Donald Trump Shifts The Overton Window

From the Chateau: A couple of years ago, there was a post on CH explicitly calling for a closed border policy for the United States. Did Trump read it? Because just today he cranked up his inner shitlord and dropped a post-San Berdoo sanity bomb on the Shitlib Collective: A ban on all Muslim immigration into the US (until further notice, like when the cousin marriage rate in the Middle East drops below 1%).

you’re so vain
you probably think the trumpening reads you
you’re so vain
i’ll bet you think the trump has you bookmarked
don’t you don’t you…..

I’m glad that Trump and his team are taking pointers from this ‘umble retreat nestled deep in the Ardenne forests. Our knowledge and talents are available to aid your journey to the White House, Donald.

How much has the dissident-right helped Trump shift the Overton Window all the way to “induce lactating of shitlib manboobs”?

This is incredible. After 9/11 (3000 people dead), visas are issued to the dead terrorists.

After San Bernardino (14 people dead), Trump calls for a Muslim immigration shut down.

A few fearless voices will ring out like a… trumpening… from the din of lies. Trump understands the importance of Game to world-changing politics as well as to women. Game 101: Trump is proving the way to defeat the leftoid hivemind is to go on the offense, give no quarter, and make no apology.

Also, a reader adds that Trump just made a statement that sounds like the idea was ripped straight from a recent Chateau Heartiste post.

Trump giving a speech just said re: Bernardino: “His wife radicalized him, maybe he couldn’t get women? Who knows?” Is Trump reading Heartiste? Saw this on CNN just now. Trump also said, If people in Paris/Bernardino had guns, things would have been different.

Ok, the truth is, I can neither confirm nor deny if the future 45th President of the United States Donald M to the Fer Trump is a CH reader. Our guest list is a secret guarded on threat of punishment to sit strapped in a chair listening to Jeb Bush and John Kasich natter about the true meaning of conservatism (guacamole recipes and endless streams of cheap ingrate labor).

Related: A useful rundown of what happens to a society as its Muslim population grows. Diversity™ always creates headaches and rips apart social cohesion, but Muslim Diversity™ is a special breed of vibrancy; acting like an accelerant on the process of societal disintegration in a linear relationship with the population share of Muslims.

Related, big picture-wise: “Western Civilization is in the Hands of Women… Heaven Help Us

Maybe it has been in the hands of women for too long… but not anymore. There’s a testicular spectre emerging from the century-old swamp of equalist orthodoxy, and the women are doing what they always do when ZERO FUCKS GIVEN men take the lead: they fall in line (and swoon while doing it).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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