What Syria’s refugees think about Israel might surprise you

Jews and Muslims are antagonists. Why would you expect anything else?

Imagine looking at the world if your IQ was 83. You’d be suspicious and surly too and prone to conspiracy theories.

Do you think Europe and America and Australia and Canada are going to more or less friendly to the Jews as their Muslims populations increase?

From The Jerusalem Post:

BERLIN: Israel’s government is in cahoots with Syrian President Bashar Assad. America wants to keep the Syrian civil war going for as long as possible. Russia is outmaneuvering the United States on the global stage.

Those are some of the viewpoints you’re likely to hear if you talk politics with Syrians pouring out of their war-torn country and into Europe.

When I went to Berlin recently to write about the wave of migrants arriving in Germany, one of the questions I was most curious about was something that had nagged at me since the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad began bombing its own people back in 2011: Now that you see the true face of your government, do you look at its longtime adversary, Israel, any differently? Could the enemy of your enemy be your friend?

But when it came to their views on Israel, there seemed to be more conspiracy theory than political theory. And I was surprised (though I probably shouldn’t have been) that for many Syrians, the defining element of their identity is sectarian rather than national, and therefore they’re more concerned with the divides among Alawites, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds than the divide between Arab and Jew…

To my Western ear, many of the Syrians’ convictions sounded outlandish, incoherent or ignorant.


* Where are all the “Muslims for Peace” rallies? Why aren’t they protesting all the acts of terrorism? Why aren’t they telling ISIS to leave the Christians and Jews alone? Why aren’t they saying, stop raping and killing children? Why?

* Good for them…. still trying to throw the responsibility for what happened to their country to anyone else but themselves. And of course Israel will be guilty of whatever.

* There are 7 billion souls on this planet.
It is unrealistic that Europe can actually take in endless waves of people.
It is puzzling to me why so many of Europe’s elite are willing to commit national suicide.

* Has anyone in Israel considered the implications for the future when Germany and France are under a Muslim majority?

* The cheap teaser in this article is, “What Syria’s refugees think about Israel might surprise you”

There’s of course nothing surprising about these eternally Jew-hating vermin accusing Israel of being in “cahoots,” with Assad, as it is the best way to vilify the Syrian president. It’s a tactic that’s been used by one Muslim group against another many, many times in the past; there is no greater smear than to suggest that a Muslim or Muslim nation is engaged in anything with Israel other than the Jewish nation’s destruction.

The two things that are surprising about the refuges is that (1) they’re completely correct in their contention that Russia is outmaneuvering the United States on the global stage and (2) that they have been welcomed into Western nations, where they will undoubtedly contribute expeditiously to the destruction of those Western nations.

* Muslims/arabs are never ever responsible for their fate, or their situation. It’s always always some other nation, religion, or government that intentionally deliberately caused their predicament.

* No one is still surprised by what Arabs/ Islamist think about Israel. Anything they deem bad is the fault of Israel. Only the ignorant of reality in the Middle East are surprised.

* Why not just put a gun in the hands of the young people in the migrant flood, return them to Syria, and tell them to fight for their homeland if they really value it? Arabs seem incapable of taking care of themselves. Those that have great wealth are reluctant to share it, those with massive territory refuse to take in a single refugee, those with large armies refuse to use them. Is this what an admirable culture looks like?

* This article should be taken as a warning for the Jewish people. The Syrian refugees will spread their anti-Semitic and ant-Israel garbage in every country that lets them in. Germany taking in 800,000 thousands is especially ominous.

* This article is a very good example of several things:
1) lack of education in the ME,
2) Western superiority — no, wrong word — arrogance,
3) although acknowledging that we are all ‘kids of Adam and Eve,” strongly indicating that you think that ‘your’ kids are superior, while your kids sit in heated rooms watching flat-screen TVs and ours just watched their parents or brothers shot by terrorists who just raped their mother and sold their sisters. Terrorists whom the US is supporting, training, and arming, and
4) no solution to the problem — only finger-pointing.

So tell me, with no solution, why do you think are you superior? Your president has not only enabled Daesh to grow (and presented a hefty, illogical bill to US taxpayers), but trained Daesh, AND even given them weapons. It seems that most al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) terrorists (same guys responsible for 9/11 – remember that?) get trained by the CIA, then turn over to Daesh, while the US lets Turkey into the anti-Daesh ‘war’ — only so the US can turn their backs while Turkey kills the Kurds.

* I don’t want refuges from the Middle East because their view of life is so much different than mine that they will change our way of life permanently.

* If the Germans are to survive, they had better exterminate those traitors in power at present and place a Putinesque type in power and start building the infrastructure for a hi-tech Final Solution Mk2 . This time get the RIGHT race

I live in hope that there is some fact behind this;” Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal” and the program is well under way.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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