The Diversity Agenda

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The western governments, with the exception of Viktor Orban in Hungary, have made it clear for a long time now that their true selectorate is the Davos elite. Absent radical change to the political system, the diversity agenda has an avalanche of billionaire and corporate cash.

Crimethinking your rather logical thoughts about Muslim terrorism, err “violent extremism”, is infinitely better than letting those Confederates out of the attic.

The left has been at work saying “land of the free, home of the brave” to mean one should be “brave” in the face of gleefully letting in Syrian terrorist invaders, who are somehow the “next Italians”.

Merkel, a spinster chancellor, pays the pimp Erdogan for her Sunni boytoys.

* Dear Muslim World:
We will stop invading your countries (and also stop aiding and abetting Israel’s shenanigans), and you don’t get to come to our countries anymore. Deal!
on behalf of the White Christian world,

* I am starting to suspect that at the heart of the war on noticing is the fear that people will notice patterns in Jewish behavior.
And we can’t have that. So you’re no longer allowed to notice patterns in any group’s behavior.

* The entire point of the left’s agenda is to lower our IQ.

Think about it:

Noticing patterns is a sign of high intelligence. People who notice patterns best—such as what the stock market does when certain things happen, what the likely questions on the math test will be, which arguments work better in front of judges than others, or what dose of what medicine makes people healthier—are highly intelligent.

But the left’s goal is to stop people from noticing patterns. Obvious patterns. based on obvious signals, like race, sex, sexuality, religion, and ethnicity.

That sort of Crimestop –if internalized—will cause a brain to arrest and stop working past a certain point. Patterns will go unnnoticed deliberately by Pavlonian training.

And thus people become dumber.

* I believe the Left just considers the occasional massacre of innocents as a cost of doing business. The Manifest Destiny of the Left is to turn America into the Tower of Babel. There might be some speed bumps along the way, but there is no reason to change course. Walter Duranty viewed Stalin and Communism the same way, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” What happened yesterday were just a few eggs being broken for the greater good down the road.

* “All respectable opinion knows that the proper response to two Muslims going jihad on their workplace is that we must redouble our efforts to diversify America through even more immigration.”
Precisely! Don’t forget that we have to increase our efforts in stamping out white racism. Racism was obviously the cause of this. Let us all, as a community, run racism out of San Bernardino! Today San Bernardino – tomorrow the world! Je suis San Bernardino anyone?

* Vancouver built city parks and built on-site caretaker suites for old single men. Some are now empty and they’re considering putting Syrian refugees into these houses. How, exactly, is a Syrian goat-herder ever going to earn enough money to support a family in Vancouver?


* Swedish families take African immigrants into their homes:



* I think we’ve reached a point where people seem to actively look forward to these mass shootings as an opportunity to identify the shooter as a representative of a political enemy.

* What do the locals call their city? In all the on-air reporting , reporters pronounce “San BernaRdino” without its second R. (In Japanese TV reporting the city is called サンバーナーディーノ , with both R’s pronounced, “Sambahnahdiino”.) And while we’re at it, how does BernaRdine Dohrn pronounce her forename?

* Apollo Creed was like Mohammed Ali + 50 IQ points. He was one of the smartest black characters in movies up to that point.

* Black gangbangers tend to have a low ratio of killed to wounded in their shootings. This New Orleans picnic gunfight wounded 17 but did kill anybody.

There was video of a drive-by shooting about a year or two ago outside a Washington DC night club that I thought was going to be a big story but disappeared immediately. A lot of people wounded but not too many people killed.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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