Steve Sailer: Team Islam Surges Back Into Contention

Steve Sailer writes: Islamic nutjobs in America are relatively few in number, but evidently have an impressive chip on their shoulders.

…inviting in the Muslim world’s violence is a policy decision, a policy decision that could have been avoided, and a policy decision that the ruling class very much doesn’t want to have openly debated.


Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Liberal journalists have become fond of pointing out that ISIS doesn’t want Syrian refugees to come to Europe or the US, so if we stop them from coming we are “helping ISIS.”

But why does ISIS want the refugees to stay in Syria? To recruit them as fighters. Because some of them are sympathetic to ISIS now(about 13% in polls), and even more can be radicalized later.

But the same propensity to radicalization that make them attractive to ISIS make them bad for us. And if they are going to become fighters, it is better to have them in Syria than in Paris or San Bernardino.

Liberals can’t make a good argument that the refugees are good for us, so they obfuscate the issue by bringing up if it is “good for ISIS.”

Ultimately ISIS doesn’t pose an existential threat to our survival. But immigration does.

* At its core, the liberal attitude towards immigration and promotion of multiculturalism is an expression of revulsion at what America is and was, and a refusal to acknowledge that the accomplishments of Western civilization (i.e. white people) dwarf that of everyone else. They think changing the demography of the country will make the country better or less sinful and will not in any way impact our quality of life and/or our cultural and scientific output. That’s not a bet I would place, but it’s one the left and an influential portion of the right is happy to make.

* The problem isn’t that Muslim terrorists are killing people wherever they are foolishly welcomed, but white folks talking about it. That’s the real crime. Which is why Hussein & Lynch aren’t talking about cracking down on Muslim terrorism, but instead about cracking down on Americans’ dangerous right to free speech.

This is the sort of thing the venal small-town sheriff does in the movies. Bruce Dern arresting the hooker for witnessing a gunfight and getting smacked around in Last Man Standing is a great example: “By the time the law showed up, I was long gone…but the sheriff didn’t let me down. He investigated the whole thing…then arrested the hooker.”

Islam is going to decapitate Leftism in the public square. It’s only a matter of time.

* Let’s play juxtapose the headlines:

For Woman in Shooting, Easy Passage Through U.S. Visa Process

ISIS loyalist woman in San Bernardino massacre is linked to Pakistan’s most notorious radical cleric and mosque known as center for fundamentalists

Obama Not Worried About Taking Syrian Refugees

Yeah, we know Hussein’s not worried. He’s got Secret Service protection for life.

The woman who was linked to Pakistan’s most notorious Muslim extremists breezed through US immigration and then helped murder 14 Americans; Hussein says we’re giving a similarly rigorous screening to the tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Islamic State sympathizers he’s decided to allow into our country against popular opinion and without our permission. Oh, and his Attorney General is now declaring that she won’t tolerate any harsh language toward the Muslims. What could possibly go wrong?

* Muslims are just 1-2% of the US population, so per capita they’re way overachieving. They are to terrorism what the Jews are to punditry and Supreme Courtisanism.

Imagine what they could accomplish if they became 10%!

* They waited until Friday night (document dump window) to release the photo and immigration details of Farook’s wife.

Also an insanely corrupt FBI releases the perp apartment (operational headquarters for the cell) back to the landlord in 36 hours! Then the media is allowed entry en masse to utterly render the premises legally inadmissable in court.

The apartment was a bomb factory! The FBI announced the case was in fact terrorism midday and then immediately declared the apartment no longer a crime scene!

* Yes, Muslims are only around one percent of the United States population, and the reason we don’t have quite as much trouble with them as the Europeans do, according to the Fox News pundits, is that we assimilate them better.

So the reason France has so much trouble with Muslims is not that they’re ten percent of their population, but because they haven’t done a good job assimilating them.

I guess we’d have done a better job assimilating blacks too if they were only one percent of the population rather than 13 percent.

* Yeah, the crimes of Thornton, Roof, etc., they’re like somebody in your family getting murdered by somebody else in your family. A horrible thing, but it’s inevitable it’s going to happen now and then in somebody’s family.

In contrast, what are we up to now just from the absolutely tiny number of Chechens let in by the U.S. government either due to commission or omission: seven dead Americans because Uncle Ruslan used to be married to a CIA man’s daughter?

