike again and Trump will be coronated. ISIS doesn’t even have to strike stateside.

The thing about Trump is he demonstrates the total lameness of our top politicians. The puppeteers want dump puppets and that’s what we’ve got.

Even Fiorina who is verbal and has some dexterity walked into this one.

Judging by the recent frequency of ISIS attacks: there should be at least a half dozen significant attacks in the next year and Trump will leap higher with each one.

* Muslim eruptions and the reactions have taken how many trillion dollars out of the US economy over the last few decades? And furthermore their violence has provided the convenient fig leaf for a host of intrusions on our liberties. I know memories fade quickly, but remember what it was like to fly 20 years ago? Remember when you could see a loved one off at the gate?

* Michael Jackson used the word “ignorant” a lot when responding to questions about why he liked to sleep with little boys. South Park spoofed it:

* Does Carlos Slim self-identify as “Arab”? Maronites often don’t. It appears that Slim’s father had ties to a rightwing Falangist (i.e., Fascist) party, as well as Slim’s late wife being the cousin of Maronite warlord Bashir Gemayel.

It would seem like an interesting topic for the New York Times to investigate, no?

* “Oh no here come the Muslims! Geez, you guys are scared little pussies,” Kikuyu said mockingly as people began screaming when the black-clad couple burst into the room where his Christmas party was being held and fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

* Lothrop Stoddard was a New York Times correspondent into the 1940s. Imagine that. It’s true.

* Curtailing immigration from Islamic basket cases is the thin end of the wedge, Mr. Wizard. Once the public sees how “less immigration == more better” who knows how far we might ride that horse?

* “They will always be a small minority”. Famous last words.

* George Orwell must emerge as one of the few towering intellectual giants of the 20th century. As time moves on, and the memories and personalities of that century fade away, surely Orwell must be remembered in the same way as remember Burke, Locke, Paine etc as great intellects and defenders of the human spirit.

The only problem with Orwell was that he was true – too true.

* Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the U.S population, but on a per capita basis they sure have committed a lot of terrorist attacks/mass shootings on U.S soil for such a small miniscule demographic.

If a bunch of religious extremist Orthodox and Hasidic Jews went around committing terrorist attacks/mass shootings on U.S soil, I doubt you would say religious Jews do not pose much of a threat to the U.S. You would be the first to say the U.S needs to bomb Israel out of existence or at least advocate for a ban on all Jewish immigrants from entering The U.S in order to prevent anymore terrorist attacks on U.S soil from crazy violent religious Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, even if most Jewish immigrants are not terrorists but you would not want to take any chances.

* Having been just ahead of the “that’s ignorant” “that’s racist” trend, I can see it very clearly, like an avalanche on my heels. I think it’s a little like how one’s accent used to give away one’s social class, but now that our American accents are much more homogenized into the broad regions, we need something else to distinguish our betters. Also, it’s never said “you’re racist” or “you’re ignorant” as those are personal attacks – but the formation “that’s ____ [what you just said or believe]” which is effective in enforcing the moral “upper class” code. “That’s racist” has limited use, although quite flexible, so I believe “that’s ignorant” is used for all other non-racist contexts, or as a substitute to avoid saying the R-word.

PC orthodoxy is based on a confusion between belief and truth. Adherents believe that their beliefs are the Truth, and any contradiction to the Truth must be due to ignorance or malice [racism]. Perhaps the switch to the word “ignorance” is to avoid direct conflict; but perhaps it also reflects the current generation’s loss of skepticism. “It just is.” “I just can’t even [believe what I see/hear]” “Didn’t you know that [such and such study says that whatever liberal talking point]?” And even if you can contradict them with evidence or facts or anecdotes, these do not have enough weight against their believed orthodoxy. You’re just ignorant of the Truth.

Thus the Truth can be used both as a status marker in conversation and to distinguish between Believers and the Unsaved (or worse, they know the Truth and mock it-just like the Devil!!!! Those on the side of the Devil are Evil and must be resisted/destroyed no matter what!).

Hear the Good News and repent!

* The word ‘ignorant’ is used nowadays as meaning someone who doesn’t think what they’re supposed to, someone who doesn’t go in for group-think. Anyone who doesn’t agree with the party line is called stupid, uneducated and ‘ignorant’.
No non-Muslims have ever lived next to Muslims without hating them. This has been true everywhere there’s Muslims. There’s reasons for that. People who deny reality are ignorant.

