About Danielle Berrin

I assume Danielle wrote this:

Danielle Berrin writes the award-winning Hollywood Jew blog, a cutting edge, values-based take on the entertainment industry for jewishjournal.com. A Los Angeles Times profile dubbed her ‘a natural born provocateur’ for her commentaries on the business, culture and characters of Hollywood. Danielle has twice been awarded a Southern California Journalism Award for “best blog” in Los Angeles and has received additional honors for her personality profiles and columns. Danielle has also appeared as a commentator on CNN and MSNBC and published work for The Guardian, British Esquire and The Huffington Post. She regularly conducts live interviews on a range of topics and frequently lectures on Hollywood’s global influence. In 2013, she was selected as an American Jewish World Service Global Justice Fellow and has continued to explore pathways to international development.

Danielle has excellent manners. She’s a classy lady, something I could never say about myself.

What I most like on this page are the comments:

* Danielle, unfortunately we never got an opportunity to talk at Steven Lurie’s dinner last night, I wanted to discuss with you about my all naturanl skin care product, shoot me an email on facebook and let’s set up a time to chat.

* Check out Isaiah 53!

* Hi Danielle, want you to work on a movie-script? I’m sure you bona love it. Please write me to: sakismavrelis@yahoo.com

* Danielle — you write, by far, the most entertaining blogs of anyone in the “blogosphere!” Would it be possible to get an autographed photo? Keep those wonderful columns coming! Thank you.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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