* I have to wonder how the elite media will wind up spinning Tashfeen Malik’s role in this terrorist act. She must put them in a real bind, because they want to defend unrestricted immigration at all costs; they present Islam as “a religion of peace,” despite evidence to the contrary; and they have propagandized us with this nonsense about the benign wonders of “strong women” for decades.

So here we have an immigrant Muslim woman who may have radicalized her American-born Muslim husband and turned him into a violent jihadist. And then she joined him on his shooting rampage knowing full well that they would both die and they never see their anchor baby grow up. When feminists and their enablers invented this “strong woman” fantasy, I don’t think they had women like Tashfeen in mind.

* I have a question for you and your readers. I know a young Muslim man (Pakistani immigrant, not a citizen) that I know to be violent and slightly unhinged. We dated in college a few years back and it ended very badly with death threats and abuse – I moved back to my parents’ house to get away from him. I filed a police report on his behavior but nothing ever came of it. He apparently tried to kill himself and ended up in a mental institution for awhile, but eventually got out, and now he lives and works in a major US city (that I am far away from). He is without a doubt the kind of person I could see becoming radicalized. Should I call the police department of his city and alert them to his presence? Is there any channel through which I could alert Homeland Security? Am I over-reacting? I have no idea what he is up to now, so I don’t know if he is still religious or crazy, but my gut feeling is that he’s still the same guy.

* The MSM are all for women in combat and Jane Jihadi steps up to make their dreams come true.

* We get a better class of Moslems than Europe does. Those that come here have generally been to college, whereas many of the Moslems in Europe came straight from the casbah.

* Immediately pull the tax exempt status of any mosque with a terror-linked attendee. The mosque can then undergo a 5 year surveillance investigation that would make proctologists jealous. After passing the 5 year investigation, the mosque can reapply for tax exempt status, but not a refund on the taxes paid. I mean, I would rather just shut down all mosques and boot out the immigrants but that ain’t going to happen.

* I was out with a friend the other night. He’s a straight, white guy, but politically pretty much the exact opposite of me. He’s one of those lefties who believes in absolute open borders (for us, of course; I presume he thinks colonialism was a horrific evil). When I suggest that will cause hundreds of millions of people to move here, he doesn’t seem to have a problem with it, even though he’s also an environmentalist.

But he seemed almost visibly shaken by the San Bernardino massacre, especially coming as it did just on the heels of the Paris massacre. He said he could imagine it reaching a point where we all decided to stop letting Muslims into the country, and I didn’t sense that he would object to that.

Attitudes are changing, and fast. After the Paris shooting I had this ominous feeling that we would see several attacks in December, because it’s the holiday season. I’m not superstitious, so I’m not talking premonitions or anything – just that the rate of terrorist attacks all over the world seems to have spiked, and, from their perspective, attacks during Christmas and Hanukkah would be especially “victorious.”

* One “tiny group” I could name has faked assimilation in the U.S. and its elite has worked against the interests of the country’s formerly dominant white population.

* Syed was born in the US in 1987. He brought his wife here on a K-1 visa about two years ago. His dad, an immigrant, is or was at some point a truck driver, so he probably didn’t come here on an H-1B visa, though perhaps he did but failed at a STEM career.

Did Papa Farook come via chain migration, through a brother or sister? Did he come here illegally? Was he legalized via the 1986 amnesty? Syed’s parents appear to have both been immigrants, his wife was an immigrant, and his brother-in-law, Farhan Khan, who spoke at the press conference, is clearly an immigrant.

How much chain migration has the Farook family benefited from? They seem to be an example of how Muslims manage to multiply in the West before they ever even start multiplying in the biblical sense – by using and abusing immigration laws to bring more and more fellow Muslims into the country. A decade or so ago I remember reading a report that showed that a huge percentage of Turks in the Netherlands, perhaps an overwhelming majority, import their spouses from Turkey, using Western citizenship as a sort of asset to attract a spouse. Supposedly the Netherlands even enacted a law to slow that process down.

