“Promise of Youth:” WSJ on Population Explosion in Africa

Steve Sailer writes: From the Wall Street Journal, one of those articles where the reporter starts out with the current party line, then undermines it with an abundance of distressing facts…

The article ends with a 91-year-old patriarch with 5 wives telling one of his 118 grandchildren that it’s time to cut back on having so many kids.


* George Kennan, please come back, we need a new version of your Containment policy.

* Imagining some of the potential scenarios scares me more than “The Road” starring Viggo Mortensen.

* I wonder how long it will take before the average person realizes that the promise of turning the crowded third world ghettos into havens of engineers and doctors was always a farce.

They’re still having a hard enough time as it is realizing that the waves of muslim immigrants into Europe aren’t comprised of doctors and lawyers.

* Does the article mention that these precious youth of the world’s future have an average IQ of 70?

* We should all be thankful for the fact that black Africans seem constitutionally incapable of developing an indigenous armaments industry, or even for that matter of building the necessary vehicles of mechanized transport.
Or come to think of it of organizing themselves into centralized, expansionist, militarized states with overseas conquest in mind.

No. All we have to fear are our own politicians and most particularly The Economist magazine and the WSJ itself.
Come to think of it, they are*infinitely* more dangerous to the the survival of white Europeans than a Nazi run Nigeria intent on finding lebensraum in Europe.

* One of the great questions of the 21st century is unfolding outside his window: How will the world look with vastly more Africans in it?

The article answers the question:

His roof looks out over shanties

just 9% of adults are employed full time by someone else

population has been growing faster than governments can lay down the basics of a modern economy: power plants, roads and schools.

electricity cuts out daily

The public schools are packed, their textbooks few, and teachers regularly strike. … many are just a tin roof with a teacher underneath.

Hundreds of day laborers sit on a single strip in downtown Lokoja and periodically fistfight over gigs.

Women need permission slips from their husbands to take birth control

Much of the economy … revolves around petty trade—outdoor markets, or salesman stepping through traffic.

Ships no longer come to the dock here—the river has filled up with muck.

The airstrip has fallen into disuse

the supermarkets closed.

Most of the factories in town have been shuttered … nd the goods for sale arrive from China.

Infrastructure has worn thin.

Trash gathers in open gutters

streets flood so bad that neighbors here have called the BBC to report hippos swimming in their living room.

There is only one public playground: Teenage vandals smashed it up years ago. Police smoke marijuana there.

“Redemption from decay,” reads a nearby billboard for a local politician.

* Europe is not ‘forced’ to take them.

In fact, they have absolutely no moral ‘right’ or ‘claim’ upon European people or the European continent whatsoever.

The horrible situation we have today is due to European politicians – and most particularly that god-awful monstrosity called the EU – *choosing* to take them – for a whole variety of reasons perhaps best analyzed by those who specialise in abnormal psychology.

This is an extremely important message to take on board.
In fact, it explains this whole bogus ‘crisis’, the likely future extinction of white Europeans and that exceedingly important fact which I must re-iterate that the indigenous authochthnous peoples of Europe in all actuality, by all the tenets of moral, logical philosophy, jurisprudence and international relations as understood for millennia until the madness that swept the world post 1945, have absolutely no responsibility whatsoever to black Africans, of indeed any other aliens.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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