Steve Sailer: National Immigration Safety and Quality Board vs. the Farook Family

Steve Sailer writes: “An idée fixe of mine is that there should be an independent National Immigration Safety and Quality Board to investigate spectacularly screwed-ups results of the immigration process and issue advisories on how the system can be reformed to let in only better quality people. There are 7 billion foreigners in the world, hundreds of millions of whom would like to move to America, so there’s no good reason why America should have policies that let in so many crummy people like the Farook Family.”

Chaim Amalek: “Why are such people in the West? Because Christendom produced such leaders as Lyndon Johnson, Ted Kennedy, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton (I know, he was never actually a leader, but still, he did hold the title of one), George W. Bush (with Jeb! in the wings), Tony Blair, and Angela Merkel. Christians are their own worst enemy.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* One thing I’ve come to realize is that non-discrimination is a sacred value. It’s not only one value to be balanced against others. It’s the first principle, and can never be questioned.

Want to cut back on Muslim immigration? Extremist! Reasonable people would rather have mass surveillance and never-ending war.

I watched too much Fox News today. There’s this fool named Greg Gutfeld, who is always telling us Islamic extremism is the greatest threat to mankind, something our children will worry about on a daily basis. He fancies himself some sort of brave truth teller, and his mockery of campus leftists is occasionally entertaining. But he never, ever brings up immigration when talking about this supposedly greatest threat in the history of mankind.

It’s truly depressing. We need Trump for the cultural change it’ll bring. When the president is offending every group under the sun, maybe we’ll have our own perestroika. As things stand, the sacred principle can’t be questioned, and if not Trump (and it’s a long shot)I don’t know what will ever wake the country up out of its stupor.

* A day and half since the shooting and no pics of International Missus Martyrdom Mystery Malik. Shouldn’t the federal government have her picture on file as part of the greencard process? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for them to release it, so if someone had seen her doing something sketchy they could report it?

* It’s interesting that the notion of not receiving immigrants from certain nations at all is unthinkable racism and ethnic bigotry. Obviously that’s what it is, when disparate impact is the moral equivalent of intent, and that’s a fact we all agreed to in common, rigorous debate preceding our great enthusiasm, boy that was a day to remember wasn’t it, when we made that an institution what a day that was, what fun I got shitfaced everyone got laid no disparities.

So anyways we know it would be that, evil sin utter nazism, even though we know it would be about propensities to murder. So our certainties are literally absurd, and our values are practically suicidal, worse than suicidal even, because suicide is far more respectable than retarding defense against murderers, of your children, for no good reason at all.

But what’s interesting is the absolute universal perfection of the principle’s application. (Are any nations flat barred?) I don’t know how the functionaries slice the thing. When can you say it’s ok to say “might be pro-murder”? He’s from Saudi Arabia. He’s from this town. His family are these people. This lists the friends he lists. This is his story, etcetera. When does suspicion become decisively suspicious? Do they even deal with mere likelihood? I would bet they do not deal with likelihood but only proved connection. Does it only become OK to say he might be out for murder when we know his plan?

But the most interesting question is: why is this matter of how we decide who to let in unknown to me I mean I read the media? Why does no politician exploit what is doubtless about the incompetents of bureaucrats, and say this is how we fix what is vital: None of these fuckers from Pakistan no more.

* The visual identity of “Tashfeen Malik” is complicated by the fact that apparently Syed Farook has a brother who is a US Navy veteran who is married to a Russian born woman (Tatiana Farook) who is, actually, quite a babe. My photo posted earlier today, which I found on an Australian site, is apparently of her and the “other” brother who has the same first name, Syed.

I think we are finally getting some clarity here since some seem to be distancing themselves from the identification of Tatiana as “Tashfeen Malik”, which I have found in other sources as a legit Arabic (male) name for a famous Jihadist from the 12th Century. (I had reversed the letters earlier, but in Arabic script it is “Tashfeen”.)

Here are a two new links, as before, for what it’s worth, and maybe, not much:

From the more or less reputable Daily Mail:

From the unknown provenance “Daily Entertainment”:

An older link from a Palestinian journo.

* Daily Mail: “The radicalized San Bernardino gunman clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion just two weeks before he and his Pakistani wife stormed an office holiday party where they massacred 14 people……Syed Farook, 28, got into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew who was identified today as one of the victims of Wednesday’s rampage……it is unclear if the earlier argument between Farook and Thalasinos played any role in the massacre – but authorities said Farook had left the party ‘angry’.

both men worked as county restaurant inspectors and regularly discussed politics and religion. Thalasinos was passionate about pro-Israel causes and was known to rant about Islam on Facebook. The New York Post reported that Thalasinos’ Facebook page was filled with negative comments about Muslims and references to his conservative beliefs.“

* How about no immigrants from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?

Chaim Amalek: “That’s racist! Instead demand of our politicians RECIPROCAL immigration with respect to these countries: we take in no more people from them than they took in from ours in the previous year. Problem solved, without need of any invidious discussion of the relative merits of our respective societies.”

* People who want to emigrate to a foreign land thousands of miles away and leave their families and friends behind, these people are often greedy, or just jerks, sociopaths, or mentally unstable or have some mental illness such as incipient schizophrenia or bipolar. Immigrants are often biological machines that don’t work quite right. These are often people who don’t have many friends and whose family dislikes them. Quite often, not always, there is something wrong with them, which explains why they couldn’t make it in their homeland.

I say drop immigration to a mere pittance–doctors, nurses, scientists, that is the only sort of people we need.

* What happened in San Bernardino was getting off easy as far as insulting The Prophet on Facebook is concerned.

* Americans love fantasy football — why not use a similar approach? Have an online “draft” of prospective immigrants, with each having a “card” showing their photo, country of origin, level of English proficiency, religion, education/skills, etc. The whole process could be self-funding: in addition to prospective immigrants’ fees, American citizens could pay $10 or $100 or whatever to draft a team of immigrants. Pics that get green cards win points for them by becoming net tax payers, and lose points by breaking the law or going on welfare.

* Yep.

Truck driving.

Another job Americans can’t or won’t do.

* Hannity is actually pro-Trump. He always defends him when others criticize, and I heard him say he’s one of the three Republicans he’s thinking about supporting. He used to give Ann Coulter a platform too, before she said the thing about the Jews and stopped being allowed on TV.

* Women have run the social/political show for decades now. They have made great strides protecting women at home and in the workplace.
Serious question: How can they justify/agree with allowing the immigration of the most patriarchal, domestically violent, woman hating culture of men, into their country?
Does multiculturalism exceed feminism?

* Basically a Clash of Civilizations episode with free speaking American/Jewish culture meeting and colliding with Paki/Muslim culture celebrating Charlie Hebdo/Satanic Verses type delicate sensitivities leading to Supernova.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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