Trump Calls for Moratorium on Muslim Immigration “Until Our Country’s Representatives Can Figure Out What Is Going On”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* God bless this man. I hope enough people can denounce him in polite circles, but vote for him secretly. Unfortunately openly supporting him is social death, I can attest.

* Wow. It’s like this Trump guy thinks that politicians should actually carry out the wishes of their constituents, rather than hectoring them about what ignorant retrograde racists they all are.

That’s not how politics is done anymore. Is he mad?

* If we (meaning particularly those of us on the alt-right) were serious about stopping this Moslem jihad, the method is right there in front of us. Simply endorse, publically and loudly, the “social conservatism” of Islam. The American and European elites, episcopalian and Jewish, media and corporate, would flip inside 24 hours.

“We have studied the dictates of sharia and find them completely in line with our goals of rolling back the homo agenda, the divorce epidemic, the pornography of Hollywood, acceptance of crime, vulgarity of (c)rap ‘music’ and …”

Our actual sincerity in the statement is irrelevant. The leftists would have to either argue that Islam supports gay marriage, porn, crime, etc, or they’d have to oppose the Moslems. The reason we keep losing is that we insist on following the rules of a game the leftists created where there are no rules for them. Of course if we continue to sit back and do nothing (or continue being the puppet of Zionists), eventually the Moslems will solve the leftist problem for us.

* Houellebecq tried it. I’m not sure if Americans are clever enough to get the joke.

* It is about time someone had the common sense and courage to make the statement Trump released. We ought to put a complete moratorium on all immigration until we fix the immigration laws and regulations. Say a 25 year moratorium which would give us time to vet all those here now, deport illegal aliens as well as radical jihadists or other similar types.

It is time to stop digging.

* This is a hostile army in our midst, not immigrants, not refugees.

Doesn’t matter if they have high IQ’s or not. Many Muslim terrorists have college degrees, some were engineers and even doctors. Once they become devout – they become killers or supporters of them.

* So now we can’t even discriminate against people who live thousands of miles away who aren’t citizens and have no right to be here? This country is so screwed up. The Constitution is really getting to be the enemy of white people if that is true. Either we let in everybody or nobody. I’d take nobody.

* Democrats want mass Islamic immigration for the votes, but what the hell do RINO elites want mass Islamic immigration for? It sure as hell is not for cheap labor because Muslims are not picking fruits and vegetables in rural Central California or rural Nebraska for example. Muslim women are not becoming the nannies of rich WASP, Irish & Italian Catholic, and Jewish infidel babies. At least with Hispanics it makes more sense for why RINOs want as many of them here as possible.

* High IQ Muslims are actually more dangerous than the retarded muslims. The problem with muslims is their ideology combined with their clannish behavior. The more intelligent muslims pose a much higher risk to Americans, as they have the ability to wage more efficient jihad and cause more death and destruction than the typical low IQ muslims.

* Senator Jeff Sessions just came out with numbers on the total number of green cards awarded to Muslim nations from 2009-2013. I believe it was 680,000 green cards. Sessions made the point that if we don’t change our immigration policies, we’re going to continue to get huge numbers of Muslims.

I think this is some type of coordinated offensive against Muslim immigration, being led by Sessions. Given how close Trump is to Sessions, it wouldn’t surprise me if Sessions persuaded him to adopt this policy.

* Mainstream orthodoxy: Invade the World / Invite the World

Bizarre extremism: Burkean prudence

* I will bet $100 that at the end of this week Donald Trump’s poll numbers will have soared to record highs.

Trump’s statement calling for a ban on all Moslem entry into the U.S. just locked-in my vote for him to be our next President of the United States.

Except for JFK blockading Soviet missile shipments to Cuba and Ronald Reagan’s “Government is the problem” opposition to government bloat, Donald Trump’s ban-all-Moslem-entry statement is the most commonsensical thing an American candidate or elected official has said since Ike occupied the Oval Office.

Meanwhile, in bold repudiation of Enemedia-Pravda’s and Left-lib-proglodytes’ rabid attacks on the Second Amendment, Americans appear to be setting records in firearms purchases.

* I can think of a few reasons why Republicans support muslim immigration. First, the US is seen worldwide as being extremely one-sided in our dealings with Israel and the palis. So being able to throw bones to any muslim group serves to show that we have nothing against them. In fact I thought bombing Serbia and supporting the Kosovar muslims was definitely related to this. More than likely allowing muslim immigration into the US is too.

Second the GOP, sans the paleocons, has been on the frontline of this whole democracy-spreading business. How can you go into a place like Iraq or Afghanistan and preach the universal values of democracy, tolerance, blah, blah, blah and then tell the locals, “you can’t come to the USA”? You can’t. If you did you’d offend them and wreck your little project.

