Trump on “SNL” Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* It was YUUGEEE. And surprisingly honest about race. Actually joking a lot about race. I haven’t watched in years but this Trump one was pretty good. Or maybe I’m such a Trump fan that I am easily amused.

* Cast members seemed afraid to hug Trump at the end. Trump did well, though the show wasn’t too funny, for the most part. Opening with Larry David was funny though.

* Trump doesn’t like to be touched.

He sleeps 4 hours a night, he claims he hasn’t cried since he was a baby and has stated he doesn’t like to shake hands.

I like that Trump doesn’t want people hanging on him and hugging him.

* I think SNL really dropped the ball, in that they had a chance to grab some more frequent viewership from people who were watching only for Trump, but they couldn’t deliver a funny product. Some of the sketches were just really awful.

There were a few mildly funny parts, and Trump was entertaining but really underutilized in my opinion, but overall there is just not a whole lot of talent putting together that show.

Is just an overall lack of talent, or is it that it is near impossible to be politically correct and funny at the same time? A little of both, in my opinion.

* He has never held public office or government employment of any kind. If he’s elected, I’m pretty sure he’ll be the first such President. As far as I know, everyone from Washington to Obama had held some kind of political, legal or military position at some stage in their lives. If he becomes President, that fact would surely have huge symbolic significance, although of course it’s the power conferred by his wealth that allowed him to bypass the usual route to the White House.

* There were reports that Trump nixed some ideas so as not to alienate Iowans, but that doesn’t seem a convincing explanation. Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld suggested the writers underwrote the show as a protest.

Some low-hanging fruit the show could have gone for and didn’t:

1) Had Trump play Jeb. The audience would have started laughing as soon as Trump walked out, and there’s plenty of ways they could have run with that. How about Thanksgiving at his parents’ house with W. there and everyone ripping on Jeb’s lousy campaign? The heavyset white gal cast member could have played Jeb’s wife, and all of her dialogue could have been in nonsense Spanish. Or what about a riff on Jeb’s lame slogan “Jeb’ll fix it”. Set the skit in 2017, where Jeb, having flamed out of politics, is a handyman in overalls in Florida, and all of his customers mock him with his old slogan.

2) Had Trump play General William Westmoreland tossing his car keys to one of the black male cast members playing a young Ben Carson. Then Carson tells all of his friends at the place where he’s a teen parking valet that he was just offered a scholarship to West Point. One of the friends doubts Carson’s claim, so he stabs him to death, then hijinks ensue when he tries to hide the body.

3) Had Trump play himself at his Florida golf club mistaking a visiting Marco Rubio for a caddy or waiter.

* The dancing segment was funny. There were other times where it seemed like the sketches were deliberately meant to hammer home the association between Trump and sleaziness. But, it’s not like they slobbered all over Hillary and Bernie either. I’d imagine the cast were vary weary about appearing cozy with Trump. Larry David has no idea the backlash he’s about to get making light of those offering to pay to call Trump racist. Larry is very liberal but he may not understand just how batshit crazy pc activism has gotten.

* Trump knows when he actually needs to be pc…and the networks’s producers & directors must tow the corporate line…pc wins. I agree, it was boring. Nothing ventured, nothing gained night. Ho hum.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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