* I’m waiting for a breakdown of American college campus sexual assault rates compared to the racial demographics of the school. That would be a real hoot!

* After 9/11 bin Laden wrote a clear, concise letter explaining that US support of the Israeli government was the sole reason for the attacks. End the finance & military support of Israel, and he would leave us alone. I hope everyone here understands how misguided and evil Bush’s “it’s because Sadam has weapons of mass distruction & let’s double down on support for Israel” was. And the idiocy of Invading Afghanistan while calling Iran, who has quietly been fighting the taliban for decades now, part of the Axis of Evil. Now the Muslims have more reason to attack.

You are right that they only attack due to our foreign policy. But the Zionist Jews only have power because evangelicals worship them like leftist worship blacks.

Our real problem is ever other white Gentiles.

* he same newspaper that would sign off TOMORROW on legislation outlawing “intemperate racial/religious/political speech”; on prioritizing the maintenance of extra-legal Homeland Security databases tracking real-life and online activities of same; and on the vigorous and disproportionately-punitive prosecution of such offenders, all in the name of Fighting Hate (whatever the fuck that is, exactly)…..this same newspaper has the nerve to serve up this tired bilgewater, with chunks of cliche swimming in it that would embarrass the producers of an ABC Afterschool Special.

* I totally agree that society should promote virtue (good habits that lead to good acts) and and punish vice, and it certainly is something difficult for the government to discern generally and for the most part.
However, in other situations it is pretty straightforward, for example membership in organized crime operation. Our society prohibits such organizations from having a formal status before the law and persecutes those suspected of being its members.
Considering the intrinsically warlord like behavior of the religion’s founder and the fact that he is regarded as the exemplar of a good human being for Muslims then it is not to far fetched to think of Islam itself as being a good deal like an organized crime organization. For example the jizya is basically a protection racket. Most people involved in organized crime don’t actually do the violent stuff themselves, but the muscle does rely on a broader network of smugglers, numbers guys, informants, and wives/girlfriends to maximize the efficacy of the violent acts.

* Carlos Slim’s dad was a member of the fascist Phalange in Lebanon and his older brother was a secret policeman in Mexico who interrogated / tortured leftist troublemakers. His beloved late wife was the cousin of the extreme right warlord Bashir Gemayel who allied with Ariel Sharon in 1982 but was blown up before taking the oath of office as president.

For some reason, the NYT hasn’t shown much interest in exploring this fascinating family history.

* Shinto was a massive problem for the United States, both as a foreign policy and then as a domestic policy, because it encouraged militarist craziness.

On the other hand, Shinto and Japanese culture in general, like American culture at the time, came with a sense of honor about its craziness, so loyalty oaths turned out to be a highly effective tool for predicting the behavior of individual . About 5,000 Japanese Americans, many of whom had been sent back to Japan for high school and indoctrination in the Shinto cult, refused to take a loyalty oath to the U.S. They were sent to a special camp, Tule Lake, where they caused all sorts of problems for the guards with their violence. On the other hand, these Emperor-worshippers never promised not to make war against the U.S. so their violence against the U.S. was not dishonorable.

The Japanese Americans who took a loyalty oath to America were allowed to stay where they lived if they didn’t live on the West Coast. And the West Coasters who took oaths to the U.S. did not cause much trouble at all at their lower security internment camps (where they were paid like draftee privates in the U.S. Army). So, in retrospect, a big injustice was done to the Japanese-Americans since, after a few unfortunate incidents of treason at the time of Pearl Harbor, they showed a high degree of honorable behavior in living up to their loyalty oaths to America.

So that raises the question of whether Muslim culture puts as high of a value of honor regarding loyalty oaths as does Japanese culture? Or does it have a culture of dissimulation?

But in any case, our 21st culture tends to treat loyalty oaths as a McCarthyite joke, so it would be weird for Muslims to take them all that seriously. For example, the immigration oath would appear to require immigrants to give up citizenship in other countries, but the Supreme Court’s 1967 Afroyim case allowing an immigrant from Israel to vote in both countries gutted the oath.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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