Third, the GOP elite are products of the same Ivies as the lefties and they have been marinated in the post 60′s culture. Thus their beliefs on certain issues like immigration are similar to the left’s in that they cannot countenance discriminating against any non-white group.

* Because the most important thing of all is that the foreign policy establishment have no impediments in getting the country into more decade long trillion dollar wars over strategic sources of gravel.

* Trump is the only legitimate contender that I trust not to start WW3. Every other Democratic and Republican candidate (except Paul) is openly advancing an insanely belligerent policy of confrontation towards Russia. Conventional wisdom appears to be that NOT goading a nuclear superpower that we have no natural conflicts with is somehow weird and dangerous. But letting in millions of Muslims? Well shucks, that’s as American as mom and apple pie.

* It’s like if your car is slipping on an icy street, you need to floor the pedal to the metal because anything else would be giving in to Fear.

* Short version:

He lied about his age, there are a bunch of photos of him holding military rifles, he bragged on social media about going to jail for five months for a violent assault, and has other charming social media posts like:

“I am coming to kill you all pieces of shit”

“Bulgaria is a piece of shit, people are shit bulgaria is shit everything there is shit”

“I have deticated my life for allah my god and hes the first n the last.”

“My name is fahad that means cheetah and y’all are sheep so be careful.”

No doubt he’ll do great in Finland, thanks mainstream right!

* Trump has hired more people for high level jobs than the last three presidents put together did before they were elected, so I would not worry too much.

* I think Trump is smarter than anyone here is giving him credit for. If you stop and think about it, sincere guys don’t get elected to be President. They don’t have a chance, because they are too honest – they can see all the things wrong and all the corruption all around them. This deprives them of any allies, because they can’t get in bed with anyone. The Ron Paul dilemma perhaps. Trump is such a sleaze that he has no problem doing business, I think.

So, if you think about it, who do you need on your side to get elected? #1 AIPAC. Normally, a friendly media, or at least half of it (which the Republicans and Democrats more or less split). Here Trump has forged a new path – ZFG I think it’s called. He is able to capture the public attention and the media space from his sharp truthiness – much in the spirit of the age. So, he’s skipping #2, the major media, which is risky, but seems to appeal to him.

I think he’s caging on the visa stuff to avoid alienating the chamber of commerce – and probably doesn’t really care much about it, compared to the other issues, which is immigration immigration immigration, and foreign interventions (from what I’m picking up).

However, what I don’t know is if he’s smart enough to remember that “personnel is policy” and whether he will remember to fire everyone in the State Department (or you know, 10% or so, pour encourager les autres..)

* BBC Radio news headlines this morn:

Item 1 – “Trump call for all Muslims to be banned from entering US is widely condemned” – the smelling salts were much in evidence
Item 3 – “Only 3 out of 46 UK police forces have strategies in place to address forced marriage, honour killings and female genital mutilation”
Item 4 – “US rock band plays Paris after 86 people murdered at their last concert”

* Politically playing nice with Muslims is not going to get the GOP anywhere, it is certainly not going to help them win any elections. Mitt Romney never publicly said anything negative about Muslims like Donald Trump has, yet Mitt Romney still only won a pathetically low 4 percent of the Muslim vote in the 2012 presidential elections, even though he ran as a political moderate and not as a far Right Winger.

* Muslim immigrants do not disperse evenly over the country. Some communities already have a Muslim majority, others are on the way. If you’re being asked by a local Muslim police officer why you’re not covering your hair and why you are eating during the day during Ramadan, the fact that there aren’t many Muslims nationwide won’t seem immediately relevant.

* Anyone catch Walter Huston’s propaganda film “Pearl Harbor” yesterday on TCM? It dealt with the dilemma posed by Japanese-Americans in Hawaii as the US prepared to enter WW2. It was a time machine that pondered the implications of ‘hyphenated Americans’. 37% of Hawaii’s population was of Japanese descent and while, outwardly, the Japanese-American community professed allegiance to the US there was no doubt a 5th column amongst them such that the US military had a ‘grab list’ of locals who would be arrested upon the outbreak of war. Recommended viewing for those who want to see a well done film that is as timely today as it was then!

* How many Japanese and German citizens were allowed to visit the United States after December 1941?

* Another case for Steve’s National Immigrant Safety Board.

If Trump gets too much heat on this and needs to stress that he is only talking about a temporary thing, I guess he could make the analogy that Steve often makes.

If a particular type of plane crashes, authorities will often suspend other planes of the same type from flying until they figure out what the hell went wrong. Even if there is nothing wrong with the other planes, they are still grounded until the cause of the accident is established so that there is less chance of it happening again.

