Thousands Of Muslims In Our Midst Want To Slaughter Us

How should we respond? Sure, only about 10% of Muslims according to surveys support ISIS, so that means what, about 10,000 of Muslims in Southern California support jihad?

I don’t find that comforting. I’d rather not take the risk.

I wish white Americans had half the concern with their group interest that Muslims, blacks and Jews have.

Librarian of Hate tweets:

* islam

* islam1

* 1 in 9 Arabs has a positive view of ISIS.

* One in eight Muslims in Germany believes that terrorism is justified.

* One of best predictors of crime among migrants to Europe is the prevalence of Islam in their home country.

* 36% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified.

* ISIS is supported by 11.5% of Arabs, or 42 million people.

* rape

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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