Smart Move By Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Shrewd move by Trump, advocating a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

Trump’s proposal comes in response to the level of hatred among “large segments of the Muslim population” toward Americans.

“Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” Trump said in the statement.

These statements by Trump should give a boost to his popularity , especially among republican primary voters.

* In last night’s speech to the nation, Obama pushed for restrictions on purchase of weapons by those on “no-fly lists,” even though neither assailant was on a “no-fly list.” He made passing reference to the assailants’ possession of pipe bombs, but somehow he didn’t think through the problem. These two people were determined to kill Americans, and, if somehow they couldn’t use the assault rifles, they would have resorted to the pipe bombs. So I am not sure why he just seeking ineffective restrictions on fire arms. He also called for Muslim religious leaders around the world to reform Islam, acknowledging that Islam was in need of reformation. But he didn’t say what a rational leader would have said, namely that until Islam was reformed the U.S. would no longer accept any Muslim immigrants. He has basically handed a powerful issue to the Republicans and left poor Hillary Clinton to defend an extremely unpopular position to the American public.

* What is surprising that the father would openly talk like this, it’s clear the Muzzies are becoming more brazen – which is worrisome. It’s also shocking to see USA Today print this. People are getting scared.

That said, the entire family reeks of Salafism, they weren’t some lapsed beer drinking Muzzies but old school buggers doing what allah wanted. All junior did was simply follow the Koranic demands to their logical conclusion – jihad.

Heck he was radicalized merely by growing up in that family, but like a good jihadi played the Dr. Jeckl and Mr. Hyde game with the infidels until it was time to strike.

I bet if one does a background check on their friends and relatives you’ll find a entire network devoted to supporting jihadis. It’s very doubtful junior was alone in this, he had help.

* I bet Farook Sr. is on disability. His wife said he’s “mentally ill” and takes meds in court when she filed for divorce. After 40 quarters of work you’re eligible for disability as an immigrant. Somebody should research Asian SSI claims. There are so many scams it would blow the average American’s mind. And not just Muslims, mind you. The Chinese are masters of this. It’s a wonder California hasn’t already bankrupted the US all on its own.

* I haven’t seen anyone yet remark how strange it was that the day after their son/brother killed 14 people, the Farooks already had a Benjamin Crumpish “family lawyer” supplied to them by CAIR, who then called a press conference where they gave statements.

Did Charlie Mason’s actual family have a press conference? Did the press lap it up and write up sympathetic profiles of family members who weren’t mass killers? I don’t think we have ever heard so much, from so many, of the relatives of a mass murderer the very week of the mass murder.

* I hate to say it, but once we decided that discrimination against American citizens was wrong, that kicked out much of the philosophical justification for discriminating against foreigners too. How can you support equal civil rights for African Americans, and then argue that maybe we should discourage any more Africans from coming over?

It’s no coincidence that both kinds of discrimination were legislated out of existence within the same year.

* I’m fascinated by the loose threads that the media just allows to flutter away unchecked.

On the day of the San Bernardino shooting, there was an intense manhunt for the third person in the SUV, who police saw run away from the vehicle during the shootout.

I watched live on television while helicopters broadcast the police moving from house to house in search of this person. One reporter on the ground even reported that the individual had a shootout with police while running through people’s backyards; he cited as evidence a dead dog on the ground with bullet wounds.

The third person was supposedly captured, but I haven’t heard or read a single thing about him/her since.

* Rand Paul is now calling for a moratorium on immigration from the “middle east” (presumably from Pakistan too?). This is shaping up to be a battle between gun control on the left and immigration control on the right. Overton Window shifting again – I don’t recall immigration control brought up in response to terrorism outside of the Steve-o-sphere before.

* The Arabist Malcolm Kerr, the father of Steve Kerr, coach of the reigning NBA champions Golden State Warriors, was assassinated in his office as head of the American University in Beirut in 1984.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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