Letting Tashfeen Malik into the country was a huge mistake. Trump should be able to argue it makes sense to suspend other people with the same distinguishing characteristic from entering the country until you find out what caused the mistake that allowed her in. Even if there is nothing wrong with most of the people you suspend from entering, they are still barred until the case of the mistake is established so that there is less chance of it happening again.

* It turned out in 1979 that DC-10s really were fundamentally flawed due to an unrealistic design philosophy, but there were 400 of them. So American Airlines took the liability hit for the 271 people killed on takeoff from O’Hare by letting be blamed on poor maintenance and the government ordered better maintenance so airlines wouldn’t have to write off their vast investment. They kept crashing, but not as often as they would have without all the inspections.

* We will have terrorist attacks and threats of terrorists attacks and inconvenient and humiliating security measures and the disruption of ordinary activities FOREVER, as long as Muslims are in the West in any significant numbers. The Muslim terrorists are part and parcel of the Muslim community. According to a survey reported in the Scotsman, 24 percent of Muslims in Britain (I never describe them as “British Muslims”) believe the July 2005 London bombings were justified. Imagine that. Not only do these Muslims in Britain support terrorism against Britain, they’re not afraid to say so openly to a pollster! The unchangeable fact is that wherever there is a sizable Muslim community there will be a very large number of terror supporters and therefore—inevitably—actual terrorists as well.

This is our future, FOREVER, unless we stop Muslim immigration and initiate a steady out-migration of Muslims from the West until their remaining numbers are a small fraction of what they are now and there are no true believers among the ones that remain. Travelers from Muslim countries must be tightly restricted as well. Muslims must be essentially locked up inside the Muslim lands, with only carefully screened individuals allowed into the non-Muslim world.

* Part of the success of the pro-immigration side is that in spite of not being monolithic, they have held together as a lobby. This is why their position is for “comprehensive” reform. If they don’t hang together they will hang separately. The high tech HB1 lobby, stoop labor / hotel maid lobby, family reunification (ethnics) lobby, white liberals really don’t have much in common with each other but they have figured out that if one group is thwarted, it is no longer unthinkable that the others can be stopped as well. Putting the kibosh on Muslim immigration will set off a chain reaction that will reform the rest of the system.

* Mr Trump is perfectly correct to do this, but of course the Powers-That-Be will take this as the opportunity they have been waiting for to destroy him.

If you simply read his statement, it becomes clear that there are good enough reasons for this measure. Also, if you remember that he is a negotiator, you will realize that he knows how to demand a lot up front, with the expectation that whatever less comes of it will still be better than what existed before.

It is unfortunate that the West and Americans have lost so much of their Chutzpah that such a statement throws them into a pussy-fit. This is proof of how far we have fallen.

Contrary to what people with the megaphone in the MSM will shout to you, there is nothing “unconstitutional” about restricting immigration and visas on specific bases. The Constitution protects the right of people inside our country to worship and speak as they please; it does not guarantee entry to anybody. Frankly, we don’t have to allow anybody in, and we can make any restrictions we want. It is our country, after all. Donald Trump, oddball that he is, is the only candidate free enough to bluntly show us this fact.

* Nice & pleasant is more important than IQ. Everyone here would rather live around dumb pleasant people than intelligent vicious people. Vicious low IQ people are bad too.

To rephrase: Why should nice, pleasant, Muslims be penalized?

They shouldn’t. Everyone here would rather live among more Ayaan Hirsi Alis and Razib Khans and less Bernie Sanders and Bill DeBlasios.

Screening between good and bad people is complicated. Something as simple as screening by religion is quite coarse and it will make many mistakes.

It’s baffling to me to hear citizens of Saudi Arabia criticize Trump as some great evil. They ruthlessly forbid other religions from their country and block members of their very own Arab Sunni Muslim demographic from immigrating. Those are orders of magnitude worse than anything Trump has proposed.

* Listening to NPR radio news on the way home tonight, based on the obloquy they are now heaping on Donald Trump, I got the distinct impression that they and all the other MSM have gone off the rails . The establishment is now so afraid of this man’s rational policy prescriptions that they fail to realize their increasingly shrill, irrational and off-topic attacks are drawing thoughtful voters to him.

I’m no longer nervous about expressing my support for Trump in places I wouldn’t have dared to a few weeks ago. No one can match my arguments in support of his policy statements and I regularly have persons who have heard me approach surreptitiously to say that although they are afraid to speak out they are grateful for more forthright persons like myself. I am beginning to have a glimmer of hope that a slim majority of the sane electorate in this country and in the UK and Europe are coming to their senses and may yet save themselves from the doom so carelessly crafted by establishments and elites who seem hellbent on destroying western civilization.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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