Does America Have A ‘Deep State’?

I’m surprised that this analyst’s anti-Israel columns haven’t gotten him banned from the MSM.

When was the last time premiere political scientists John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt were published in the MSM (and the NYT)?

Philip Giraldi, ex-CIA officer, writes for the NYT:

But every country has a deep state of some kind. “The Establishment,” as it’s been called in the United States, where it evolved from the Washington-New York axis of national security officials and financial services executives. They are said to know what is “best” for the country and to act accordingly, no matter who sits in the White House.

From the comments at NYT:

* The American Deep State seems to consist, very disproportionately, of Jewish Zionists. Netanyahu receives absurd standing ovations and billions for war crimes and violating multiple UN resolutions. Few dare oppose AIPAC, and the rhetoric against BDS is Orwellian.

And yet – one is absolutely forbidden to speak of disproportionate Zionist power, such as leaves Victoria Nuland in a high place in the State Department even after Bush left office.

And this Zionist hijacking is, frankly, a large part of the problem.

I write all this knowing that merely mentioning …how one can not speak of disproportionate Jewish-and-Zionist power… can not *itself* be mentioned. But right wing, Likudnik Jewish Zionists seem to have had, far, far too much power.

Going back to the little-known Office of Special Plans set up precisely to create evidence to justify the Iraq war long desired by Oded Yinon, Sheldon Adelson, and other Greater Israel types.


Israel has inevitably responded brutally, producing a death toll of significantly more Palestinians than Israelis. Netanyahu has been referring to the protesters as terrorists and has issued new rules of engagement which permit soldiers to shoot stone throwers. Israeli plainclothes soldiers and police have been identified as infiltrating the protesters while pretending to be Palestinians, urging the young Arabs to hurl stones before pulling out concealed handguns to beat protesters, shoot them and make arrests.

In Gaza five teenagers were shot dead by Israeli soldiers for the crime of coming too close to the separation barrier, which government press releases described as the “frontier.” Killing teenagers in Gaza is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel as they are fenced in and have in reality no way to actually confront the Israeli border guards. On the day following the killing of the boys a mother and infant were killed in an Israeli airstrike. Within Israel an Eritrean was even mistakenly killed by Israeli police because he was reportedly acting oddly.

Because of a hostile media’s self-censorship buttressed by an unfriendly political class, here in the United States one of the few places in which the Palestinians can exercise something like free expression relating to their national aspirations is on college campuses. Israel and its powerful supporters understand that gap in their ability to control the narrative and are doing everything possible to shut down the option.

Friends of Israel, as ever, work from the same playbook orchestrated by the large donors who fund them. They claim that anti-Israel protests on campus to include even letters to the editor in college newspapers constitute a “threatening environment” for Jewish students. The argument is based on a fundamental falsehood, which is that criticism of the actions of a foreign government is equivalent to hatred for the dominant religion of that country, that religion is exactly the same as nationality. Applying that notion liberally would mean that criticism of any country where there is de facto or de jure a dominant state religion would be unacceptable speech. If applied liberally countries spanning the globe would be exempt from criticism, to include not only Israel but also Saudi Arabia and Iran.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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