Ann Coulter Says Paris Attacks Guarantee Donald Trump’s Presidency

Ann: They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight.

From the Washington Post:

Republican political consultant Alex Castellanos said Trump is the candidate who most speaks to the moment on a visceral level. “We want a president equal to our fears, big scary fears about holding the world together and survival,” said Castellanos, who is not affiliated with Trump’s campaign. “All of this has just been accentuated in the last 24 hours, now even more so. Now that strong leader is even more imperative.”

Trump — who said recently that he would “bomb the s— out of” oil fields controlled by the Islamic State — opened his rally Saturday by leading the crowd of several thousand in a moment of silence in remembrance of the more than 120 people killed in the Paris attacks. Trump also erroneously asserted, as he has before, that Obama planned to allow 250,000 refugees into the United States.

“You have to be insane,” Trump said of resettling Syrian refugees. “Terrible.”

Trump said in late September that if he is elected, he will force all Syrian refugees to leave the United States. He has said that these refugees could be a terrorist army in disguise and that they cannot be trusted. Such comments have resonated with rally crowds nationwide and did so again in Texas on Saturday.

From Ann Coulter:

The “universal values” we share w/ 3d World: Muslim terrorists went to back of theater to shoot ppl in wheelchairs.

Maybe guard the border before the massacre

Merkel: “We are crying with you.” Maybe a little less crying and a little more deporting.

Merkel, who invites terrorist murderers to EU, says to Germany: “We are crying with you.”

They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight.

@AnthonyCumia @AnnCoulter call Chelsea Clinton if you want to know the truth.

Why does NO ONE say the obvious thing on TV?! It’s insane. Don’t want terrorism in US? Stop importing Muslims!

TRUMP 2016! Ann Coulter added,
EdAsante @EdAsante77
Where are the great men? Who will step up & do what needs to be done? Anyone?

So, what video upset the murderers in Paris?

100% of TV talk is @ fighting ISIS–IN SYRIA. Bomb away, but isn’t there something else we should consider? Like not letting ISIS move here?

What’s the upside of letting millions of Muslims migrate to western countries?

Can we all agree now? No more Muslim immigration. How is this making life better for us? But the mass immigration machine churns on …

Every year, the US imports 100K more Muslims to live here permanently. Rubio says he wants more. Why would anyone support him?

Too bad there were no concealed carry permits … anywhere in Europe … since 1818.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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