America Has Gone Mad

From JustNotSaid: The US Department Education’s Office of Civil Rights has ordered the Palatine Illinois Township School District to allow a boy who identified as a girl to shower with the girls. Even after the Illinois school district relented and said it would be okay, but that the student should stay in a curtained off part of the girl’s locker room, the Justice Department called this discrimination, and insisted he be allowed to shower in the communal area.

Strangely, this was all done in the name of Title IX, which was formulated to prevent discrimination against girls.

Is this fair to the girls?

Men who put cameras in women’s locker rooms get sent to jail. But, if they want to be there themselves, that’s evidently okay.

For decades now we’ve had the feminists tell us that men who stared at (clothed) women the wrong way are guilty of sexual harassment. That men who comment about women’s looks are guilty of the same. And generally, that men who make women uncomfortable in any way are pigs.

But now the Obama administration — which has done its best to promote the lie that one in five college women is sexually assaulted — is forcing girls to parade around naked in front of a biological male.

I can’t wait for the feminists to weigh in on this controversy.

What is to prevent a heterosexual guy from growing his hair long, claiming to identify with girls, and taking advantage of this policy? What would the girls have to say about this?

“I feel really uncomfortable with Mike, or Michelle as we’re supposed to call him, staring at us all the time. I just put my clothes on as fast as I can.”

“The thing is, if he says he’s a girl, why does he have an erection, or at least half an erection, bobbing around all the time?”

“I was sort of creeped out when Michelle said we should get together for some hot girl on girl action sometime.”

“Michelle spends forever in there changing. He’s always taking his time tying and then ‘accidentally’ untying his shoelaces while looking up at our crotches.”

“Why is he always offering to wash my back for me? I’ve never needed anyone to do that.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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