* There are three things which, seen together, pretty much guarantee it’s Muslim terrorists:
1) Multiple perps
2) A more or less random target, rather than a political one (abortion clinic, black church, federal building, etc.)
3) The use of bombs

Bombs require some degree of training to make. Left or right wing political terrorists don’t hate all Americans, just certain institutions. Right wing terrorists don’t plot with other right-wing terrorists because conservatives are overwhelmingly against political violence, so there just aren’t that many around. Most right-wing terrorists are loners. It isn’t just the number of Islamic terrorist attacks that proves how extremist Islam is – it’s the fact they feel so comfortable plotting with each other.

* The Palestinians could have had a deal, in 1999, with Clinton forcing the Israeli government to the table, and Arafat walked away and launched the intifada. The Palestinians don’t want peace. They want and need War with Israel, because otherwise there would be no money flowing in from the Gulf. The Palestinians could have had most though not all of the West Bank, Gaza, and shared sovereignty over parts of Jerusalem but that was not enough. So they chose war and got it, good and hard.

As for the rest, they were both corrupt and incompetent societies that attracted intervention by being both weak and aggressive. The Netherlands, Ireland, and Luxembourg are weak but not aggressive, the most they do is arcane corporate tax breaks for big companies. Libya stirred up African adventurism, and terrorism against the US and Europe, eventually Khadafi found himself without friends and with an incompetent military. Ditto Iraq, and the lunatics who run Iran have at least a competent military but keep picking fights: with the Sunni Gulf, with the US periodically, with Turkey and the neo-Ottoman Erdogan.

The US and the West is the least of the Islamic World’s worries. China is increasingly dependent on ME oil, which means they not us will be intervening to assure supply. The Chinese would happily slaughter most Muslims to get cheap oil and sleep soundly at night. They sold their own people poisoned baby milk after all.

Muslim society has failed, time and time again, to grasp real power: put religion in a box, where it does not interfere with daily business and scientific life; liberate women to be literate and productive inside and outside the home; get rid of polygamy; get rid of sexual segregation; get rid of male violence and tribalism; get rid of clans and castes; create a nation-state of honest, ably administered government and promote private industry and technology. Japan has done this, to some extent China and South Korea. None are particularly Western.

Muslim poverty and violence are not the result of say, America dropping two atomic bombs on them, but their own desire to be Muslim, that is polygamous, tribal, clannish, harshly patriarchal, with all the poverty, misery, and distrust that implies. Eventually some fully industrialized nation will simply annihilate them. Aggression plus weakness spells disaster in the end.

* B. Hussein Obama announced that something must be done about people such as Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik “falling victim” to malicious ideologies. His point is that Muslims are not responsible for their terrorism. They are infected by sometimes fatal ideological viruses over which they have no control.

“It is entirely possible that these two attackers were radicalized to commit this act of terror,” Obama said in his weekly radio address Saturday. “And if so, it would underscore a threat we’ve been focused on for years — the danger of people succumbing to violent extremist ideologies.” He added that the attacks show a need to “prevent people from falling victim to these hateful ideologies.”

As the story developed, the Surgeon General confirmed that becoming a terrorist is similar to catching a cold. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department have recommended that Americans wear protective masks to prevent the spread of terrorism. As a preventive measure, DHS was has ordered 300 million masks.

However, as a more lasting measure, the Justice Department has suspended the First Amendment to protect public health. Henceforth, all written copies of the Koran will be confiscated and destroyed and all references to Islam will be censored from the Internet and social media. A Justice Department spokesperson said that they are confident that these measures will quickly get the ideological epidemic of Islamic extremism under control before more people succumb to the virus.

* We don’t have to imagine what will happen when Muslims reach 10% of the population, we just need to look at Europe and we know what will happen – except it will be worse. Unlike many of the commentators above who believe we are getting “better” Muslims than Europe, I do not believe this at all. We have merely gotten less Muslims. In fact, considering the death toll including 9/11, which was perpetrated by legal visitors who undoubtedly would have received green cards had they waited a bit, we have gotten far worse Muslims than Europe. Much worse. Islamic terror is not caused by poverty. In fact it seems to come from the middle and profession classes. Bin Laden was wealthy. The killers in San Bernadino were not poor at all – we are reminded in every article that “they were living the American Dream” (as if the dream is to murder your co-workers). Don’t look to our “exemplary” muslim population to produce Salk and Sabin, or even Bacharach and David. Islam is a horror show and we have brought it here.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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