How Will We Get By Without More Muslims?

If we don’t import Muslims to do the jihad that Americans won’t do, won’t life be boring?

Is Donald Trump sincere about banning new Muslims from entering the country? Can he do it legally and politically? Perhaps he is staking out a bargaining position, which plays well with the portion of the electorate he wants to vote for him. Perhap he will settle for an end to chain migration and more thorough background checks.

Jews are more sensitive to fissures in society. That’s why Jewish groups like the ADL are going nuts condemning Trump. Movements towards Gentile cohesion, such as National Socialism, have often not been good for Jews.

Here is a classic Jewish response I found on Facebook:

I’m seeing hateful comments and memes about Muslims that make me uncomfortable.

The reality is, many people who don’t like Muslims also don’t like Jews. Right now, they’re talking about Muslims, but the tide could turn and Jews could be next.

Another reality is, you likely have friends or co-workers who are Muslim, and you don’t know it, and you are offending or upsetting them with your comments and memes, but they aren’t saying anything to you.

Mainstream Islam and mainstream Muslims DO condemn terrorist acts. We don’t see it on TV because it’s not “good TV”. It’s not polarizing. It doesn’t create sound bites.

I don’t like to see a whole religion attacked for the actions of some.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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